A/N: Man I have had no time at all to write other chappies of this story. Any ways I have two completed stories. Married under a crescent moon and My Knight and shinning hentai. On with the story!
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. In each story I have I keep forgetting to write in a disclaimer. I'm so afraid of getting sued man! I'm paranoid about it!
Chappie # 6Gotcha!
The youkai was tall and slim. Fortunately he wasn't wearing his concealing spell at the moment. He looked exactly like what she pictured he would look like. He somewhat did look exactly like Miroku. She couldn't blame the women. There were only a few minor differences, the red hair, tail, claws, fangs, and he had small ridges on the side of his neck that Sango assumed were flesh colored scales. How odd.
"What do you want?" the demon asked nervously at being called out by a holy man and a demon slayer.
"Shut up and listen," Sango snapped. She was beginning to get annoyed with this mission she set herself up for, "You have impregnated the women of that village over there!" Sango pointed to her left, "And it is your responsibility to see to your children. Go now or else I will be forced to bring you back the hard way."
The man hesitated then dashed off into the woods. All Miroku and Sango saw was a blur pass and then some wind ruffling their hair. The man who stood in front of them just a minute ago escaped from his fatherly duty. She can't let that happen…
"Okaa chan! Kyou wa Otou san osoi na! (Mommy! Daddy is really late today!)" the child version of Sango whined. Her mother bent down and picked Sango up with loving eyes. A single tear slipped and Sango made a confused face. She didn't understand why her question made her mother sad, but it did.
"My little akachan (baby) Sango, otou san will not be coming back. Ever." she said quietly while more tears began to slide down her face. Sango's stubby little baby fingers began to clutch onto her mothers kimono as the dirt path her mother walked sloped. They had been journeying for a while now and every time Sango asked her mother when they would get where they are supposed to be her mother would say, "We're almost there my akachan Sango."
"Demo naze okaa chan? (But why mommy?) Why won't otou san come back? Did he get lost?" Sango tugged on her mother's kimono once more before her mother set her down on the ground sadly. Sango looked ahead and saw a small village. Happily Sango skipped down the path towards the village. She turned around once to call to her mother but saw no trace.
The small child stood in the middle of the road confused. Where was her okaa chan? Why did her okaa chan leave her? She began to fear that she was lost and that her mother would never find her again. What would otou san say if he found her instead? Would he yell at her for running so far away from her mom? Breaking down into a small heap Sango sobbed quietly until a stranger came and picked her up and walked to wards the nearest orphanage.
End Flashback:
And till that day Sango never found her mother again and she never figured out what ever happened to her father. Since that day she has adopted a new family. The one that she cherished most. The one that Kohaku was apart of.
"Doshi mashitaka? (What happened?)" Miroku asked dumb founded. Sango came back from her memory and blinked twice. She stood there and let what she remembered sink in before she replied. "Nande kuso! (What the hell) he ran off!" Sango stated the obvious. Miroku rolled his eyes at Sango.
"What are we suppose to do now Lady Sango?" that was the dumbest question that she has ever heard in her life. She turned around and looked at Miroku. She stared at him as if he was the dumbest thing to ever walk the earth. "What do you mean 'what are we suppose to do?' you baka! (Idiot) We're supposed to follow him! Iku! (Lets go)" Sango yelled out as she grabbed Miroku and called Kirara. Both hopped on the fire cat's back and dashed off into the forest hot on the demon's trail.
In front of them a long distance away they saw the small speck that fathered the children in the village. He couldn't get away from Sango the slayer! She will hunt him like a dog! "Kirara! Faster now we have to catch up to him!" She gave a little kick to Kirara's side and Kirara mewled in protest.
Going faster and faster by the second, soon they were side by side with the demon. Swiftly Sango booted her leg out and kicked the offending youkai n the jaw sending him sprawling to the floor. He landed with a thud on the dirt floor and Kirara came to an immediate halt. Sango jumped off and ran over to where the youkai lay on the ground. "I can't believe you are trying to run away from your fatherly duties. You disgust me." Sango spat. She reached to her side and grabbed a rope. She began to tie it around the unconscious youkai that lay on the ground. She hooked the rope around Kirara's waist and threw his body on her back. Both Miroku and Sango made the long trek back to the hut where the women lay in waiting.
An hour later Sango threw the struggling body of the youkai at the feet of the expecting women. All in the hut was quiet while the youkai continued to struggle.
"This was the youkai that impregnated you all." Sango said bluntly. Some of the women pouted and some chewed their bottom lip and looked away.
"Are you sure?" one of them squeaked. Sango's patience was running thin. She couldn't believe these women would question her. She was a highly skilled taijiya for Kami sake. She couldn't get something as simple as a tracking technique wrong. Of course this demon fathered these children!
"Mochiron! (Of Course)" Miroku sang gladly. Some of the women still didn't trust Miroku the houshi and scowled at his efforts in trying to make the mood a little lighter. One of the women stood up and kicked the youkai over so she can scan his face. She looked at the child in her arms and then back. Twice.
"I'm afraid she is right. This man/youkai is the father of these children." The youkai on the ground gaped and struggled even harder to free himself. "Hanashite! (Let me go)" he squeaked as the evil women crowded in on him. Soon the youkai was lost in a mass of women.
Sango sat back and watched while Miroku daydreamed about having a mass of women attack him such as the example in front of him. "Hai! I'm free!" the youkai yelled at the top of his lungs. Unfortunately his freedom didn't last long. One of the women quickly roped his hands as they lead him away. One of the younger ones stayed behind and turned to thank them.
"Iroiro Arigatou gozaimashita Ane chan (Thank you for everything older sister)" she smiled and walked away towards her captive. The other women were waiting for her. It was now time for them to make a decision on what they should do with that youkai. He will surely never run away again with out consequence.
"Sarabada! (Farewell)" the women waved out. Sango sighed and waved back. She turned to the drooling monk and bonked him on the head. She knew exactly what he was thinking. With out a second thought she dragged him off. "Inu no baka! Tadai ma! (Idiotic dog! I'm back!)" Sango yelled out, which caused our beloved inu to fall out the tree branch, which he sat upon. "What was that for? Wench!" Sango gave him a wide-eyed look and pounded his head into the ground. Oh how she wanted this all to end. If only she can have her little brother back then she can just start a new life with out all of these 'problem causing' people in it.
She dropped down to the ground and sighed. Laying on her back she noticed the houshi's 'cursed' hand inching towards her bottom. Again. In no time Sango stood up and drop kicked him in the face. As the houshi lay off to the side (unconscious) Sango wondered on about what would happen after this was all over.
A/N: So how did you like this chappie so far? I had no inspiration so far this whole week. My imagination is running out quicker then my urine when I'm scared… (sigh) good times…