Right, finally wrote another drabble..
Its for the stargate1000 challenge: Black.
So, yup. Review please
Disclaimer: Nope. Dun own.
Dedicated to Kiri and Fatty.
He didn't feel the pain as much as hear it. It was like the sound of falling wind, of shattered rain, sounded like a racing storm. It shocked him, at first, it did. And then there were shadows where there should have been light, oblivion where the sky should have been.
He liked the color black, usually, but not like this. Not covering everything, invading, spreading, like ink of the same color.
The black got blacker, more shadowed, and for once, he felt fear. Overwhelming, heart-aching, terrible-fear.
And the blackness-shadows stole away everything, and there was the sound of breaking trees, and falling rain-heavy clouds, and the sound of heart-breaking grief, because they knew.
And shadow-oblivion took over.
And there really wasn't anything left.
And there was blackness, darkness.
And Jack knew no more.