A/N: Well, thanks to Stargatefangurl (aka Lhinneill), who has graciously volunteered to beta this for me, Hijacked now has a destination instead of my random wanderings. I'm extremely sorry for the long wait between chapters, but I hope to be able to move along much quicker now that I have someone to help me. Here's the new and improved first chapter.
"You didn't have to come you know."
Startled by the voice of her friend and teammate, Sam nearly dropped the National Geographic magazine she'd been reading. "What?"
Daniel lifted one shoulder in a shrug. "I mean...I'm sure you have projects waiting for you in your lab..." His voice trailed off and he shrugged again, pushing his glasses further up on his nose.
"Daniel..." Sam repressed a sigh. This was the second time Daniel had brought the subject up. "I'm here, I want to be here. Besides...Colonel O'Neill practically ordered me off the base."
"Ah! So now the truth comes out." Daniel teased. Rolling her eyes, she resisted the urge to jab him in the ribs and instead reached into her bag to pull out one of the thick books she'd packed. The flight was going to be a long one; she'd have plenty of time to read.
Jack reached for the bottle on the dock near his chair, lifting it to take a long drink of the rapidly warming beer before setting it back in its place on the water stained wood. It was a beautiful morning, the birds were out in full force, twittering from the tops of evergreens; he'd also seen a couple deer getting a drink on the far side of the pond, likely a doe and her fawns. They had stayed mostly hidden in the thick underbrush.
He was glad he'd come up here for his vacation time instead of staying back at his home in Colorado. It was nice, peaceful and though there were no fish, he still could enjoy just...fishing... The only thing missing was some people here to share it with. But, as usual, none of his team had volunteered to come along. Sam and Daniel had headed for Egypt, supposedly for some archaeology conference thing. Jack had a sneaking suspicion Daniel planned to do more than just attend a conference, though. The man probably had several dig site visits planned.
As for Teal'c...well...Jack didn't envy him. The Jaffa was stuck with babysitting duty alongside SG-3. Jack wasn't sure why Hammond had sent his friend along on the mission, but whatever the reason, it had to be a good one.
The shrill tone of Jack's cell phone sliced through the silence. Jack muttered a curse, dug into his pocket for the slim flip phone, and resisted the urge to throw it in the pond.
"O'Neill," Jack said, switching hands on the phone so he could reach for his beer.
"Hey Jack, how's your vacation?"
Maybourne. All thoughts of beer instantly vanished. "It was going pretty good before you called," Jack growled, the urge to toss the phone in the pond returning in full force. "What the hell do you want?"
He was expecting some sarcastic comment, but to his surprise, Maybourne cut straight to the point. "I caught wind of some big operation I thought you might find interesting."
"I'm touched."
There was an audible sigh on the either end of the line. "Come on Jack, you can trust me."
"Maybourne, trust has never been a word I'd associate with you or your people."
"Look, I just thought you'd want to know that your team's in danger. Apparently I was—"
"What?" Jack sat up abruptly, nearly kicking the bottle of beer into the water.
"You heard me Jack," Maybourne said, his tone low and serious. "Major Carter and Doctor Jackson are in danger."
I hope to have the rewritten chapter 2 updated sometime early next week.