Hey! ScarlettHuntress here. First off, this fic of mine doesn't take place at any particular time in the Inuyasha timeline. Secondly, this fic contains yaoi, mentions of yaoi and so on- If you don't like this, don't read it, or flame me for it. Plenty of other FFnet-ers enjoy yaoi. Thirdly, I do not own anything, except for the slightly-beautified-version me. It's not really me, kinda my avatar. Well, that's it! Please enjoy and FOR THE LOVE OF BISHIES REVIEW.
My Shackles of Words Chapter One- Illusions of Being in Control
Two metres under the Iron cage he angrily kicked at the pages, causing them to rise and fall like autumn leaves. Allowing an angry hiss to escape his lips, the self-made youkai looked up at his redheaded prisoner.
"You seek to control me, sorceress?" His voice bounced off the walls of the dimly lit dungeon.
"I'm not a sorceress, I'm a writer!" She cheerily replied, earning a scowl from him.
"And yet you seek to write out what you propose my actions to be?"
"I am a writer."
"You already uttered that lie. You are a sorceress, and a young, inexperienced one at that. Your spells are weak." He uttered a short laugh. "Not even a master sorceress could cast a spell on I, The mighty Naraku!" His second laugh was longer, and somewhat more evil.
"Are you in control, Naraku?"
This question surprised him. It took about three seconds for him to regain his composure.
"I am ALWAYS in control!"
He stooped to pick a loose sheet of paper.
"Your worthless spells will not wor---"
His eyes widened as far as they could get. If we could see the transfer from the paper to him, it would resemble a localized lightning strike. The words slithered into his mind, and fitted oh-so-comfortably inside his brain.
Naraku dropped the paper and was gone. There was something else to address than that stupid sorceress girl, these new feeling and wants suddenly in his mind, wants that demanded to be met.
Not that he minded.
Above the empty void where he had stood seconds ago, the bars of the iron prison crumpled like paper. More accurately, for a second they were paper.
She dropped silently to the floor.
"Can't expect the worthless slaves he ordered to transport these pages here to get caught in their words- they are worthless…" she muttered to herself, crouching on the floor.
"Silly Naraku. A sorceress, am I? A spell, this?" She retrieved the paper he had touched. A slight scorch mark outlined the place where his thumb had been. She allowed her eyes to scan the sheet.
…….Naraku allowed his finger to trail through his silver-haired lover's hair. Sesshomaru growled inside the spider demon's mouth in response, rubbing his leg wantingly against the other man's…..
"It seems, silly Naraku, you got caught in the most potent part of my spell."
A distance rapidly expanding past a hundred or so kilometers away, Naraku ran, one thought throbbing in his mind, threatening to take over his consciousness more than it had already.
One thought.
Must Jump Sesshomaru.
"Dearest Naraku, How in control were you EVER?"
She silently gathered her precious papers.