Hey guys! This is my first fan fic! I've been reading everyone's for ages, so I thought it was about time to try and create my own! This first chapter is just the beginning; (no,duh!) I had trouble starting the story without writing all the boring stuff at the beginning, like they do in the books! Anywayz, enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own anything in regards to the Animorphs. They all belong to K.A.Applegate and Scholastic Inc. Darn!

My Name Is Marco… by Fletty!

My name is Marco.

At least that's the name I'm giving you. Marco mightn't even be my real name. And I can't tell you where I live.

You should know the deal by now so I'll be quick. I have enemies. Very powerful, dangerous enemies. Our enemies are in the form of parasitic slugs called Yeerks. These filthy worms crawl into people's heads and wrap themselves around their brains in order to control them.

My best friends' brother is a Yeerk. He has to live with him every day, knowing that, at least for now, he can't do anything to help him.

My own mother has supposedly been dead for 2 years. But actually, the slug in her headis their leader. Visser One.

I fight against them alongside my friends. I guess you could call us Freedom fighters. That's what we are. But we do have a name. I proudly came up with the title for our little group. Animorphs. It's a short term for Animal Morpher. It's a long story, but we have the power to change our form into another living being. It's our only weapon against the Yeerks. Without it, we're just 5 regular kids. If the Yeerks find us, we're dead. That's if we're lucky. We could be worse than dead.

But right now, where this particular story begins, I was in school, listening to the teacher give a lecture. Something about Thomas A. Edison and the lightbulb. So as you might've guessed, I was bored out of my brain. I had been having trouble staying awake. Not anymore. Thankfully, I had found a way to entertain myself. I had a piece of blank paper in front of me. No doubt, we were supposed to be writing on it, but I didn't see the point. I could always look at somebody else's notes later. So for the last ten minutes, I had been rolling up tiny itty-bitty bits of paper and flicking them around the room; two had even landed down the back of someones shirt! That someone being the person in front of me. Jake.

Jake, my best friend, and the Animorphs' unofficial leader. He was lounging in his chair, trying to pay attention while doing his best to ignore me as I repeatedly aimed for the back of his head. Every now and then he'd run his hands through his hair, to make sure all the paper was out. The first time my ball of paper went down the back of his shirt, he squirmed as he tried to get it out. He turned around to see me aiming up another ball and he just exasperatedly rolled his eyes before turning back around.

Across the room, I could see Cassie trying hard not to laugh. Cassie is our resident Animorph tree-hugger. Complete, total, animal-lover. Knows almost anything and everything about animals. She helps her parents run an injured wild animal shelter. Just think a of a short, pretty girl in overalls bandaging up an eagles wing while it's trying to eat/peck her. She's also Jake's unofficial girlfriend; they like each other. But they never do anything about it unless we're moments from death or something and even then it's just a certain look that they pass to each other. It's funny in a sad, sadistickind of way.

In front of Cassie was her best friend, Rachel. Rachel is Jake's cousin and another fellow Animorph. At first glance you'd see Rachel as a tall, blonde, beautiful airhead that just loves her fashion. She always looks as though she's a model from a magazine cover, never attracting dirt, wind and rain… At second glance, you'd notice that she might have straight A's on all of her work, meaning she has brains too; Then at third glance, she's more likely to come right over to you, punch youand ask what the hell you're staring at.

I call Rachel 'Xena – warrior princess'as she's all gung-ho for the danger; she's just minus the leather.

There is also Tobias; birdboy; our eyes in the sky. He's stuck in the downside of morphing reality. Two hours maximum, or your morph becomes the real you. And Ax-man, the newest edition to our little group; a blue centaur with four eyes and a deadly scorpion-like scythe tail blade. He's an Andalite.

Me? I'm the joker. Finding funny stuff where it really isn't funny. But when you're in our kind of situation, you have to find the bright side wherever you can. I'm also the cute one. Girls think I'm cute. They fall at my feet begging me to go on a date with them. Okay, maybe not fall. More than likely, they tripped and I'm lucky if I'm there for them to land on. But I am cute!

It was about ten minutes to the end of class, when it happened. The door opened and someone walked in with a note for the teacher. I was busy aiming up another paper ball.


I looked up, distracted, and hit the ball off target. Oops! It spiralled off towards the window. I gave the teacher a guilty grin. Busted!

She frowned at me but otherwise ignored it. "There's a note here for you to go see Vice Principal Chapman."

My smile dissipated into a look of slight terror. Chapman. A Yeerk. I'd never been called out of class to see him before. I sat frozen in my seat for a second while Jake, Cassie and Rachel all quickly turned around to face me. I glimpsed horrified expressions on their faces for a second before they recovered and slowly faced forward again. Hopefully nobody else noticed.

"Marco?" The teacher.

I recovered my initial shock, looked up at her and forced a wobbly grin.


I took a deep breath and stood up, gathering together my things. Maybe it was all school related. I hoped to god I was only failing a class or something. A big lump was in my throat as I walked towards the front of the class towards the door, glancing back at the last second for another look at my friends.

Ten minutes later the bell went for lunch and I was still sitting in the office waiting to see Chapman. Nerves were getting the better of me the longer I sat, but I still kinda like to look at the glass as being half-full. I tried to relax by standing up and walking around the office to the food dispensers. I jingled the loose change in my pocket, then brought some out to get myself a chocolate bar. I reached down and grabbed it, tearing it open and breaking off a bit. I put it in my mouth as I shoved the rest of the bar into my pocket.

I walked over to the magazine rack and flipped open the cover of the one sitting on top. It was a gardening magazine. Boring.

I spied a cute girl behind the counter. I sidled up towards her, intending to strike up some smooth conversation, when suddenly a deep voice spoke my name from behind me.

I jumped. I spun. It was Chapman. He'd come out of his office and was ready to see me. I relaxed a tiny bit and grabbed my bag. As I walked into his office I looked over my shoulder to see the cute girl smirking in my direction. Great.

Chapman closed the door, walked behind his desk and sat down. He indicated for me to sit. I felt trapped. Warning bells were going off in my head. Small room, big enemy,it yelled.

I sat down, gripping tightly to the handles of the chair. My hands were slippery with sweat. Everreadyin case I needed to make a run for it, I triedmy best to look comfortable. I slouched down and looked across the desk at him. He looked totally confident. And yet a bit concerned, too.

I was sure that the fast, fluttered beating of my heart would give me away only too easily.

"Marco," he began. I held my breath.

"I'm afraid I have some bad news."

My heart stopped. Oh, god. How did they find out aboutme? Any second now, human-controllers were going to come in, and force themselves upon me. They'd find out about every single secret of mine. They'd know about my friends. It'd be the end of the Animorphs.

I braced myself for whatever was coming next…