Title: Love is more than Words

Rating: M

Genre: Romance/Action/Adventure

Warnings: Some coarse language, violence and sexual situations

Plot: Hermione is trying to help Harry locate the remaining Horcruxes and destroy them. But what happens when she runs into an old 'friend'? Will love blossom? Or will it just be the same?

Draco/Hermione fanfic


Draco Malfoy woke up, groaned and rolled onto his back, staring at the dead ceiling. It had been a few days since Dumbledore was murdered before him and he was on the run with Severus Snape

"What am I still doing here?"

Dumbledore's words came back to him. The words of protection for his family. To join the good side. They have haunted him ever since. His thoughts were interrupted when Snape entered

"Come on, let's get moving, we can't stay for long"

With a swish of his black cloak, he was gone. Draco groaned and reluctantly got up and looked around for his clothes. His school uniform was all he had for now. And as he laced up his blood-stained shoes, his mind travelled back to that night on the Astronomy Tower

"He'll...kill me. I've got no choice!"

"There is always a choice. You just have to make the right one"

Of course, Dumbledore didn't say that. It was his mind, fighting with him

"What do I do now? I'm on the run with my teacher, the Ministry is after me, no doubt Potty told them all about me. I'm a criminal now"

He knew there were two choices for him. Continue running or die trying

"But isn't there a third? There's always a third option"

And it came to him. Surrender...

"Well, I don't want to die, but I don't want to keep running for the rest of my life either. And I'm not surrendering. A Malfoy never surrenders!"

Then, he thought about how badly his father had treated him over the years. Sure, maybe Draco did look up to his father, but he wasn't sure if he should be like him

"Of course I don't. I don't want to be like someone who treats his own son like dirt. I don't know if I even want to be a Malfoy anymore"

He quickly scrapped that idea

"Then I'll have nothing. No money, no manor, no elves, absolutely nothing"

Snape entered the room again, briefly looking over Draco to see if he was ready

"Let's go, before the Ministry arrives"

"They're coming here?"

"They will be and we can't stay for too long"

Draco followed the greasy haired teacher outside and looked back at the run-down shack they had stayed in for the past few days. Stories of this place being haunted were still fresh. Just like Dumbledore, his death still fresh in the blonde's mind

Draco shook his head to clear his mind and turned his back on the Shrieking Shack, following Snape along a small path leading away to near Hogsmeade

"We're going to your Manor," said Snape without looking back


"Because we have to see your father and the Dark Lord, to see what they want from us"


Snape grabbed his left arm in a tight grip and spun on the spot. A minute later, Draco and Snape had appeared a short distance away from Malfoy Manor. Draco swallowed hard. He didn't want to come here, but he had no choice

"Just like I don't have a choice in anything anymore," He sighed

"Come on, let's go, Draco"

Reluctantly, Draco followed Snape on the path to one of the few places he didn't want to return to ever again


There we are, the first chapter. I know its a bit short, but please review and let me know what you think. This is my first Harry Potter fic and a romance one at that too, but all the same, please, please review!