Yo! Wolf here! I decided that it would be really fun to do a Riddick story for some strange reason. So, This is the first chapter and I hope ya like it! R&R, if ya don't I won't update! Isn't that simple? (Evil laugh)
Disclaimer: Urgh...I don't own any form of Pitch Black or TCOR...sadly
Ch.1 Nightmares
The black sky was cloudless and streaks of purple light danced between the stars. Bright multi colored planets shined and brought faint light down upon the tan buildings. The wind was blowing, softly ruffling anything it passed. It howled and picked up orange and red leaves, carrying them past a short balcony with a lone figure standing on it.
Tanned fingers brushed back flowing strands of dark brunette hair and then moved to the stone railing. Amber eyes seemed to search and look beyond the sky for something, or someone.
Jack leaned against the railing, an oversized, white t-shirt hanging off her shoulders and a pair of black boxer's underneath. She knew she wasn't supposed to be up this late, but she hadn't been able to sleep. Well, since he left.
She had stayed with Imam on New Mecca for the last four years, suppressing any anger or sadness she felt at the loss of her idol. She had been a good little girl for Imam and obeyed his wishes to act polite, get good grades and otherwise be a good daughter. On the outside, she liked being remotely normal, hanging out with other people and running around town. On the inside she was torn, wishing she was free and unbound by this society, and that she was with him.
She loved her adopted father no doubt about it, but there was just some things that he wouldn't understand. Ever since she got on this planet she had been training. On T-2 she had watched his every movement closely, memorizing them and replaying it in her mind. She brought back that knowledge with her, and ever since the day she was abandoned by him she was preparing herself for the inevitable.
Everyday she would leave school property to go to a gym and kick some sorry guy's ass who didn't know it was coming. If she ever heard a catcall or whistle, the person was on their back in 3 seconds flat, some sort of blade pressed up to their throat. Jack didn't play.
There was just something odd about the last year she had been here. She had honed her senses, just like he told her to do, she often sensed another presence around her, but couldn't pick it up. Strange men in dark cloaks often came to Imam's door and she knew they weren't here on friendly terms. Something had started already, something bad, and she was getting impatient.
Jack gave a sigh and turned, gliding into the safety of her room. She closed the glass doors behind her and cast her eyes down on the floor. Climbing into her bed, she rustled the sheets a little and pulled them tightly around her body. She feared closing eyes for her nightmares would return where she was vulnerable and unprotected. Nonetheless, she let her lids shut as she was cast into darkness, her nightmares resurfacing….
The girl looked up into silver pools staring down at her, unfeeling. A strong, protective hand was on her shaved head and an arm pulling her close to a larger body. Cold rain was hitting hard and she buried her head in his chest. "Don't leave me."
The man's mouth formed a hard line, "Those damn Mercs won't leave me alone, you understand Jack?"
She nodded, tears stinging her eyes, but mixing with the cool rain. She looked up at the silver pools still staring down at her. "You better promise to come back for me Riddick. If you don't… I'll hunt you down and kill you myself, fuckin' honest!" Her eyebrows furrowed into a glare, but then soon turned into a child's saddened eyes. Salty droplets once again spilling from her eyes as she hugged him closer to her.
Riddick clenched his jaw, unsure as if he really wanted to leave her. They had formed a special bond and he felt like her protector. His eyes glanced under the shelter where Imam stood, his eyes cast downward. He swallowed and knew he had to leave her. His shinning eyes found jacks and he let out a low growl, almost a whisper. "Watch Your language kid." He reached from around his neck and pulled off his glinting silver dog tags. He put the oversized chain over Jack's head and adjusted them on her chest. "I'll be back for you, I promise. It'll take some time though so don't get too happy, I'll be expecting those back." A small smile graced his lips as Jack grinned up at him. "Don't worry kid; just take care of Holy Man until I get back." His deep voice vibrated through his chest and Jack could feel the vibrations, she was so close. "Remember to listen, smell, see, feel and taste. Always know your surroundings."
"Yes sir." Jack let her tears pour out without blockage, hoping that he wouldn't be able to tell. She held onto him, not wanting to ever let go, but knowing she had too.
"That's my girl." He planted a kiss on the top of her fuzzy head and turned to leave her. He slid out of her grasp and stalked back to his ship, never looking back. If he had looked back, he would have never left.
Jack watched as her lifeline was cut from her and the rain never hurt so much in her life, not even on T-2.
The morning sunlight shone through the curtains and onto Jack's face. "Riddick," she groaned, trying to escape the light by rolling to her other side. Aggravated with the sunlight, her eyes fluttered open and she moved her satin pillow over her face. She growled and threw it against the wall, sitting up.
Hearing Imam's voice calling her name, she walked over and opened her door slightly to yell back, "I'm coming!" She grunted as she threw on some khakis and a green tank top. She pulled out the silver chain from under her shirt to reveal Riddick's dog tags. She strapped a band with holstered knives to her thy and a silver band covering up a tattoo on her arm. Brushing her hair and sweeping it up into a ponytail, she ran down the steps and into the kitchen.
"Good morning, father." She said, opening up the fridge to grab something to drink.
Imam spun around, a light colored apron tied around his waist. "You're late again young one, and look at what you're wearing!" he scolded as usual. Setting down a plate full of food and a glass, he looked over through the window. "It's getting light you should be on your way. Be careful not to wake my wife and-"
Jack cut him off before grabbing the bacon and toast off of the plate, "- and Ziza, I gotcha." She wolfed down the food and in a matter of seconds the glass was empty as well, Jack out of the door.
It was still slightly dark outside , even with the dark orange sun, but Jack had become accustomed to moving in the dark. It was part of her daily training ritual; she rather liked how useful it was. She adjusted the large cameo colored bag on her shoulder that held her school books. None of the merchants were out yet, but soon the streets would be filled with them, trading and bartering to anyone who passed by. But not now, not at this hour of silence and desertedness, only Jack was out. She often wondered if everyone else took a different route together, but she cast those thoughts aside as she neared a large, round building.
Jack entered the building, absentmindedly fingering the dog tags that hung down to her chest. They weren't army tags she didn't think, there was no code number, no symbols. The only thing that was printed on them was Richard B. Riddick, in bold lettering. She would hold them close but feared to read the name, for she wasn't sure if he would really keep his promise.
Other classmates and students walked past her in the hallway, but she paid them no attention. She had made one friend in all the four years, she just didn't trust easily anymore.
Leaning against the smooth plaster on the wall, her eyes met those of a taller man with shoulder length black hair. His skin was also tanned from the almost endless sun on the planet. Baggy blue jeans hung off his waist and a black t-shirt with a dragon on the back adorned his upper torso. He had piercing, dark blue eyes that seemed to hold back a smirk of their own. Jack gave a small smirk, "Am I late?"
The man smiled, his eyes lighting up when he saw her. "Tell me Jack, are you ever on time?" He turned so that she was next to him as they started walking down the hall. "I see Imam still can't get you to wear dresses like all the other girls."
Jack shrugged, "He knows I would rather die then wear anything remotely close to that." She pointed to one of her girl classmates who was running down the hall, just arriving in the building.
The girl was wearing sheet like material that flowed behind her, the top of the dress was long-sleeved and fabric wrapped around her neck.
Jack figured it was way to damn hot for all that, and it was a dress. No way in hell would Jack wear something like that to a hot class inside with no air conditioning.
The man sighed as people were running down the hall trying to be less late then they already were. "Anything eventful happen yesterday after I left?"
Jack shook her head, "Unfortunately no. Ziza was trying to imitate me and got hurt again. I told her not to, but she doesn't listen. We shouldn't have let her watch us train, Trey." She growled, getting mad at herself for allowing Ziza to watch.
"Don't blame yourself." Trey said, giving Jack a reassuring rub on the back. His eyes wandered over as he almost passed his classroom, "Gotta run kid," Trey said, waving goodbye with two fingers.
"Same time as usual!" She yelled, before he disappeared into a classroom in the corner. She sighed as she entered her own classroom. No one was paying attention to her late entrance except the teacher. She rolled her eyes when the teacher started to scold her.
"Stop right there! I've got a bone to pick with you Miss! Do you have any sense of time at all? You are 15 minutes late, EVERYDAY! I don't understand it!" The teacher kept going with mass amounts of insults and attacks on how lazy Jack was.
Jack had gone to her seat and was currently looking out the window and ignoring her teacher's rants. She sighed when the personal attack was finally over and she moved on to the whole class.
What felt like days later, school finally ended and Jack went to the side of the building to meet Trey.
He was leaning up against the wall, backpack in one hand and a pocket knife in the other. "Race ya to the training ground." A small smirk present on his face as he watched Jack's eyes awaken fully.
"Don't take too long." Jack mused, cracking her neck and biting her lip. It was like an imaginary whistle went off and the two weren't visible anymore to the on looking pair of eyes in the shadows.
Riddick sat at the command seat looking out into the star littered space. He was on a brand new ship, and for once he wasn't a prisoner. He had been hiding out on a deserted planet, mercs still after him. After he killed all the mercs who were after him, he'd take anything that was on them and left the rest to the wild. It was all in self defense, but he still got what he wanted. Over the last couple years, he hadn't had many visitors strangely enough, not that he was complaining. So he decided it was time he left.
He took one of the ships that the mercs had traveled on and took it to the nearest planet. Of course he disarmed it of any transmitters first, but those were just details. After trading in the ship, with a little bit of his other acquired earnings he had enough to buy his own small ship.
Currently, he had it on autopilot and was watching the twinkling stars, thinking of his own little star named Jack that he left on New Mecca four years ago. It was still a long way to New Mecca, but he would get there.