Disclaimer: I don't own Azumanga, yo!Nor anything else for that matter!


This was getting ridiculous. All her homework was done, her room was clean and tidy, there was no real reason why she shouldn't go and visit her. After all, little Miss Takino did often go out of her way to turn up on Koyomi's doorstep in the middle of the night, without so much as a phone call. Why shouldn't she?

With a sigh Yomi walked slowly over to her desk and turned off the radio with a smooth click, the blaring voice of the DJ was suddenly cut off and the room feel into an awkward silence. Yes, she felt awkward, with nothing but her own reflection in the darkened window for company. Drawing the curtains aside Yomi placed both hands on the cold windowsill, preparing to open the window itself.

"Gwarh!" She sighed aloud, throwing her head back so she was looking directly at the ceiling, "What the hell am I doing!

As much as Yomi hated to admit it, Tomo was probably the closest thing she had to a best friend. Sure, they fought all the time, but, despite everything she kind of enjoyed her company. In fact, she had come to enjoy their little arguments, it gave her something to look forward to y'know? It was part of her routine. It was only a matter of time before Yomi would start getting that uncomfortable feeling in her stomach – like something wasn't quite right. Surely she didn't miss her? She was fucking annoying…

A thunk from outside dragged Yomi out of her chaotic mind and back into her suddenly chaotic reality. This reality stemmed from the sudden appearance of a very familiar face, not two inches from her own, on the other side of the glass.

"Yooooomiiiii" the figure called, placing both hands on the window. "Get out of the way! How am I supposed to climb in if your fat ass is in the way!"

Yomi jumped back in surprise, stumbling slightly as Tomo threw the window open. Cold air immediately rushed in extinguishing the candles Yomi had set on her dresser. Yomi span around and hit the light switch, illuminating the room once more. By the time she had done this, the window was already shut and Tomo Takino was sat crossed legged on Yomi's bed with a huge grin on her smug little face.

Shivering Yomi advance, arranging her face into an expression that she hoped portrayed anger. In reality she was probably more relieved than anything to see her friend. Just one more minute alone in her room she may have well have just gone straight to bed.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" she yelled, not caring about how much noise she was making, it wasn't all that late after all. "Do you even know what my front door looks like! OR A PHONE FOR THAT MATTER!"

Unperturbed by Koyomi's ire, Tomo bounced up and down on the bed slightly before dragging out a pad and pen from her bag and offering them to Yomi. "Of course I do!" she grinned, "I'm not stupid! I was wondering if you took notes in English today – I forgot."

Sighing Koyomi took off her glasses and cleaned them slightly on her shirt before replacing them. "Of course I did," she said turning to her desk, "And you didn't forget, I saw you, you were asleep."

"No, I wasn't, that was an slow blink!"

"Yeah right, so that wasn't you snoring then?" Yomi asked flatly, throwing her own notes down in Tomo's lap. "Take the notes but don't think I'm letting you copy the homework, though."

Tomo looked blankly up at her. "We had homework?"

Yomi gave her best friend a fierce glare before sitting down beside her on the bed. "Oh well," Tomo said cheerily, scribbling her own name on the paper. "I'll still work hard later on AND get into a good school. I've done it before."

"What makes you think it'll happen again, you should work harder, Tomo." Yomi chided, doing her best to keep her emotions in check, it was taking all her self-control not to beat Tomo over the head with a big stick for possibly thinking something so foolish.

"Why haven't you hit me, yet?" Yomi's head snapped to one side to find Tomo's big eyes no longer focussed on the paper, but on her.

"What do you mean?" she asked, slightly taken aback. It wasn't like Tomo to point out that she hadn't been punished for saying or doing something stupid. "Do you want me to hit you? Do you wan me to tell you your being an idiot AS USUAL, do you want me to tell you how rude it for you to turn up at someone's window in the middle of the night without so much of a phone ca-

She froze as she felt Tomo's hand brush over her own. She didn't pull away; Yomi just looked down as their fingers intertwined, before meeting Tomo's gaze once more. If possible, hers eyes seemed even bigger than before. Or closer…

"What are you d-doing..?" She stammered.

"Seizing the day!" Tomo grinned, eyes flickering between their hands and Yomi's stunned face. "Why do you care so much what I do, Yomi?"


Answer! She screamed in her head, anything, say anything! Don't just say nothing! All you have to do is form words! That's all!

"I just want you to…to…"

Tomo's face was so close now; Yomi could feel the other girl's warm breath on her face. Too paralysed to stop the inevitable it seems she watch almost powerless as Tomo's eyelids fluttered and closed. There was a moments pause as there lips just hung there, just brushing when Yomi moved closer, never stopping to think why her eyes were closing too…

This is wrong, all wrong. Tomo's a girl, she's thin…she has…er.thin arms…This is all wrong. But why? Why is it not stopping? Why can I not stop kissing her? Her mind was a race now. There was a sharp intake of breath from both girls as Yomi allowed her best friend's tongue to meet hers.

After at least thirty seconds Tomo finally pulled away, not looking the least bit surprised at what had just happened.

"…Stay…" she said simply, that same goofy Tomo grin plastered on her face. "You just want me to stay…"