My first ever fanfic (yay!). So please don't expect a masterpiece, okay?
Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece. If I did my dream of living in Japan would be true (it isn't)
Now that that's (hi hi, same word twice) out of the way, on with the story!

1.Bye bye mom (part 1 of 2)

The rain fell hard on the deck of the Going Merry. It had rained the whole day and therefore the crew was sitting in the galley. Except Usopp, he had to keep watch since none of the others wanted to.
"Saaanjiii." Luffy said, his head resting on the table, arms by his sides and an extremely bored look on his face.
"Can I have something to eat?"
"No." Sanji said and threw the remains of yet another cigarette in the sink.
"We ate lunch less then an hour ago. You're not hungry." Sanji's glare convinced Luffy he wasn't hungry.
"But I'm booored." Luffy let out a sigh and looked around the small room.Sanji was standing by the sink smoking. Zoro leaned against the wall sleeping. Nami was sitting across the table from Luffy doing…something.Luffy decided to find out what. He left his place stretched over the table to stand behind Nami looking over her shoulder.

"Nami." He said.
"Yes Luffy." Nami was trying to read a navigation book she had bought at the last port.
"What's that?" Luffy pointed to the book.
Nami turned her face towards Luffy and answered:
"It's a book I'm trying to read." She turned back to her book. Luffy stood silent for a moment before he spoke up again.
"Why are you trying to read it?"
Nami put down the book on the table.
"Sanji-kun." She said putting on the smile that always made the cook do whatever she asked him.
"Yes, dear Nami-san." Sanji said his hands clasped and eye turning heart-shaped.
"Luffy's a little annoying could you get him to leave me alone?"
Five seconds later Luffy landed on the deck having been kicked out of the galley and told not to return until dinner was ready.
Luffy didn't mind being kicked out of the galley. His mom had kicked him out of the kitchen a million times.
'I wonder where mom is now' he thought to himself as he opened the door to the boy's room to get out of the rain.

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

Ten years ago in Fuchsia Village.

The seven-year-old boy named Monkey D Luffy had just found out he would never be able to swim. This meant he would not be allowed to join Shank's pirate crew.
On the other hand the Devil's Fruit he had just ate made his body rubber. This new, cool ability made up for the bad parts.
Red Haired Shanks and his pirate crew had returned to drinking and eating, it was still early.
The door of the bar opened and in walked a boy.
"Oi, Luffy!" The boy waved as he walked up to his little brother. He was a head taller then Luffy, with the same black messy hair, although somewhat longer, and sleepy-looking eyes. He was wearing blue shorts and shoes, no shirt. His mom always tried to get him to wear a shirt, but he took it off as soon as he was out of her sight. After all he was a man and men weren't told what clothes they should wear.

"Ace! Look, look, look!" Luffy shouted and put his fingers in the corners of his mouth and stretched it out to three times its normal size.
"I'm rubber now!" Luffy put on one of his usual big I'm-the-happiest-person-alive smiles.
"That's really cool." Ace looked had him his eyes wide open.
"Can I try?" He grabbed Luffy's right hand while Luffy used his left one to hold on to the counter he was standing next to.
Ace started pulling. When he couldn't pull any more he was standing by the door. Luffy had stretched across the whole bar, both arms stretched out and his body dangling a feet above the floor.
'I wonder what will happen if I let go?' Ace thought to himself. Without any warning he let go of the hand he was holding.
This caused Luffy to fly back and crash into the counter. Everybody in the room stopped with what they were doing and looked at the place where the little rubber boy had landed.
"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Luffy's laughter echoed across the bar. He got up on his feet and smiled.
"That was fun, I wanna do it again!"

After doing this fun game for the 12th time Makino walked up to the two boys.
"Are you two enjoying yourself?" She gave them a sweet smile and got two equally happy in return.
"Thank you for letting us play here." Ace bowed as he thanked to bar owner.
"It's no problem. Everyone enjoys watching you two." She answered Ace, while Luffy was pulling his arm begging him to slingshot him one more time.
"But shouldn't you boys be heading home soon. It's almost time for dinner, I'm sure your mother is waiting for you."
"FOOOOD!" Luffy shouted in his brother's ear.
"Let's go Ace!" He released Ace's hand and started running out the door.
"Hey, wait for me Luffy!" He shouted after his brother and started running after him.
"Bye Makino!" He said as he exited.

Makino watched through the window as the boys ran along the road leading up to their house.
She sighed. Their mother would not be happy when they got home. Although Ace and Luffy were good children, they could be a little too much from time to time.
'Oh well, time to get back to work.' She thought as she turned her attention back to the rest of the guest in her bar.

Authors note's: So did you like it? Hate it? Any spelling or grammar mistakes (English is not my first language)? Do you want me to post part two (I will no matter what you say)? Please review (or pm, e-mail, send smoke signals or something).
Thank you.
My reason for doing this was to see Ace as a child. And because I think the whole Straw Hat crew were adorable as children.
So what will happen next? What will Ace and Luffy's mother say? Part 2 coming soon!