Chapter 1 – "Lost Love Comes Home!"
It was dark and stormy that night. Lightning and thunder rumbled and flashed in the midnight sky and the wind blew at speeds of unbelievable capacity. The rain fell heavy and hard, beating against the windows and roofs of every house and car in the city; all except on the window of one house. That window was open and the rain and blinds whipped around inside the room. Sitting on the window seal was a small pot with a small green plant rooted in the soil.
Suddenly, a huge bolt of lightning followed by the loud rumbling of thunder struck the sky, waking a certain orange, twin-tailed kitsune from his peaceful slumber.
"Huh? Wha…." He looked around, rubbing his sleep filled eyes, trying to regain his vision to see what was going on. Finally he looked over to the window and noticed the blinds flapping and flying around as the rain poured inside the room, "It's a thunderstorm….oh no!" A thought flashed in his mind as he jumped out of the bed and quickly ran over to his window.
"I left the window open…I hope she's alright!" He quickly closed the window and lowered the blinds. The little plant was all soaking wet and shaken from the wind, lightning and thunder.
"Cosmo…" he whispered gently, picking up the poor little wet plant. He gently stroked its petals, admiring its healthy green shine. That little plant meant the whole world to him, so much so that he decided to name it 'Cosmo', after his first love.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to leave the window open…" he said, looking at the plant with loving eyes, "well, at least the rain gave you a nice, refreshing shower".
Tails walked over to the window and placed 'Cosmo' back on the window seal, this time it was closed. "There, now you can get a good nights rest…here, I'll even leave the blind up so that you'll have a lovely view of the moon", he said, lifting the blind up a little.
The moonlight gave off a shinning reflection off of 'Cosmo's' petals, making them look even more beautiful than ever. He smiled sweetly at the pretty plant and he leaned down and softly kissed the one bud standing in the middle of the plant, "I love you…" he whispered.
Then he turned and casually walked away. Instead of going back to bed, Tails decided to walk down to the kitchen to get a midnight snack. He slowly walked down the steps, being careful not to fall over.
He made his way to the kitchen, turning the light on as he entered. Sighing softly to himself, he walked over to the refrigerator, opening it and pulling out a half carton of milk.
He opened a nearby cabinet and took a tall, empty glass from the shelf, and then he went over to the table and sat down. Filling the glass, his mind began to wander, filling with thoughts and memories, lingering on the events that happened that day in space.
"She…sacrificed her life…to save ours…" his thoughts began as he finally took a drink from his glass. The cold milk trickled down his throat, leaving a milk mustache as he placed the glass back down on the table.
"I'll never forgive myself…I made a promise…and I…I…" tears suddenly began rolling down his face and fell onto the table. Soon single tears turned into rivers as he buried his head in his arms onto the table and began to cry uncontrollably.
"I...broke my promise...oh Cosmo I'm so sorry! If I could go back in time…I-I would stop myself for ever making that mistake…I would hold you and keep you…I would never let anything happen to you….because….because…." he sat there at the table and softly cried.
Upstairs in his room, the little plant was sitting there in the window seal as the moonlight shone upon her. Suddenly, tiny sparkles of light began to surround it; the tiny bud sitting in the middle began to bloom and a beautiful pink rose blossomed in the moonlight.
The tiny sparkles of light then floated over to the middle of the room and a blue ring appeared in the middle of the floor.
It began to swirl as a portal opened up, causing an aqua blue shine to illuminate the entire room. The portal began to flare up and a shadowy figure suddenly walked out of the portal. The figure stood in the middle of the room, "Tails…" spoke the shadowy, shaded figure as it slowly walked towards the door, making its way downstairs and into the kitchen, where Tails had steadily cried himself to sleep.
"Tails…" the figure slowly crept up behind him, hearing him mutter in his sleep, "Cosmo…I'm so sorry…" The figure placed its hand on Tails' head, stroking it softly as she whispered in his ear, "It's ok…I'm here…I'll always be right here with you."
Tails began to feel really calm and relaxed; he softly began to sigh, feeling a gentle warm hand softly stroking his head. The feeling was so calming, yet he couldn't help but to wonder who was there with him. He slowly opened his eyes and looked up to see who was looming over him.
The light from the moon shone on the mystery person's face and a sudden shock expression appeared on his face when the luminous light revealed the person's true identity.
"Co-Cosmo…" he said with a shock and awe tone in his voice. Indeed it was Cosmo, she had returned from her space burial site, this time in a different and truly more beautiful form. The flowers on the sides of her head that were once buds had bloomed into two big and beautiful pink roses, one on each side. She had grown a little taller and older, but then again so had Tails.
It had been 4 years since that day the Cosmo sacrificed her life to save those aboard the Blue Typhoon, and just when things all seemed lost, and Tails' heart seemed that it would never heal again, a miracle happens and a lost love returns home to the holder of its heart.
"Tails…" she smiled down at him, wipping away the tears that began to swell in his eyes. Tails couldn't believe what he was seeing, what he was feeling, who was standing right in front of him.
Emotions began to churn deep inside him as he jumped out of his chair and into the arms of his one true love, "Cosmo…", he sigh, softly sobbing into her chest. Cosmo gently sat down on the floor with Tails in her arms.
She began stroking his head again, rocking slowly back and forth, "It's ok Tails…I'm home now…and I'll never leave you again…I promise", then she softly hummed a sweet lullaby in his ear.
Tails felt a great comfort deep in his soul as he slowly relaxed himself in Cosmo's arms. With tears still rolling down his face, Tails slowly began to drift off to sleep, with Cosmo's sweet harmonic tune ringing in his ear.
end of chapter 1