Harry Potter and the World Wizardry Tournament

Summary: Seventh Year. Harry thought it was over at the end of the fourth year, he thought there would be no more tournaments, no more tasks. Little did he know that by winning the Triwizard Tournament he was automatically entered into the World Tournament. Now, seven winners of a similar Triwizard Tournament, come to Hogwarts, from all over the world, to compete. H/G to start, but will it last?

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. JK Rowling does.

Author's note: I am basing this off Half Blood Prince, but not totally. Dumbledore is not dead. Snape or Draco is not a Death Eater (that we know of anyway…), and Harry and Ginny are still dating, even though I do not agree with this ship. I still think it came out of no where. And, since Ron and Hermione have not told their feelings to each other (if they even have them), they are not dating.

"Welcome to another year at Hogwarts!" The headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, of Hogwarts Witchcraft and Wizardry called out. He was standing in front of the Great Hall, behind a particular box, that has never been there before. Applause broke out from the four tables in the Great Hall. Ravenclaw was off to the right side, and they were dressed in blue and black robes. Beside them was Gryffindor, which was dressed in robes of red and black. On the left of Gryffindor, was the Slytherin table. They were dressed in robes of green and black. Finally, on the left side of the Great hall, was Hufflepuff, dressed in robes of yellow and black.

"Before we continue on with the feast, I have an announcement to make." Students looked up from their empty plates with interest. All, except one student from the Gryffindor table. This student stared down at his hands in dismay. He had not asked for this, no he had not. . .

"Oh hurry up. . . I could eat a hippogriff." A tall red-headed student from Gryffindor, looking up at the headmaster in wonder, whispered. The newly appointed Headgirl, with bushy brown hair, sitting beside him, shushed him. They didn't notice that the student sitting across from them was not paying attention to the head master.

"For those of you that are in fourth year, and above, you will remember that, three years ago, Hogwarts had the pleasure of holding a special event." Dumbledore paused for a second. "I am of course talking about the Triwizard Tournament."

Gasps rang out through the crowd, and heads snapped towards that lone student, who was still determinedly not looking at the Headmaster. A pretty red head girl, whom was sitting beside the student, whispered "Did you know about this?" The student didn't answer.

"All of you probably know that Mr. Harry Potter won this tournament." Those students who hadn't been looking at Harry Potter, looked at him quickly, then most turned there attention back to the Headmaster.

"Well, after enough Triwizard Tournaments are completed, another tournament takes place. The World Wizardry Tournament, which we have the pleasure of holding this year!"

An uproar of applause broke out from the students in the Great Hall. People glanced at Harry again, and then quieted down to listen to what the Headmaster had to say. "Past winners of Triwizard Tournaments are automatically entered into this tournament. So may I introduce to you, own first champion, Harry Potter!"

Applause broke out again, except from some students at the Slytherin table, who booed. Harry Potter sighed, and stood up. Harry Potter was a 6'0 tall, seventeen year old, student. He was in his seventh and final year at Hogwarts. He walked up to the headmaster, and Dumbledore placed his hand on his shoulder, making him face the people in the Great Hall. After the applause had gone down, the Headmaster started to speak again. "Mr. Potter will be joined by seven other competitors." Harry nodded, and took a step back, so now he was standing off Dumbledore's left side, slightly behind him. "And now, let us meet our other competitors!"

"From the Imperial Magic School of Hong Kong," The doors to the Great Hall opened, and there stood a tall, about 6'3, handsome male student, about seventeen or eighteen years old. "Mr. Xiaolang Li!" At the sound of his name, Xiaolang nodded, and started walking towards the Headmaster, while the students in the Great Hall applauded. The doors to the Great Hall closed. Xiaolang was wearing robes of a deep emerald green, with a gold emblem emblazed on the back. He had messy, but not as messy as Harry's, hair, which was a chocolate color. His amber eyes flashed across the Great Hall in wonder, before reaching the Headmaster. When Xiaolang reached them, he bowed low, and stepped up beside Harry. They caught each others eyes, and nodded at each other.

"From the Giorgio Magical School," The doors opened again, to reveal a pretty female student, sixteen or seventeen years old. "Miss Natasha Frantisco!" Natasha smiled, a very pretty smile, at the sound of her name. She started to walk toward the trio at the front of the hall, as the doors shut behind her. The students in the Great Hall applauded, and many males were looking at her in interest. Natasha had long, about to mid back, brown hair, with blond streaks. She stood at about 5'6, and was extremely well tanned. Her robes, which were made of lavender silk, with dark purple trim, were extremely short. Her robes only reached to just above the knees, and had shortened sleeves. On her feet, she wore purple flip-flop sandals. When she reached the trio, she curtsied, and stood up on the right side of Harry. She smiled at the other two. Xiaolang nodded, and Harry smiled back in return.

"From the Celestial Magic School of Sorcerers," The Great Hall doors opened again, and behind them stood a male student, about seventeen or eighteen years old. "Mr. Alexander Dawson!" Alexander grinned, and started to walk towards the group in the front, as the doors of the Great Hall, once again, closed behind him. The students in the Great Hall applauded, and many females watched Alexander with a smile on their faces. Alexander was tall, about 6'1, and had dirty blond spiky hair. He had a deep tan, which made his blue eyes seem even brighter, and which made a scar over his right eye stick out. Alexander probably received this scar in the past tournament. He was dressed in light robes, of a pale blue with dark blue trim, which only went to his knees. When he reached the group in the front, he nodded to the Headmaster, and stood up beside Natasha. "Good day, mates." He whispered to the other competitors. Natasha giggled, Xiaolang raised his eyebrow, and Harry grinned at him.

"From the Canadian Academy of Magic," The doors of the Great Hall opened, to reveal a pretty female, about seventeen or eighteen. "Miss Christine Guerin!" Christine smiled, and walked towards the headmaster, and the other competitors, and the doors closed behind her. Applause broke out again, but a couple of Slytherins looked up at the competitor is surprise. Christine was a medium height female, about 5'5, and she had her long red hair pulled back into a stylish ponytail. She was dressed in robes of dark mid-night blue, almost black, with sliver sparkles scattered thickly on the bottom, which thinned out the higher it went. Her blue eyes sparkled with mischief, as she glanced around the Great Hall before coming up to the group. Christine curtsied to the Headmaster, and stepped up beside Xiaolang. She turned to the four other competitors, and winked. Xiaolang smirked at her, Harry smiled, Natasha waved, and Alexander winked back.

"From the St. Maries Mages of Magical School," The doors once again opened, this time to reveal a female, about sixteen or seventeen old. "Miss Shantell O'Malley." Shantell didn't smile, or didn't do anything that acknowledges that her name was said, as the doors closed. She just started walking toward the group in the front, staring straight ahead. Applause broke out, but Shantell ignored it. She was a fairly tall, pale, female, about 5'8, and had brown hair, which was pulled back in a low pony tail. She was wearing robes of deep forest green, that faded into a lighter green, and finally yellow on her sleeves. When she reached the group, she bowed to the Headmaster, then stood up beside Christine, but didn't even look at the other competitors. Christine and Natasha exchanged glances.

"From the Star Dust School for Sorceresses," The doors opened to reveal another female, about seventeen or eighteen. "Miss Celeste StarField." The short, wavy haired female, nodded, and started to walk towards the group in the front of the hall, as the doors closed, once again, behind her. Applause broke out from the four tables again. Celeste was short, about 5'2, and was wearing robes of a deep red, with four stars emblazed in black on her back. She had blond, wavy hair that went just below her shoulders. When she reached the group, she gave a very pretty smile to the headmaster, nodded, and stood up beside Shantell. She turned to the other competitors, and waved. Shantell ignored her, while Christine and Natasha waved back, Xiaolang nodded, Harry smiled, and Alexander nodded as well.

"And last, but certainly not least. . . From the Enchanting School of Enchantment," The doors opened for the final time; this time to reveal a handsome male, about seventeen or eighteen. "Mr. Jamie Lamont!" Jamie grinned, and started walking toward the headmaster, and the competitors. The doors closed for the last time, and the students applauded again. He was a shorter male, about 5'9, and had black hair, and a pale complexion. He was wearing robes of black, with white and silver lining. He glared at a couple students at the Slytherin table that were laughing, probably about his school's name. Jamie turned his attention to the Headmaster, and bowed, then stepped up beside Celeste. He turned to the other competitors, and smirked. Natasha blushed, Christine and Celeste smiled, Harry and Xiaolang nodded, Alexander smirked, and Shantell ignored him.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the competitors of the World Wizardry Tournament!" Dumbledore smiled, and stepped over to the side, to give the Great Hall a full view of the competitors. The students gave a loud uproar of applause.

When the applause calmed down, Dumbledore nodded, and walked forward. He stood beside that box that was in front of the competitors. He took out his wand, and tapped it twice. "We have a moment before what ever in the box reveals itself." The great Hall was so silent; you could have heard a pin drop. "Now; the competitors will be divided up into pairs, and will now join Hogwarts as students. That means they will need to be sorted, both into houses and partners, and that will be done . . . with this."

The box disappeared, and there stood a stand, with a saucer on it, which had orange flames burning on it.

Dumbledore turned to the competitors. "Point your wands at this saucer, and state your name, your school, and the country from which you are from. It will then sort you, and put you into partners."

The competitors glanced at each other, before Jamie took out his wand. "Jamie Lamont, from the Enchanting School of Enchantment, United States." A shot of red burst from his wand, and hit the saucer, turning the flames yellow.

Celeste took out her wand. "Celeste StarField, from the Star Dust School for Sorceresses, Italy." A shot of black burst from her wand, and hit the saucer, changing the flames to pink.

"Shantell O'Malley, St. Maries Mages of Magical School, Ireland." A shot of grey burst from her wand, hit the saucer, and the flames turned to a bright blue.

Christine pointed her wand at the saucer, and said, "Christine Guerin, the Canadian Academy of Magic, Canada." A shot of purple burst from her wand, and it hit the flames of the saucer, changing the flames to a bright white.

The next person extended his wand. "Xiaolang Li, Imperial Magic School of Hong Kong, China." A shot of green burst from his wand, and hit the saucer, and the flames changed into a blackish blue color.

Harry extended his wand. "Harry Potter, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, England." A shot of yellow burst from his wand, hit the saucer, making the flames of the saucer to turn a florescent blue.

"Natasha Frantisco, Giorgio Magical School, Greece." A shot of teal hit the saucer, and the flames turned a light peach.

The final student pulled out his wand, and pointed it at the saucer. "Alexander Dawson, from the Celestial Magic School of Sorcerers, Australia." A shot of brown burst from his wand, and the flames turned a final shade of red.

The Headmaster stepped forward again. "Now, a piece of paper will be shot out of the flames, and on it will say two names, and the house in which you belong. When your name is called, take a step forward, wait until your partner is called, then go to your new house tables." All eight competitors nodded.

The flames, which were burning a brilliant red, suddenly shot up, and out burst a piece of paper. The flames turned orange.

Dumbledore caught the paper, "And the first pair is . . . from Hufflepuff, Celeste StarField!" Hufflepuff screamed its approval, and Celeste stepped forward with a smile on her face. "And, her partner . . . representing Slytherin, Alexander Dawson!" Slytherin yelled in applause, as Alexander stepped forward. They turned to each other, shook hands, and went down to the new tables. Their new houses greeted them joyfully.

The students now set the attention to the saucer, and the flames of orange shot up again. Another piece of paper floated down from it, as the flames turned yellow.

Dumbledore caught this paper again, "And the second pair . . . from Ravenclaw, Xiaolang Li!" Ravenclaw screamed in delight, and Xiaolang stepped forward. "And, his partner . . . from Gryffindor, Natasha Frantisco!" Gryffindor gave a huge uproar, and Natasha jumped forward in delight. The partners turned to each other, and shook hands. Then the pair separated, and went to their new tables, where they were met with a warm welcome.

The saucer's flames now shot up again, and a piece of paper fluttered out of it. The flames now turned white.

The headmaster caught the paper again. "The third pair. . . From Gryffindor, Harry Potter!" Even though Gryffindor expected it, they gave a huge uproar, as Harry stepped forward. "And his partner . . . from Slytherin . . . Christine Guerin!" Slytherin gave a loud roar of approval, and Christine stepped forward with a look of satisfaction on her face. Harry and Christine shook hands, and then went to their house tables. Christine sat down beside Alexander, and smiled at him. Harry sat down where he was sitting before, and he was met with several questions, like "Did you know?" "Why didn't you tell us?"

Attention was turned to the saucer again, and the flames of white shot up for a last time, then went out. A piece of paper fluttered down.

"And now . . . the final pair! From Ravenclaw . . . Shantell O'Malley!" Shantell stepped forward, and Ravenclaw screamed in delight. "And her partner . . . from Hufflepuff. . . Jamie Lamont!" Hufflepuff gave a roar of applause, and Jamie stepped forward. Shantell and Jamie shook hands, and then left for their new tables. The tables greeted them joyfully.

"So now, let the feast . . . begin!" The empty plates filled with food right away, and there looked to be different types of food from all over the world. Chatter broke out at once.

"Harry! Did you know?" the pretty red head girl, whose name was Ginny Weasley, asked her boyfriend. She looked a little peeved.

Harry glanced over at her girlfriend, as he helped himself to some food. "Yeah, I knew about it. . ."

"Why didn't you tell us?" the bushy haired girl, whom sat across from them, asked.

"Well Hermione, I only found this morning. I was going to tell you three, but you're prefects, so I couldn't exactly tell you on the train ride here, because you were in the prefect carriage." Harry answered in an annoyed tone.

"Aw cheer up you two!" The tall red head, Ron Weasley, said. "Harry, nice partner mate! Whooo, she's a looker!"


"Geez Ginny, calm down. I'm only saying. . ."

The feast went on like normal, except for the fact there were seven new students, all in the seventh year, and they were being bombarded by questions.

"So, Xiaolang how is your school in China?" A fifth year boy asked, at the Ravenclaw table.

"It's ver' diiferen' from 'Ogwarts, fro' w'at I can tell" He looked around. "I'm sorr' but my englis' is not so good'."

"Oh no! You're doing fine!"

"So Alexander, do you have a girl friend?" An average looking Slytherin girl smiled at him.

Alex looked up at the girl, whose name was Pansy Parkinson, with a raised eyebrow. "Not at the moment, and before you ask, the answer is no." That wiped the smile of her face, and others around them laughed.

Christine, who was sitting beside Alexander, was talking to a blond seventh year that was sitting across from her. "I have a cousin that goes to the Canadian Academy of Magic. He says it has a population of over seven thousand."

"Yes, that's true. Maybe I know your cousin. What's his name?" she took a bite of her dinner.

"Taylor Malfoy."

Christine looked up in surprise. "Taylor Malfoy? Are you serious?" She looked him over quickly. "Wait a second . . . are you Draco Malfoy?"

"Yeah, Taylor Malfoy, he's my uncle's second oldest son. You know him? And yeah, I'm Draco Malfoy, how'd you know?"

"Of course I know him! I used to date him! He told me he had a cousin here!"

The feast continued on for about an hour, and eventually, everyone was finished.

"Well, after such a wonderful feast," The headmaster stood up. "It is time for bed. Chop Chop!"

The students all stood up, and started to head out. All of the new students, most of the competitors included, were being led by fifth year prefects up to their new dormitories.


Harry, Ginny, Hermione, and Ron turned around at the sound of Harry's name. Christine hurried over to them. Ginny looked annoyed, and she glared as the other red head approached. Ron smiled when she came up.

"Hey!" Christine smiled when she finally reached them. "I know we've only met very formally, but can we meet tomorrow, somewhere, to talk about the tournament?"

"Now wait a second!" Ginny stepped forward. "If you think you can make time with my boyfriend, you have another thing coming!"

"Ginny!" Harry glared at her, and she stepped back. Christine raised her eyebrow at her. "Yeah, that would be fine, how about we talk about where we'll meet tomorrow at breakfast?"

"Yeah, sure!" Christine smiled, and hurried of to meet her new housemates. She ran up to Alexander, and Draco Malfoy, and they headed out together. Ginny glared at the retreating back of Christine, and then at her boyfriend.

Harry and Ron watched her go. After a second, Harry said, not even noticing Ginny, "Come on, let's go."

The four started to head towards the Gryffindor tower. Now that Ron, Hermione were in seventh year and Ginny in sixth, they did not have to help the first years to the dormitories. That was a fifth year prefect job. When they reached the common room, and bid goodnight to the girls, Harry and Ron walked up to their dormitories.

"Well, seriously mate, isn't she a looker?"

"Ron! I'm dating your sister!"

"I know you are, but you can't help but look, can you?" Ron smiled. "Cause bloody hell, your partner, and that new Gryffindor chick. . ."

"I thought you had a thing for Hermione?"

"I did! I mean, I do!" Ron lost his smile. "I don't know mate. I mean . . . bloody hell. I don't think she thinks of me like that. . ."

"Ron, how can you know, if you don't ask her?"

Ron didn't answer, as he got ready for bed, and Harry didn't pry. All Harry knew, was this year was going to be interesting.