SCHOOL RUMBLE -To see you under the blue sky again
The characters in this story are not related to me but to their respective creators.
Yakumo took a sip from her orange juice and looked outside the café window. The sky was a nice, clear blue that gave some calmness for her.
She took a look at her watch and give a sign.
"They must have been held up by something." Yakumo then took another sip on her juice.
A bell chime rang and a group of four girls entered the café.
"Welcome." A waitress greeted the group of four.
"We are looking for someone." One of them answered.
"There she is! Yakumo Chan!" Another called to her.
Yakumo heard her name called and waved to the group.
"Over here, everyone." She answered.
The group approached her table and sat down.
"Good afternoon, Eri Sempai, Mikoto Sempai, Akira Sempai, Ichijo Sempai." Yakumo greeted them and the waitress came to take their orders.
"Coffee." Akira took the lead.
"Strawberry sundae." Mikoto was next.
"Give me a glass of chocolate milkshake." Eri told the waitress.
"I will like to have a glass of apple juice." Karen finally ordered hers.
When the waitress left, the girls began their girls' talk.
"So, how's Tenma these days?" Mikoto asked Yakumo.
"Oh, Nee San is fine even since she found out that Harima Senpai was the only person who care for her truly. They were together like glue ever since."
Yakumo looked at Eri and knew in their hearts, what really happened.
About two months ago, Tenma finally had the courage to tell Karasuma Ooji her feelings.
But Karasuma rejected her and even told her that he has a fiancée waiting for him in the States. Tenma was totally freaked out and locked herself in her room.
Yakumo was worried for her and it was then Harima Kenji arrived.
He breaks into Tenma's room and wake up her senses. In the process, he unintentionally said he love Tenma.
Tenma began to understand that her feelings for Karasuma were just a one-sided love and Harima was the only one who cared for her.
From that day on, Tenma and Harima became a loving couple. Yakumo and Eri also realized that Harima only loves Tenma and he ever told the two girls the misunderstanding.
Yakumo just gave a gentle slap on his open palm hand but Eri laid the smackdown on him.
The two girls then went to town and painted it red. But they laughed and cried together in the end and realized they're just fools in love.
In love with a man who never love them in the first place.
Eri and Yakumo began to understand each other better and became friends after that.
"Here are your orders." The waitress started to serve them.
"How's everything in the Tea club?" Akira asked Yakumo.
"It's going well, Akira Sempai. We have a few new members and Itoko Sensei and Sarah has been very helpful."
"Indeed. I gave up my chairwoman's role to you so I can concentrated on my finals and other commitments." Akira started to pour some milk into her coffee.
"Mikoto, how's your training coming along?" Eri asked.
Mikoto placed the ice cream in her mouth and replied "Ok, Hanai Kun gave me some pointers yesterday."
"Did you ask for more "advices" from him? I heard that you two are getting along very well recently." Eri teasing her.
Mikoto blushed and nervously answered, "Don't utter rubbish! He is only concerned about me as a friend and that's all! There's no way he and I could be an item!"
"But isn't that what happen to childhood friends? They become a couple in the end. I think that's romantic." Karen wondering in her mind.
Mikoto quickly changed the attention to Karen.
"Ichijo Chan, how about you? I often seen Imadori San talking to you and both of you were very close."
"Well...he is all right...we just share the same interests, that's all." Karen was blushing all over her.
"But you better be careful about him. He is such a flirt and if you are serious about him, you better reconsider it first." Eri told her.
"We're just friends...that's all!" Karen immediately sucked out the apple juice and try to hide her face in embarrassment.
Yakumo and the others started to laugh among themselves and soon it was almost evening.
"Look at the time. I got to prepare dinner!" Yakumo looking at her watch.
"It's about time too. I want to have a work up before dinner." Mikoto also agreed.
Akira snapped her fingers for the waitress "Waitress, bill please!"
Soon after, the girls went in their separate ways, each have their own vision of what their day will be tomorrow.
When Yakumo reached home, Tenma was talking on the phone and when she finally hung up "Yakumo! Guess who is coming to stay with us?"
"Who is it, Nee San"? She asked.
"It's our cousin, Aoki Sora!"
Yakumo stop to think who is Aoki Sora? Then she finally remembers!
"Nee San? Isn't he...? "
"Yes! It's been ten years already!"
Yakumo's heart started to beat faster the moment she thought about him. She couldn't understand why but decided to ignore it.
Little did Yakumo or anyone knew that their lives will change forever when the first month of spring begin...