Warnings and Author's notes.: This is Shounen-ai Cloud and Sephiroth from the Kingdom Hearts universe. This is in response to a challenge form my dear little sister Yuuzai. The challenge was simple. 1. Cloud had to be tied up by Yuffie and Aerith. 2. Cloud must be shirtless. 3. Cloud must not want to see him but want to see him. 4. Some one must say that their children will have two wings. 4. Cid must be there and stop Sephiroth from killing them. 5. some one must say that Cloud would have been caught eventually. 6. Some one has to pull on Cloud's hair.

All tied up By Tsumi

A pounding pain in his head woke cloud slowly. He groaned and opened his eyes only to close them again in pain. He could tell his hands were tied behind his back and possibly to the chair he sat in. A quick jerk of his feet told him they were tied as well. He cracked open his eyes again noting a slight draft. He looked down seeing that his shirt and cloak were missing. "About time you woke up. " Yuffie's voice came from directly infront of him. Looking up he saw her sitting on a bed his clothes beside her and his sword leaning against the wall on the bed's other side. "Yuffie" He growled sure she had something to do with this situation. "Don't worry Cloud,I won't touch you" Yuffie jumped off the bed and walked towards him. "Sephiroth might though"
"S...Sephiroth." He started to struggle ignoring the pain in his head.
"He'll be here soon." Aerith's voice came from behind him, she tugged on his hair and walked around to his front. "You know you couldn't run from him forever." She smiled.
"I'm not running, And I don't want to see him. "He lied.

The door to the room opened and Cid entered. He looked a little startled.
"He's here and he looks mad." The man told them.

"And why should I be mad." The tall silver haired man stood in the doorway, long sword in hand. His black coat billowing, his single feathered black wing open and his green eyes flashing with unnamed emotions. He looked back and forth between the girls and cloud. Intimidated by the man Yuffie hid behind Aerith who stood there perfectly calmly, and unflinching under his glare.
"Hello Sephiroth." She said smiling brightly.
"what is the meaning of this Aerith?" "Meaning of what"
"Aerith don't play with me." He stepped into the room, stepping around Cid. He looked at Cloud who blushed slightly and struggled harder against the ropes. He looked at the other three. "all of you leave now before I kill you." Yuffie ran for the door edging around the angry man. Aerith smiled nodded and walked past him. Cid just nodded and stepped out closing the door behind him.
"Think their kids'll have two wings?" Aerith asked Cid as the door closed.

Cloud's blush deepened as he struggled more, the ropes should be loose enough soon.
Sephiroth smirked putting his sword down and approached Cloud. "I would have rather caught you my self my light." He leaned close to Cloud.
Cloud tried to fight it but Sephiroth grabbed his chin and pulled his face up for a kiss. Afterwards her pulled back and smirked.
"But this works"

Tsumi: Well Imuto how was it?