In Wonderland

Chapter 1 - Down the rabbit hole

Written by - Treina

Disclaimer - I do not own disney's or Lewis Carol's Alice in Wonderland, I am in no way making money off of this. This fic is written purely out of fandom, I have no money, so suing would be in-effective.

Warnings - OOC - AU - Crossover

A/N - My father gave me the idea of writing this one. Annyong began a crossover fairy tale, and that's where we got the idea to start this one! I hope you all enjoy it, sorry if this chapter is waaaay to short...but I had to end it here...I will get the next one up asap ) Please R&R, I always love reviews, if you have any suggestions to make this fic any better, I will take them full heartily.

Character List
Alice - Hinata (naruto)
Sister - Kuranai (naruto)
Cat - Kyou (fruits baskets)
White Rabbit - Kon (bleach)

(((Alice in Wonderland, how do you get to Wonderland?
Over the hill or underland, or just behind the tree?
When clouds go rolling by, they roll away and leave the sky.
Where is the land beyond the eye, that people can not see, where can it be?
Where do stars go, where is the grass that's blue?
They must be somewhere in the sunny afternoon.
Alice in Wonderland, where is the path to Wonderland?
Over the hill or here or there, I wonder where

Hinata hummed the tune from her favorite movie as she sat in a tree, half listening to the history lesson Kuranai was giving her, it was a boring day, that was for sure. But she didn't mind, considering all the flowers that could keep her company, not to mention her cat Kyou who seemed to also enjoy the flowers that lay around them. She spent her hour making little flower crowns, Kyou didn't seem to like that aspect of the flowers, but it didn't really matter, it was all in good fun anyway.

"Hinata!" Kuranai cut in on her daydreaming, "will you kindly pay attention to your history lesson"
"Im listening" Hinata sighed, going back into her daze, if she only knew how much noise she was making.
"Hinata, please"
"Im sorry, but how can one possibly pay attention to a book with no pictures in it"
Kuranai's eye twitched, "my dear child," she began, looking up at her pale eyed student, "there are a great many books in this world, without pictures."

Hinata sighed for the second time, leaning her back against the tree, 'in this world perhaps,' she thought to herself, 'but this world is so dull and boring.' She looked at Kyou, "but in my world, the books would be nothing but pictures"
"In your world?" Kuranai interrupted, half laughing, "what nonsense. Now, from the beginning."

"Nonsense?" Hinata asked herself, just then, a light bulb went off in her head, "that's is Kyou! If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrariwise, what it is, it wouldn't be, and what it wouldn't be, it would. You see"
Kyou shook his head, meowing.
"Im my world you wouldn't say 'meow'. You would say, 'yes, I see Hinata-chan'
Kyou shot her a look of un-belief.
"But you would, everything would be different. You would be just like people! And all the other animals too."

Hinata hopped off the tree and made way for the field to their left, explaining just what her world would be like. But Kyou kept interrupting the girl with his meows.
"Kyou, its just a stuffed animal with a wastecoat...and a watch!" She hopped up from her spot in the grass to take a better look. She rubbed her eyes, making sure that this wasn't just a dream. But still, there he ran in a hurry, he seemed to be nervous or something, for he kept telling himself that he was late.
"Oh my fluff and buttons, Im late"
"How curious," she looked at Kyou, picking him up, "what would a stuffed animal be late for?
Kon dashed down the little road, "Im late! Im late! Its for a very important date! I have no time to say hello. Goodbye! Im late!" His little lets trailing behind him, every other second he would look at his huge pocket watch.

"It must be awfully important, like a party or something! Wait!" But the little toy was out of site, she couldn't help but get exited over the thought of a party. Being the little girl she is, she had always loved parties, especially the little cakes that were always to be expected at one. She hurried down the little road the small stuffed animal was running down and spotted a tiny hole in the ground. She frowned, "this cant be right, who would have a party in here?"

As she entered the hole he noticed that it was just the perfect size, if it were any smaller, she would have to crawl on her belly to get in. "Hello?" She yelled, but all she could hear was her voice echo back. "Hmm, you know, we shouldn't be doing this, after all, we haven't been invited...and curiosity often leads to troub-" But she was cut of by a swift drop in the hole and she found herself falling.

"Good-bye Kyou," she waved to her little orange cat, and her little orange cat waved back, "good-bye!"

And for a long time, she felt herself fall into darkness.