Hey I am back!!! Did you guys miss me? I sure did miss you guys. I will try to post more often.

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! And the only thing I own is myself and this fanfic.


Then I went to Mrs. Robinson's language arts class, and I just got to chill during the whole class since the class took a test today on this book that they have been reading since the beginning of the year. Finally after 45 minutes the bell rang for lunch and before I headed out of Mrs. Robinson's class I noticed that my bracelet was missing!!! My favorite bracelet!!!

"Mrs. Robinson I can't find my bracelet!!!"

"Are you sure you had it with you today?"

"I am sure I probably dropped it on my way here from P.E. bye Mrs. Robinson I've got to go! Maybe someone I know has my bracelet." I said as I ran out of the classroom.

"Hopefully you find it." Mrs. Robinson said.

"/Oh boy! I've got to find my bracelet, OMG! I've had that bracelet since I was very, very small!/" I was thinking while I ran and tears ran down face.

"Mariana?" I heard a familiar voice behind me so I turned around and I saw Yugi "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, hey Yugi you happen to have seen a bracelet with a teddy bear with a blue stone?"

"Yeah, why is it yours?"

"You have! Oh thank goodness, though I had lost it!"

"Here." Yugi said he pulled out my bracelet from his pocket and handed it to me.

"Thanks." I said as I reached out to get my bracelet and then we touched each others hands and I looked up to his eyes only to notice that it wasn't Yugi anymore, it was the Pharaoh!!! "/wow his hands are soft/"

"So are you going to lunch?" Yugi said (he transformed back.)

Then I pretended to be surprised, "Yugi?"


"You were taller just now!!!"

"What do you mean?"

"Oh never mind I guess my mind is playing tricks on me, so lets go to lunch!"

"Yeah that's a good idea, I am starving."

So then Yugi and I headed towards the lunch area where we met with Joey, Tristan, Tea, Bakura, and Duke.

"Hey you guys!" I said as we reached the table they were seating at.

"Hi Mariana!" Joey said then he noticed the balloons I was carrying… "Who gave you that?"

"What? These balloons?" I said.

"Yes those balloons!!! What else?" Joey said and in his voice he sounded mad.

"Oh some guy named Seto Kaiba." And then I realized that I made a big mistake by saying I got these balloons from Kaiba because Joey got really steamed so steamed that if you poured water on him it would evaporate before it even touched his skin. He then got up from the table and left.

"Oh boy!" Tristan said as he left and followed Joey.

"We better follow them because I am sure that Joey is going to look for a fight with Kaiba and if he is Tristan won't be able to stop him on his own." Tea said and we all agreed with her and followed Joey and Tristan.


Joey's POV

After a few minutes of looking for Kaiba he found him. Kaiba was eating steak.

"Okay Kaiba what do you want with Mariana-chan."

"What are you talking about you mutt?" Kaiba said as he stood up.

"You know what I am talking about rich boy!"

"Actually I don't."

"Let Mariana alone."

"What are you afraid she may like me more than you!!!"

"Well I am pretty sure Mariana doesn't like rich snobs."

"Oh yeah! What makes you be sure about that, Mariana could be greedy and she is hiding it to trick you."

At that time we got to were Joey was and I heard what Kaiba.

"You know Kaiba you are so wrong I am not a greedy person okay!!! And you better not call Joey a mutt, because he has better qualities than you. Joey is a man and you are the mutt because you don't have the qualities that make a great person, you think because you have billions of dollars makes you a great man then you are wrong. It is great qualities that make a great man and that's the type of man I want for me, nota rich bastard." I said to Kaiba.

"Look dump the geek squad and you'll get diamonds, gold, silver, you name it." Kaiba said.

"Oh yeah and in your standards what makes a geek?" I asked.

"The dumb friendship quality and…" Kaiba was saying but I interrupted him

"Then I am geek since I have that quality." I said. "Oh yeah Kaiba you can have this back." I said as I handed him the stuff he gave me earlier.

Then at that moment the bell rang and we headed to class.