Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

Nekko Says: Thank you all for your wondrous support. I really appreciate how enthusiastic you readers are for my story…it's been a bit hectic, life, so I do apologize for the late update…I hope this long chapter makes up for the time lost!


I push myself off the railing and fall to the ground watching in horror as an army helicopter (obviously stolen) rushes up, with Itachi hanging onto a rope ladder, a mock salute atop his head.

"See you, little brother."

Chapter 7: Noose.

"Dumb people are always blissfully unaware of how dumb they really are..." (Drools)

Patrick Star (Spongebob Squarepants)

(Two weeks later…)

One thing I must add to my list of things I dislike about Sasuke, apart from his cold demeanor, is his ability to wake up at four in the morning and start hitting and beating a punching bag for what seems like and hour. It's just not natural.

As I drowsily wake up to the sound of fists slapping leather, I groan as I get off the bed and make for the tinted bedroom window, pressing a small button and watching in silent awe as the darkness fades and disappears, letting rays of muted sunlight idly make its way into the gloomy room.

Summer had lazily past a while ago, along with half of Konoha's well-known colorful fall. The clouds were dark and gloomy, much like Sasuke might I add, and loomed over downtown, almost as if waiting for the right chance to allow some snow to trickle

Starting for the door to the hall, I pause when spotting a red card tossed unceremoniously into a trash bin.

Out of sheer curiosity, and a hint of grudging dislike upon greeting Sasuke this morning, I pick it up and flip it over; judging by the dust and withered edges, it must be a bit old. It read:


Thanks for last night. Hope you had as much fun as I did.

XOXO Akemi.

I scoff in disgust, tossing it back into the trash where it belonged.

Another thing I should add to my list.

(Sasuke POV)

As I continue with my daily morning workout, my mind is fixated on Itachi; what could he possibly be up to?

I carry on with my exercises, taking sight through the glass walls of Ami getting out of her room and shuffling towards the kitchen. She seems disgruntled, at least more than normal, as she ruffles her tangled hair. I take this as a cue to cease my workout, grabbing a towel hanging on the weight lifting set, wiping my face.

"Good morning." I acknowledge, tossing the towel over my shoulder and brushing past her. She makes an incomprehensible response, digging through an overhead cabinet for a glass.

I stare at her for a while, disliking her lack of attention towards me. Ignoring the thought, I march towards the bathroom to take a shower.

Ami is nestled in the couch in front of the TV by the time I finish showering.

"Hey, you might want to see this," she calls out, and I look at the news broadcast, dark feeling crawling through my skin; I was quite sure as to what was going to appear.

'Breaking news: Takeshi Yamakura CEO of West Konoha Bank has been found dead in his home by his housekeeper. Apparently, detectives say he hung himself in an act of suicide. It was just last week that Akatsuki bombed the West Bank, the Bank's stocks dropping a tremendous amount…'

Right on cue, my phone rings and I immediately make for the wireless headset.


It is Kakashi. "Uchiha, you and Kaneda get over to Yamakura's home…I need you and forensics there pronto before the police arrive."

"Affirmative Sir,"

Home of Takeshi Yamakura (Ami POV)

I pull my aviator sunglasses to the top of my head as we step into the home of Yamakura, the neat house feeling vivid and alive in contrast to the still hanging body of our victim. I take a swallow and close my eyes, shaking my head. Working in the police meant seeing these same kinds of things at an almost weekly basis, but every single time it occurs, I can't help but feel…awkward. Especially in the ridiculous ANBU Investigator Kevlar vests we're required to wear. I felt like I was on a TV show.

Snapping a pair of latex gloves, I go up a stepping ladder to examine Yamakura's limp body. A tie snaked around his neck suspending him from a large glittery chandelier. I look to the side and notice a mahogany chair with dirty shoe prints on the fabric seat.

"Uchiha, take a look at the dirt on the chair." I call out. Sasuke comes towards me from chatting with some other agents.

"There's dirt from his shoes," he observes, snapping a picture. Nodding, I start my way off the ladder, with a helping hand of Sasuke.

"Let's see if his shoes have the same kind of material." I kneel beside Yamakura's legs, craning my neck under, spotting only one shoe. I take another picture while Sasuke takes a sample from the chair and another from the bottom of the still attached shoe.

"Where's the other one?" I mumble to myself.

Sasuke points directly under. "There it is."

Cast away, the polished shoe is set on its side. I take another photo. " What are the physical stats on Yamakura?"

Looking inside his file, Sasuke responds, "Five feet, three inches, 140 pounds, age 49…."

I take a side-glance at the chair and the noose around his neck. I unhook a tape measurer attached to my belt and quickly measure the distance from the floor to the noose. When done, I let the thin yellow strip slither back in place.

"Uchiha, I don't think this is a honest suicide"

He pauses, unsure as he kneels beside me. "Why?"

"Well," I start, trying to get my thoughts organized. "The height of the noose in respect to the chair is about six feet four, much taller than him…it would have been above his head if he were standing on the chair. Unless he tried to jump into the noose, it's most likely someone taller put him there."

There's silence in the room, before mumbling of agreement. I realize that the whole room was listening, much to my distaste.

"Nara," Sasuke barks getting up and brushing off his pants. "Take Yamakura's body down and search for fingerprints or any traces of DNA."

I turn at the familiar name, sighting Shikamaru walk lazily towards the body, hands in pockets. "You heard the Lieutenant, let's get this over with." He calls to the other forensic agents.

"Hey," I greet, shaking hands with him. "Have you guys found anything?"

He nods his head, turning towards the outdoor balcony. "I need to speak with you, however." Sasuke starts for the balcony as well, but Shikamaru stops him before he can get any closer. "One of you is fine."

I feel Sasuke's heated glare as he nods curtly and steps aside. My hands tense up. What would Shikamaru want to tell me? When we arrive outside, he shuts a glass slide door.

"Forensics doesn't favor taking orders from lieutenants like you, so don't think we'll comply easily to your needs." He grumbles, leaning on the ceramic white balcony railing. I smile half-heartily.

"You'll have to live with it for a while," I mutter "I'll be sure to try to finish as soon as possible."

Shikamaru sighs, heaving his shoulders. "Actually, I wanted to confirm something with you." My eyes flutter towards him. "We already know that this is definitely a staged suicide, but there's something else."

"What is it?"

"We already dusted the house for any DNA traces, and we found something."

I narrow my eyes. "Why weren't we told about this?"

Shikamaru folds his arms, turning his back to the glass door, where I spot Sasuke watching us keenly. "It…complicates things."

"How so?"

"We found two traces of human DNA along the clothes of Yamakura, and we immediately shipped both samples to search through the database." He looks over his shoulder lazily, regarding the work being done inside. "You may know about Konoha's lack of criminal records, so the search results only give us a family name, no more no less."

"And what did you get?"

He's silent, eyes directed at the floor, deep in thought. "Uchiha."


He puts a hand up, motioning for me to be quiet. "I'm going to compare it to Lieutenant Uchiha's DNA on my own, not with other agents around, for the sake of sanity. If word breaks out about this, I have no idea what'll happen to him. Chief doesn't know about this either." He face is stern. "You may not speak a word of this to Uchiha."

Shock floods me as I run a hand through my hair. "Is there any word on the second DNA sample?"

Shikamaru laughs crudely, rubbing his eyes and starting to open the door. "We've seen this DNA sample so often, we can tell by just seeing the sequencing."

I frown, stepping inside. "You still haven't told me who it is."

Shikamaru points a fellow agent to one of the home's various rooms to search. "One of Akastuki's most notorious and senior member." He turns to me, Sasuke walking up to us with a cynical look in his eyes. "The name is Sasori."

Interrogation Room.

Even being labeled as Akatsuki's most notorious and senior member, this Sasori man couldn't be any older than 30. He sits handcuffed to his chair in the room, eyes quietly observing his surroundings. Brilliant red hair and pale porcelain skin, he seems unfazed with his capture.

"We caught him in a museum trying to heist a million dollar painting he was meaning to ship off to the black market." Kakashi states as we stare at the man through a one-way mirror. "He's all yours for ten minutes before the federal police grab him."

We thank him as he leaves, and I slouch in my chair. "We got lucky, I suppose."

Sasuke grunts, observing the man in disgust. "Hah, sure."

"So…now what?" I whisper as we watch the sandy haired man looking around the dim lit gray room.

"Now?" he unfolds crossed arms and quietly starts for the door. "Now it's time for a little game of 'Good Cop Bad Cop.'"

I frown, the remnants of Shikamaru's news still disturbing me; Sasuke seems to notice. "Anything wrong Kaneda?"

I shake my head quickly dismissing the question uneasily. "Don't worry about it."

"Is it about what Shikamaru told you?" He inquires, a hand pressed on the glass window. "What was it?"

"Nothing, don't worry. It was just some personal small talk. Nothing more." I say it more hastily and hesitant that I had intended. Sasuke contemplates my answer, shaking his head and heading out the door.

The lie eats at my stomach as Sasuke nods, exiting the room, and Kakashi stepping back inside once more.

"This I'd like to see." He grins, seating himself atop the table.


He smirks, pressing a button to allow us to hear what is being said inside. "Sasuke has a way with interrogating suspects."

Raising an eyebrow at the statement, I turn my head to watch.

"Here's some water," Sasuke starts, setting a glass of water on the table; it's just a joke, considering that Sasori's hands are cuffed to his chair. "Well Sasori, it's been a while since we last saw you."

"Three months, to be exact, Lieutenant." Sasori clarifies, a smirk tugging at his lips.

"Well then how about I start things off with why your DNA prints were found on the body of Takeshi Yamakura?"

There's silence. Sasuke scowls, circling the man, his hands busy with a manila folder, drawing out photographs from the crime scene.

"This look familiar?"

Sasori gives the photos a passing glance. "No."

"Well then, I suppose then you could tell us where you were yesterday evening?"

"Will my attorney arrive soon?"

I jump in fright as Sasuke grabs the glass and throws the water on Sasori's face. "I asked you a question, damn it!" he yells, throwing the cup onto the floor, allowing it to shatter into pieces. Unable to wipe the water from his bound hands Sasori lets the liquid dribble off his chin.

Turing to Kakashi, I whisper "Is this normal for him?"

"No," He observes, rubbing his chin. "He's holding back. He's normally worse than this." I shudder at the thought of myself ever being interrogated by Sasuke.

Sasuke leaves the room, and when entering he immediately mutters. "Go ahead Kaneda."

Biting my lip, I make my way out the door.

"Sasori, may I call you that?"

He is skeptical with my approach, but nods otherwise. "There is no need for any hesitant formalities."

"Alright then," I say, unlocking one handcuff and tossing a towel onto the table. He is quite skeptical with my treatment towards him, and I stand facing the mirrored window, back facing him.

"My name is Lieutenant Kaneda Ami. I understand that under the law, you are required to be interrogated under the presence of an attorney, however this will only take five minutes, since we are not going to be the ones that prosecute you."

He ponders my statement for a while, nods in agreement, and wipes his face. "I suppose you're right. Forgive me." I'm distraught with the vague similarity of personality between him and Itachi.

"How about you tell us what you were doing yesterday evening." I take a seat in a chair set in front of him.

"I was in the Konoha national art museum trying to obtain some pieces of artwork to sell."

"You're quite fond of art then?" He nods as a response. "However, the museum records you breaking in yesterday at 11:54 p.m., so you still have the previous hours to take in account for."

There's a haunting smile on his face, "You're very smart aren't you?"

"You are of Akatsuki, so I intend to treat you as an intellectual criminal, not a crack addict." I state, and somehow I'm sure that Sasuke won't be happy with this.

"And if I admit to have killed him what would you do?" He questions, his free hand drumming on the table.

"It's up to the Federals to deal with that."

Sasori is silent, eyes scanning my face. "Am I your only suspect?"

I waver, looking down, for I know both Sasuke and Kakashi are listening. Shaking that feeling off, I look at Sasori with a hard stare "I am not authorized to say."

"Very well then," He sits straight, glancing at the door. "I'll just wait for them to pick me up, since this is just a waste of time."

"Wait!" I command, standing up. I want to, no, I have to ask him who the other person was. It couldn't have been Sasuke…I walk up to the mirrored window and, hesitating for a moment, press a muting button so that Sasuke and Chief Kakashi wouldn't be able to hear and put my back to the window, so they would not see what I'd ask next.

"Who assisted you in the murder?"

(Sasuke POV)

What was she doing?!

"Kakashi, let me inside." I insist, starting for the door. What the hell is she doing, muting the room?!

"Lieutenant, I order you to stop."

I freeze, fists clenched tight. "Chief, we have no idea what she's about to say to him!"

Kakashi's face hardens, "Don't you trust her?" he asks, waiting for my reaction.

"No! I don't!" It comes out without my intent to.

He's silent, still leaning on the table. "Why?"

"I just don't." I hate the way my poor excuse sounded, just like a small child being questioned by their teacher. I back away from the door and recede into the chair.

I watch her back, and she runs a hand through her hair. Something's troubling her…I look at Sasori for a facial response. But to my dismay, he remains stolid and shakes his head, replying something that makes her fume and yell. However, she quickly regains poise and exits the room and returning to us.

"He's not going to say much." She sighs, crossing her arms. We watch as the Federal Police enter the room and take Sasori outside.

I open my mouth to bite at her, what she asked him, but Kakashi clears his throat as a signal to stop.

"Too bad." I grumble, exiting the room and slamming the door.

Sasori passes by and struggles to whisper something in my ear.

"I didn't say anything. It is by his orders after all. " He smirks "I'd be worried if I were you though."

I scowl, "Take him away, guys."

(Ami POV)

I give Kakashi an odd look. "What's wrong with him?"

Kakashi shakes his head to dismiss the question, and I look down. It was stupid mistake, asking Sasori if he'd tell who'd assisted with the murder. My only hope was that Sasuke would never find out that he himself was a private suspect.

My phone rings.


"Good evening, Ami" It was Itachi.

"Hey," I excuse myself from the room," How are you?"

"I was wondering if perhaps you'd like to take up my offer for sushi."

I look down at my clothes, which were slightly disheveled. "I'm not exactly sure I'm in the correct attire for a restaurant." I say, slightly embarrassed.

He laughs quietly. "It's no problem, really. I'll meet you there at 8:00 as we planned then?"

I agree, and after an exchange of good byes, I pocket the phone. "I'll be checking out, Hinata."

She nods and stamps my punch card. "Have a good evening, Lieutenant Kaneda."

Quietly, I eye the trays of sushi rolling past me on the miniature conveyer belt, my hands nervously fidgeting with my wooden chopsticks. I look at my wristwatch. I was about ten minutes early, sitting alone and bored while couples and tipsy businessmen busy themselves with the seemingly delectable food.

I sigh. He didn't forget did he?

A waitress passes by and takes my empty glass of water. As I thank her, there's reassuring hand on my back.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting,"

I smile and turn around, seeing Itachi seat himself beside me. He looked a bit tousled, tie askew and shirt ruffled.

"How have you been?" I ask, sitting straight. I spot a glass shard on his shoulder; how odd. I open my mouth to ask about it but shake it off. I'm getting way too absorbed in my work.

"Things have been good, very good." He responds, bidding for an order of sake. "You?"

I smile shyly, "Busy, but that's normal."

"Is that so?"

With that, the rest of the dinner consists with small talk and sushi. It was a bit uneventful as to what I imagined, I admit to myself while chewing on my sashimi. After a small dispute over who will pay, Itachi convinces me to allow him the honor, and I wait patiently beside him as he offers his credit card to cashier.

As we linger for the process to finish I feel slight dozy, effects from both the alcohol and the late time, and I realize Itachi had called my name.

"Ami, are you alright? You look slightly…pale."

I shake my head, "Don't worry, just tired."

There's a hint of concern in his eyes, as we leave the restaurant and head towards the parking lot.

"I don't see your car, do you need a ride?" he starts, as we stop in front of his own; a silver convertible sports car. Sasuke would be good friends with Itachi.

"I came here by walking, and besides my place is a short while from here, I can get a taxi." I assure him, turning to the right and pointing towards the line of taxies waiting for a customer. As I make to turn back around, I realize his face is too close, his cologne too strong, his eyes scanning my face with the most precision.

"I insist." He mumbles, his breath brushing against my lips.

I don't know exactly what happened next. It was either natural instinct or just the alcohol, or perhaps a combination of both, but whatever the cause, I found myself wrapping my arms around his neck and softly pressing my lips against his. He doesn't respond, and I feel something in my chest sink.

Pulling away, I take a step back, stopping midways when realizing that I was against the door of his car. "I'm sorry-"

His mouth is touching mine again, unexpectedly delicate, placed against mine as a gentle, reassuring gesture, and just as it came, it ended.

My heart is thundering, hands wrestling with each other nervously. Itachi notices this and smiles; a real genuine smile, unlike his mysterious smirks or quiet laughs, and weaves his fingers through my own. He brings my hands up to his shoulders and upon leaving them there, we kiss again.

I fall asleep on the ride home, a smile on my face as I nestle my head on the side board of his car.

(Sasuke POV)

Ami hasn't returned for a couple of hours. I pace back and forth across the living room, the report on Sasori's escape from custody on the television. That bastard…we just caught him and he immediately slips through our fingers!

There's a knock on the door. Probably Kaneda…I make way to the home entrance and press the button and wait for the door to slide up.

"Kaneda where did you-"

There, standing in the doorway was Itachi holding an unconscious Kaneda, one arm across his shoulders.

"She fell asleep."

I linger on the spot, not believing what I was just seeing. Itachi brushes past me and towards the couch, while I soon get a hold of myself, heading for the kitchen sink and dampening a towel.

"What did you do, hit her with tranquilizer?" I hiss, tossing the towel towards Itachi, who catches it and places it on her head. He says nothing, so I press a word of warning.

"You know, ANBU found traces of Sasori's DNA on Yamakura, it's possible that yours-"

"I'll be leaving now."

I'm silent as Itachi gets up and brushes his pants down. Ami stirs, and we both react to the sound by turning our attention to her; she's completely out cold, no worries there. Itachi shakes his head and leaves the room without a word.

As I listen to the glass panel doors sigh as it slides up and back down soon after, I peel off the now warm towel on her head ad head for the kitchen to wring the lukewarm water out.

"How am I supposed to keep an eye on Itachi with you in the way?" I ask out loud, though knowing very well Ami's inactive mental state. She groans and shifts in the couch, nearly on the edge of it, but still safely situated.

I walk up to her, tossing the towel over my shoulder, seeing if she was awake. Hair mussed ever her face, her eyebrows are bent in discomfort. I make to tuck the hair back behind her ear but as soon as my fingertips touch her forehead, she flinches, shifts and careens off the sofa, landing on the marble floor with a loud 'thump'.

Still asleep.

I smirk, folding my arms.

She was a policeman all right.

Nekko Says: Dear god this is getting unbelievable…I'm truly sorry that this took a bit longer than it should have…things are slow and gloomy so I never get in the writing mood. The ending is awkward, I really just wanted to finish it and go…it'll be edited sooner or later, so please forgive any mistypes.

Thank You!