Title: An Unlooked for Adventure.
Summary: Major Samantha Carter and SG-1 go on an ordinary mission... and return with a baby.
Season: Five.
Rating: T for safety.
Pairing: S/J.
From the thoughts of Jack O'Neill...
You know, I have always considered myself an easygoing guy. Not surprised easily, especially not in this line of work. But I sure didn't plan on THIS happening.
Jack scanned the area, looking for potential threats. Carter and Daniel were already transformed into geeks, exclaiming over some ruins and some mysterious power source. Teal'c stood patiently listening to them babble while keeping an eye out danger.
"Sir!" Carter called, "I think there could be a deposit of Naquadah here."
Jack stared at her. Over the past few months, she had deliberately tried NOT to confuse him with scientific jumble. It was straight to the point. To be honest, he kinda missed it...
"Take a sample!" he yelled back.
She nodded and dug into her pack. Daniel was snapping pictures and Teal'c was helping Carter. He was going to join them when he heard a soft cry.
Instantly on the alert, he signaled everyone to be quiet. With a few gestures, they obediently followed him, ready to defend themselves. After twenty minutes, they came upon a small village.
"Whoa," Daniel unconsciously whispered. "That's amazing!"
"What is?" Jack demanded.
"The village. It looks exactly like those drawn of villages in 1400's in Ancient Japan and-"
Carter slowly lowered her monocular. "Sir, they're dead."
Jack looked at her. "What?"
She handed him her monocular. He took a long look before handing it back to her.
"Masks on now," he announced pulling his from his pack. "Gloves too," he added.
Daniel looked at Sam with puzzlement clearly written across his face.
"There are bodies lying all over the place," she explained. "I think everyone is dead."
I felt sick a half hour later. We combed the whole village and counted 340 dead. Most of them were grouped around three houses; Daniel says it was a religious center. Their bodies seem to indicate they have been dead for several days.
Jack tore his gaze away from the city. His 2IC was standing there with compassion and concern on her face.
"Daniel wants to know whether we should head back or stay and search for survivors."
"Let's head back."
She nodded.
Daniel slowly dialed the symbols to Earth. "Hey Sam, you want to send the-"
A loud cry interrupted their conversation. Jack's head shot up, "Carter, with me. Daniel, you go with Teal'c. Meet back here in 10 minutes, keep in radio contact."
Teal'c nodded his understanding and headed east followed by Daniel. Another cry filled the air.
"Carter, this way."
I wasn't sure where I was going but I kept hearing this cry. We had walked 5 minutes when we heard another cry coming from near by. It sounded like-
Jack froze. "Oh my god."
Carter came up from behind. "Oh my."
In a small clearing laid a young woman.
"Is she dead?" she asked.
Jack slowly reached underneath some vines and pulled out a basket. Carter's eyes widened.
"Daniel, Teal'c, come in."
"O'Neill. What is it?"
There was a notable hesitation. "Er... we found something."
"What, Jack?" Daniel demanded.
Jacklooked over at his second-in-command. "Well, we found a baby."
Daniel and Teal'c crashed through the brush and stopped abruptly. Sam was cradling a baby in her arms.
"Is it... alive?" Daniel asked.
Almost on cue, the baby wailed.
Teal'c stared it. "Where did that child come from?" he said giving Jack an almost accusatory glance.
Jack sputtered for a second before catching on. "Wedidn't...OH, you mean THAT. Not uh... the stork... and us... We uh, found it."
"You FOUND it?" Daniel questioned.
"Yes, Daniel."
Daniel looked at the dead woman on the ground, "Looks like she was trying to reach the 'gate before the plague spread."
"And failed," Teal'c added.
Jack tuned them out and focused on Sam. She was cradling the baby while checking 'it' for injuries. Without asking, she removed her mask and carefully pulled off the small dress that covered the baby. She grinned and replaced the small dress. "Hello," she cooed, "Hello." The infant yawned and settled in her arms.
"Carter!" he called. "What is it?"
"A girl, sir!" she called back. "A girl," she repeated looking down into the infant's heart shaped face.
Jack removed his mask and took a deep breath of fresh air. "Carter!" he barked.
She looked up. "Sir?"
"Give me the baby."
She looked puzzled.
"I need you to dial Hammond," he explained.
Carter reluctantly released the baby and hurried to the DHD.
Jack looked down at the little figure he held and had to force back a few tears. "How old do you think she is?" Daniel asked quietly.
Jack shifted the baby girl, "I'd guess... four months?" He looked over at Carter. She had dialed the gate and was talking rapidly.
"Here, take the kid." Jack said placing the baby in his friends arm and joining Carter over by the Stargate where she was explaining what was happening.
"Jack? What the hell is going on?" Hammond demanded.
"We might have been exposed to a plague, sir."
"There was a small village deep in the jungle, Daniel thinks it was Japanese in origin. The inhabitants were dead except..."
"Except what?" Hammond asked sharply.
"We found a baby, sir. I estimate it to be 4 months old."
Janet appeared on the screen. "Sam, did the bodies have lesions? Did they look like the bodies found on Hanka?"
Jack stepped aside so Carter could talk. She shook her head, "No, they look like they were asleep."
"But definitely dead," Jack added.
"We'll send a medical team and food and supplies."
"Sir," Carter began.
"Yes, Major?"
"Diapers, clothing, etc would be a good idea."
He nodded. "Will do. Hammond out."
Daniel eyed the baby with apprehension. The small infant opened her eyes and gurgled.
"Uh, Teal'c?" he asked offering the baby. "Wanna hold her?"
Teal'c merely raised an eyebrow and turned away. Daniel sighed and looked down at the babies face. "She's so little."
"Are not all Tau'ri babies?" Teal'c asked.
He shrugged. "I wonder if she has a name."
Teal'c gave a start. "Daniel Jackson!" he cried.
Daniel turned to see the 'dead' figure stir slightly.
"SAM!" he yelled. She was there in an instant.
It was the strangest thing. The baby's dead mom wasn't dead. Well, now she is, but before she died, she had one thing to ask of us.
"It's going to be okay," Carter assured the young girl whose name was Cho; "We'll take you to our medical base and-"
"Too late," Cho rasped. "Do something for me."
"Yes," she promised without hesitation.
"Take... Natalie... with you... YOU... take care... of her."
Jack watched as his 2IC's eye widened, "I uh... can make sure she has a good home but-"
The girl seized her arm. "NO!" she shrieked, "You... MUST take her... YOU MUS..." she stopped suddenly. "Water..." she begged.
She drank, and then looked into Sam's eyes, "Please... take... Natalie... please..."
Carter stared at the girls face. "Why? Why is it so important-"
"SAY YES! SAY YES!" Cho screeched. "SAYYESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS," she stopped and clutched her head. "I'm dying. Please, please, take her."
Carter had no intention of promising but to her surprise- and horror-, she heard herself say, "I promise."
Cho gasped but from pain or surprise, she couldn't tell. "YOU will keep her?"
"Yes," she replied woodenly.
Cho gave one last shuddering breath. Her eyes closed and her arms fell to the ground. She was dead.
Carter looked shocked. Hell, we were all shocked. Carter had just promised to take of a strange woman's kid. And knowing Carter, this was a promise she wouldn't break.
He looked up. She was standing there, holding the baby and looking completely helpless. "Carter?"
Carter forced a few tears back. "She's crying and I can't make her stop," she said frustrated.
Jack held out his arms. "That's not a bottle cry," he said wryly, "Did...Cho... have any baby things?"
Carter shook her head. He sighed, "Then we are going to have to MacGyver one."
"MacGyver one?" she repeated with a small smile, "You watched that show?"
"Yep. You?"
She nodded, "I never missed an episode as a kid."
The Stargate activated and Carter's radio activated. "Major Carter?"
Carter gave Jack an apologetic glance as she hurried off.
"General?" she asked when she was out of range of the baby's cries.
"We're sending the supplies through now."
"Thank you sir."
She heard a whispered conference in the background. "Dr. Fraiser wants to know the baby's gender."
"Female sir."
"Hammond out."
Well, I hope you like it.
WarmTea also beta'd this chapter a long time ago... THANKS DANIELA!
Please review and let me know what you think! I don't have an exact plan for this story, just to warn you.