j.s: so sorry for no updates...i just forgot to write da next chapter and den i accidently read a review and i was like 'oh shit, story'...so here is da next chapter. enjoy!

Chapter 15- plans

Joey yawned as he rolled out of bed and headed for the bathroom. After a quick shower, Joey changed into his uniform before heading towards school all the while formulating plans on how to remove a school desk without anyone noticing. He couldn't hide it in his clothes like the girlie magazines nor could he casually walk out the school with a desk…or could he. That was it! Joey's plan was simple but pure genius and all it needed was confidence. When you acted like nothing was wrong and walked with your head held high, most people don't look too closely. With a stupid grin plastered on his face, Joey walked into his (and Seto's) homeroom and locked his eyes on the target.

She was beautiful, a virgin until Seto Kaiba had came along and stolen it and as though her appeal wasn't enough the fact that no one else sat at that desk all year made Joey desire her even more. Subtly wiping the drool from his face, Joey placed himself at the desk and took a moment to just breathe in the atmosphere surrounding the desk.

Seto Kaiba was earlier than usual to school today in order to get in some quality time with Joey (in other words to make-out with Joey in the boy's toilets). Seto had noticed that ever since Joey had become friends with Yugi, he began to show up in school everyday and on time. Joey no longer had a bad boy reputation around school but that didn't mean anyone saw him as weak. Seto smiled as he thought of how strong his puppy actually was…all man and all his. Seto stepped into his homeroom to wait at his desk for Joey only to see his puppy already there…and stroking the wood.

Joey couldn't help but rub his hands against the desk, it was so smooth. Just the

knowledge that his dragon had touched the desk made it the most desirable object in Joey's eyes. Joey kept stroking until he had the not so subtle sound of someone clearing their throats, alarmed wide eyes looked up and met the amused blue eyes of his lover.

"Its not what it looks like!!! I mean…..Mornin' dragon…hehehe" Joey nervously chuckled and slid out of Seto's desk.

"Its alright puppy, you can always sit at my desk…always" With that said Seto slid into his chair and pulled a still nervous Joey into his lap.

Neither boy said anything for the half an hour that they sat at the desk, just relinquishing in each others presence. Both feeling that they needed to reaffirm the others presence and reconnect on a more spiritual level. With there being 10 more minutes until class started, Joey gracefully lifted himself off Seto's lap and made his way to his own chair but not before giving Seto a peck on his check.

The bell rang and Joey decided the best way to steal the desk would be at lunchtime when no one was in the class, then he could take it home and come back before afternoon lessons and no one would be the wiser. Joey quickly looked up at the clock and sighed as he realized lunch wouldn't be for another 3 hours. Damn, Joey hated waiting and so began to tap his foot impatiently even before the lessons had begun.

Seto looked up back at Joey and sighed. His puppy was so restless today and even more he wasn't even pretending to listen to the lessons. Seto smirked; it was now the perfect time to begin stage 1 of his plan to put cameras in Joey's bedroom. So Seto Kaiba the richest teenager alive made a paper aeroplane. This wasn't an ordinary aeroplane but had perfect dimensions, low air resistance in other words it was born to fly and it did.

Joey looked up at the clock and as he mentally calculated how many hours left to lunch felt a thump at the back of his head as a strange point object bashed into him. Joey turned around and saw the paper aeroplane lying by his chair and his temper flared.

"WHICH ONE OF YA' PUNKS THREW THIS PIECE OF CRAP?" Joey roared whilst standing up and looking around the back of the class room.

Joey then made eye contact with his lover and to his surprise saw a mischievous glint in them. 'No way, Seto Kaiba probably wouldn't even know how to make a paper aeroplane yet manage to throw one with perfect aim' Joey snorted, he couldn't believe he could have ever doubted him. Joey immediately wiped the growl off his face and gave Seto a small smile, showing his complete trust in him. Then Joey's eyes hardened and began to figure out which one of his classmates wanted a fight.

Just as Joey was about to yell out again the teacher decided to interrupt,

"Mr Jonouchi, Detention after school for disrupting my class!"

"But, but…sensei, its not ma' fault"

"I don't want to hear it Mr Jonouchi, now stop taking up any more of the class's time."

Defeated, Joey sat back down and once again began counting down the minutes left for lunch. Meanwhile, Seto Kaiba was feeling extremely guilty. After the look of trust Joey had given him, Seto was beginning to have regrets and seeing Joey's slightly slumped form was not helping his conscious. But instead of speaking up and getting his puppy out of trouble, Seto kept his silence knowing that Joey's detention was a necessary in order to put the cameras in his bedroom.

The bell finally rang for lunch and before anybody even packed up, Joey was out the door and went into the janitor's closet. Once there Joey quickly put on the blue overalls that were hanging in the closer and made his way back to the now empty classroom. Gathering his wits and hiding his trade mark blond hair under a baseball hat that he found in the closet, Joey made his way over to the desk.

Just looking at the desk gave Joey chills so with a huge grin he lifted the desk up and started making his way out of the school. Whistling a happy tune Joey made his way out without attracting any unwanted attention, even passing up Seto without the brunet giving him a single glance. Happy that no one would catch him, Joey started walking down the streets to his house. Here, Joey did get the occasional look due to being a random guy in blue overalls carrying a desk down the sidewalks in broad daylight but no one questioned it. Joey was grateful that people were too busy minding there own business to pay attention to him.

Almost home now, Joey could help but giggle insanely at how perfect his plan was…pure brilliance it what Joey thought. Taking the desks up the stairs and into the apartment, Joey finally set the beloved desk down in his bedroom…right in front of all the things that he had stolen from Seto. Glad he now had a place to put it all, Joey took the pens, scrap paper, notes and the odd sock that he had stolen and put it on the desk. Satisfied with the new arrangement of everything, Joey looked at the time and quickly made his way back to school.

The bell rang a second later after Joey slid into his class. Smiling brightly at not being late Joey made his way to the desk before being stopped by the teacher.

"Excuse me sir…but is there something wrong with the classroom"

It was only then that Joey realized he was still in the blue overalls and so the teacher assumed he was a janitor so after giving a negative shake of his head, Joey aka mysterious janitor quickly dashed out of the classroom and made his way into the closet and took off the overalls. Sighing that he was now late for class, Joey made his way back to class.

Seto was annoyed, he had wanted to spend lunch talking cough cuddling cough with Joey but as soon as the bell rang Joey disappeared and he was caught up in an urgent business call. Apparently, after 'coming out' on national T.V. Seto Kaiba was now being seen as some sort of icon so a couple of his new fans decided that they too wanted to come out to the world right in front of Kaiba corp. Dozens of people were standing in front of Kaiba Corp waving banners like 'I prefer men with other men' and 'yes mum, it's true'. Seto Kaiba sighed tiredly as he made his way back to class, knowing that right now his muscle were gently escorting his fans off his property. Seto Kaiba after an hour's pacing couldn't wait to sit down at his desk…

"What the….?" escaped Kaiba's lips, as he took in the empty space which previously held his desk. So engrossed in figuring out where his desk disappeared, Kaiba didn't even notice the mysterious Janitor (or his exit) but just stood there.

"Mr Kaiba, please would you take a seat. Lessons are starting" The teacher explained carefully.

"My desk is missing" With that said the whole class started snorting.

"Excuse me Mr Kaiba, I didn't quite catch that" the teacher politely waited for Seto answer.

"You heard me correctly the first time, my desk is missing" Seto repeated with frustration seeping into his voice…he really liked his desk.

"Well…um…for the time being please sent in Mr. Jonouchi's desk."

Cheering up a bit at that, Seto Kaiba gracefully sat in his puppy's desk and took a deep inhale. 'I wonder where my puppy went' Seto thought before said pup rushed into the class looking out of breath.

"I'm sorry I'm late sensei…see I was in the library and err…forgot about the time"

The whole class ended up laughing including the teacher at Joey's excuse…the idea of Joey in the library was amusing so blushing red, Joey made his way to his seat.

"What the fuck, what are you doing here dragon"

j.s: um...next chapter should be soon...i hope ...i think i respond well to threatening reviews so if im not updating for a while leave something like 'i'll kill u if u dont update' so i'll do it (my theory)