Her heart started pounding again, just as her mind started working again. It went straight into overload at the sight. Kagome couldn't believe what she was seeing. Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru standing across from each other. She couldn't move. Suddenly her feet started moving backwards as she turned and ran from the scene.

Tears welled up in her eyes. I thought that I was over Inuyasha! Kagome screamed in her mind over and over again. Her feet pounded on the cemented ground as she turned to go out of the shrine and into the huge city of Tokyo. They won't find me there!

By the time Kagome had reached the subway, she was out of breath and now regretting ever running off. It was starting to get dark and some scary people were starting to come out.

Men started to give her strange looks and Kagome knew what they meant. Kagome pulled the bottom of her skirt down cursing that it was so short and cursing herself for running off.

Maybe she'll walk to Eri's house. It was close. Kagome broke out in a brisk walk towards Eri's house.

Shivering slightly, Kagome glanced over her shoulder then back to the front. As she reached the crossing, Kagome waited for the light to go green. Glancing around at the streets, Kagome's eyes lingered on long white hair.

Who had white hair and wore a business suit? Apart from really old business men, but they didn't have it long like this.

It was tied back into a low pony tail down the mans back. It was flickin'. Kagome thought then she was instantly disgusted in herself. This man had to be like, ninety years old to have such white hair.

Kagome continued staring at the business man until the light turned green and she had to walk off, or miss it and she'd have to wait another five minutes for it to turn green.

He turned around and for a moment their eyes locked. Her chocolate orbs against his amber ones.




Kagome took off running down the street. The children's story of the Gingerbread man played in her mind as she ran towards Eri's street. Just as she stepped onto the corner when someone pulled her down an alleyway.

"Oi, what do we have here?" A rough voice said

Kagome gulped then stepped back, "No one," she stuttered as she watched him come towards her. This day couldn't get any better for Kagome. Suddenly before she knew it, she had started begging, "Please don't hurt me. Please, I'll give you money, I-i-I'll give you all the money I have, just please don't hurt me,"

Her mind screamed YOU DON'T HAVE ANY MONEY!!!! Kagome regretted buying those super cool new Jimmy Choo shoes. Well...they were super cool...no, not worth this. Or were they?

"Don't care for money," He said gruffly and from the look in his eyes, Kagome knew what he wanted and she wasn't about to give it to him.

Kagome started walking backwards but tripped over an empty cardboard box. This was so typical and stereotypical too.

Kagome could have cried.

"You will not touch her," A voice commanded. It was a cool and smooth voice, the voice of a male. Kagome knew that voice from somewhere, but where?

Kagome glanced up at the stranger. It couldn't be? Could it?

Kagome didn't know what was going on but this was freaking her out big time, all she could do was fall back and faint.

Kagome's eyes shot open and she sat up just as sharply, barely feeling any pain at all from her wounds.

Where was she?

The last thing she remembered was fainting in a dark alleyway with to strangers, one ready to pounce and rape her, the other ready to save her.

What the hell had happened to her?

Kagome looked around and noted that she was in her own room. Lying back down on her comfy bed, Kagome tried to remember the reason why she had fainted.

Or had she dreamed the while thing?

Suddenly Sesshoumaru was leaning over her, "Did you have a nightmare Kagome?" he asked quietly

Kagome closed her eyes before thinking. Had it all been a dream? Or had it been real? "You said my name," Kagome said opening her eyes to stare at the demon.

Sesshoumaru raised an eyebrow at her, "So this Sesshoumaru did," he said, looking out the window, "Your family is away, they went out for tea I believe,"

"Okay, we better be going back now, I think those antibiotics that mum gave me for my cuts are working, there almost gone, isn't that awesome?" Kagome said sitting up and looking at her cuts. Indeed they were almost gone.

Kagome got out of bed, took a shower, had something to eat, and redressed in something different, rather then her usual school uniform. She wore a simply pair of jeans, a white singlet top and brown jacket over the top.

Had it all just been a nightmare? But it seemed so real to her.

Kagome glanced down at her palms to see little grazes scattered across it. Her eyes narrowed as she studied her hands.

They were scarred from living and fighting in the feudal era, nothing like her friends perfect, manicured hands, without a chipped nail or calloused fingers.

Kagome's, however, had hardened over time because of hard work. Strange how she had never noticed this change with herself. Now that she thought about it her hands weren't the only parts that had changed.

Her legs were toned and slightly muscular from walking, her co-ordination was excellent and her stamina had increased ten-fold.

Suddenly she turned and left the bathroom, shaking her head as if to shake them from her mind.

Sesshoumaru glanced at her as she closed the bathroom door. His silent gaze made her nervous. "Is something wrong Sesshoumaru?" Kagome asked, not quite reaching his gaze

Sesshoumaru said nothing for a moment. "It is nothing, Miko." Sesshoumaru glanced around the room. "Are you ready?"

Kagome nodded. "Yep yep, I'll just get my bag." Kagome quickly ran towards her room and threw the straps of her bag over her shoulders. When she reached the kitchen downstairs, Kagome scribbled a note for her mother then she met Sesshoumaru in the lounge room.

"Okay we can go now." Kagome chirped, walking towards the well. Sesshoumaru seemed more distant then usual. "Sesshoumaru?" Kagome looked at him. He didn't say anything so Kagome continued. "Is everything okay?"

Again, Sesshoumaru said nothing for a moment. "Miko, yesterday, when you ran off, how did you get home?"

Kagome's eyes widened. So it did happen! She thought. What happened to me? Who took me home? Did that man-

"There were no other injuries on your body." Sesshoumaru said, watching her intently.

"I-I don't know, Sesshoumaru-sama, the last thing I remember is passing out." Kagome said, still thinking. I must of blacked out and walked home without me remembering. Kagome reasoned, maybe that's what happened.

Sesshoumaru stared for a moment longer before turning away. Kagome tried to think of something else.

Reaching the well, Sesshoumaru lifted Kagome up bridal style and jumped down the well.

For a moment, they were floating on nothing until solid ground appeared beneath them. Kagome hopped down from Sesshoumaru's grasp and started climbing up the side of the well.

She jumped over the top and waited for Sesshoumaru, who just jumped from the bottom.

"Kagome!" A young voice screamed. Kagome looked up to see Shippo running towards her, Miroku not far behind. "Oh Kagome, I missed you so much!" Shippo said as he jumped into her arms.

"I missed you too Shippo!" Kagome said, hugging the young kitsume.

"Lady Kagome." Miroku said, opening his arms. Kagome hugged him as well. However, during their moment, something slid down to her...ahem... Kagome's eyes grew wide as she wrentched herself from his grip. He laughing sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck. "You look great." He said

Kagome rolled her eyes before hugging him again.

It was good to be back.

You're all probably sitting there, getting your pitch forks and flames ready, going 'What The Hell was that!" Sorry it was pretty anti-climax but at least it was an update. Don't worry it'll get better because last night I watched an episode of Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru slid his kimono off his shoulder. It was like a strip show lol. Anyway, how long has it freakin' bin? Like eight months? I'm sorry, my diabetes got really bad and I was placed in hospital then it was in and out for a while then school work got piled up so I had to concentrate on that for ages. And after all that I sorta lost my mojo for writing however I went through all your reviews (and Sesshoumaru's sexy body) and BOOM! my mojo was back. (True story) Sorry about being evil, enjoy the update, I'll try and update as soon as I can.

Anyway, please review!
