Title: One Little Step
Type: FPS
Author: Angelfire74 - PG-13
Pairing: no pairing
Warning: Slash
I write fan fiction solely for mine and others own enjoyment and do
not claim any copyright or ownership. Tolkien owns them. I do not
make any financial gain.
Beta: none
Timeline: AU
Summary: Final thoughts
He stood at the edge of the cliff looking down. 'One step. Just one step and it would all be over. All the pain, humiliation, everything would end. Just one step that's all he had to do was take one step. Everything would cease. No more problems. He would not be blamed for everything that went wrong. He would not have to solve everyone else's problems. No more wondering what he had done to deserve this life. This Hell! Just one more step and it would cease. No more being alone, no more crying, no more pain.'
With tear filled eyes he looked up to the heavens and screamed "WHY!" Tears falling down his face as he tried once again to talk himself in to taking that last step. 'He had always done what he was told to do, always did what everyone expected him to do and always it was wrong. It did not matter what it was he did. It was wrong. He could never please anyone. Never did anything turn out right. Why people keep coming to him with problems to solve he would never know. Yes, he did they were things no one else wanted to do, so they came to him to do them.
He was tired, tired in body, tired in mind, tired in soul, and tired in his heart. He could not take it anymore. No more praying every night to die and every morning waking up to this hell. No more, just one more step. That would be all it would take and all the pain would stop.
He knew he could handle all the bullshit if at the end of the day he had someone. Someone to hold him and to tell him that it would all be better. To know that he did not have to go on alone. So alone. He had never known love. Had never been shown love, but he craved it. Needed it. He could not wait anymore. He could not take it.
He had tired before and had failed, but this time he would not. He could not. They say that the Gods do not give you more that you can handle but the Gods over estimated him. He could not handle this life anymore.
No one would miss him, no one would care. Hell everyone's life would be better with him gone. He could not do anything anyway he was not good at anything. Everyone was always better. There was nothing he did that made him special.
He would die and everyone's life would go on. No one would even miss him. Till they had something they did not want to do. Then they would need him, but he would not be there to be their shit monkey again.
Erestor looked out at the world he had live in but never had been a part of. He toke a deep breath, sent out a pray for forgiveness, closed his eyes and toke one little step.
The End
Author's note
No one liked the ended so I made a happy ending
As Erestor toke one little step a strong arm encircled his waist and pulled him away from the cliff. As Erestor turned in stock he looked into tear filled blue eyes. At that moment a thunderous claps of lightening erupted across the sky. Erestor tightly grasped Glorfindel as if his very life depended on never letting go. As Erestor emotions give way with the rain beating down around them. He tears falling to tangle with the drops of water falling from the sky. Lips mate lips in a desperate need to comfort. Hands found skin as clothes were ripped from bodies. In the feistiness of the storm two bodies joined and two soul intertwined to form a bond that both needed. As the storm moved on to cleanse the land it left in its wake two tightly holding on to each other. One lost in sleep and the other thanking the Gods that he showed up just in the nick of timeā¦