Job Contract

Rating: PG-13

Author Notes: I do not own any of the women or men of DOA. The women of DOA are not actually 'sisters' they are called that because they are very close to one another.

Chapter 1

The day was cold and damp. Storm clouds covered the sky. Bits of rain drops descended. Seven men lived in a run-down house. The men were poor, jobless, hungry and of course moneyless. Two muscular figures walked inside the room. A middle aged man with long white hair sat on the couch, drinking the last bottle of wine.

"Is there anymore wine left?" Bayman asked one of the muscular men.

"Nope….this was the last one." Brad Wong answered, taking his last gulp.

"Where are the others? Not like them to stay out this late in this kind of weather." Leon said, pulling up a chair.

An hour later, four more men joined them in the room. Two of them went to change their clothes while Zack went up to Leon, Brad Wong, and Bayman asking them for some random numbers for his lottery ticket. Jann Lee went into the kitchen to get something to eat.

"Zack, you know the lottery is all a hoax. Do you know anyone who won the lottery?" Bayman asked, irritated at Zack.

"I know, but it doesn't hurt just to try, ya know." Zack replied. Bayman rolled his eyes and gave Zack some random numbers and so did Leon and Brad Wong. Zack left the house again.

"Bayman, don't be hard on him. He means well." Leon commented, stretching his arms.

"I find him damn foolish." Jann Lee remarked. Eating the last can of beans.

"Jann Lee, you shouldn't talk…out of all of us you cannot keep a job more than a day. Because you are too damn arrogant." Leon said.

"What did you say!" Jann Lee said, tightening his fist while giving Leon a stern look.

"Okay, you two…settle down. Beating the hell out of each other won't help our situation." Hayate said. He and Hayabusa came inside the room, where they were joined by Zack who came back with newspaper.

All seven of them sat in silence, the only sound that could be heard was the sound of thunder roaring above the sky, while a strong wind blew. Brad Wong picked up the remote and turned on the television to reduce the tension in the room. The channel they watched was channel 8, broadcasting a special interview with celebrities.

"Good evening, folks. I'm here live with the top richest women in the world. Let me introduce the billionaire princess sisters: Ayane, Kasumi, Hitomi, Lei Fang, Helena, Tina and Christie." The interviewer for channel 8 said.

"Hello there." Kasumi said sweetly.

"Girls, I must say, how does it feel to be the top richest women on earth? You guys can buy anything your heart desires and more." The interviewer asked.

"It feels wonderful, knowing that you're rich and that you have ton of adoring fans cheering for you." Tina remarked, winked and gave a flying kiss to the camera.

"I hear that you girls are looking for some new faces in your mansion." The interviewer said.

"That is correct, we are looking for new faces. Our former butlers were fired due to some scandals they were part of." Hitomi said.

"Yes, so any men out there who think they can handle the job as our personal butlers, we will be holding interviews at our grand mansion in France. So be there if you are not afraid." Christie remarked, grinning.

Suddenly the television was turned off due to the storm. The men sighed and stared at the ceiling or the wall. Then Zack got up and stood in the center of the room….

"Hey, you guys I know what we can do!" Zack announced excitedly.

"What is it Zack, better not be one of those jackpot schemes." Hayabusa said.

"No, no it's not that, those girls want some new butlers right? So I'm thinking we should get the jobs before some other guys do." Zack said. He drooled due to the fact that he fell instantly in love with the semi-long blonde haired girl; Tina.

"That's a good idea. Or is it that you just want the job because of that girl Tina." Jann Lee said, making a faint laugh.

"There is no way in hell I would serve those spoiled princesses to their every need." Leon protested, crossing his arms over his broad chest.

"Ha…so you are getting old. Poor Leon cannot take orders from little girls" Bayman mocked. Leon stared at him and ignored his insult.

"I like your idea Zack." Brad Wong said.

"Look guys, if we work for those hot babes we may live in their mansion and not this hell hole. We will eat real food for once and have a good income." Zack said. His words interested all the men in the room. This made Zack smirk, knowing that his comrades liked his idea.

"So it's settled then. Tomorrow we will head for France and hopefully get the job." Hayate announced.

"Yeah!" The men cheered.