A/N: I know that it's been forever but here's a new chapter. I hope that you all enjoy and as always please don't forget to review.

Chapter 5: Pain For All

He blinked his eyes several times trying to fight the blurs of bright white light that was assaulting his vision. At first he believed that his attempt to end his life was a successful one and that he would soon be met by the two people who mattered most to him. That was until he felt his wrist throbbing causing him to clench his teeth in discomfort. There was also pain in his head and chest that seemed to run through his whole body. However, no matter how much he was suffering physically his mental state was far worse.

Everyone he grew up with had abandoned him and in his desperation he tried his best to not only rid himself of the pain, but to kill himself and reunite with the only people who really understood him. He sighed, wondering why he couldn't do anything right lately. He couldn't save Jimmy or Keith. He couldn't stop his mother from dying, hell he couldn't even off himself without screwing up. It was becoming painfully clear that Lucas Scott was a failure in every sense of the word.

Slowly he lifted his hand to his face only to find thin tubes of all kinds attached to his body. He wondered what had happened and who had found him such a horrorible state. He suddenly felt guilty for being so weak. He didn't know how he was going to face everyone. He was sure that Haley knew what was going on and of course Nathan, Peyton and Brooke were probably also aware of what he had done. Something in him knew that he should try and come up with some excuse or say that he didn't know what he was doing but they would all see through the lies. They would all see through him and reject him and this terrified him more then dying ever could.

Maybe he should just run away. It would be so much better then facing them. Besides who would miss him? Haley had Nathan, Peyton had Brooke and Dan, well he wouldn't give a dame one way or another. He thought about what he would do once he was able to put Tree Hill behind him. He could always find work in an auto shop. Keith had taught him everything he knew so there no car in the world that he couldn't fix. In fact the more he thought about it, the better the idea sounded to him. After he found a job he could rent a room somewhere and live the rest of his life alone which was exactly what he deserved. All he had to do was pull himself together and get the hell out of here and by the time anyone noticed he would be long gone.

He was about to free himself from the many tubes that invaded his body when he noticed that he couldn't move his right arm. It was pressed hard against something, or rather someone. Looking over he couldn't believe his eyes. Dan was asleep next to him. He quickly pulled away in the opposite direction as if he had been burned by fire. He didn't understand why the man was there. It wasn't as if he cared about him. In fact Dan had made it quite clear that he hated him. However their last conversation was different from all of the rest. It was almost as if Dan had feelings for him. But then again Dan Scott invented the art of lying so there was no way of knowing whether or not the man had told him the truth or if he ws just saying what he thought was best to keep the peace and keep him from causing the man too much trouble. He didn't know either way and more importantly he didn't care. Dan had brought enough hate, hurt, anger and disappointment into his world to last him a life time.

Being careful not to wake the man Lucas slid as far as he could to the left side of the bed. He then removed the tubes from his arms and nose. Upon lifting his left arm another wave of pain came over him, paralyzing every part of his body. This time the pain was coming from his chest his body convulsed involuntarily with each sharp jab. His vision was blurring again as tears filled his eyes. He had never felt anything so horrible in his life. This was too much.


He heard Dan's voice shout.

"What's wrong son? Talk to me, please."

His father's voice was panicked in a way that he had never heard before. It almost sounded as if the man was scared. He wanted to scream in agony but no sound would come out. His whole body was being held hostage by his seizing muscles.

As the room started to spin he could hear the man frantically calling for a doctor. His body felt as if he were being consumed by flames and stabbed all at the same time. He could now feel himself being lifted into arms much stronger then his own before being laid back down and poked by various shadow like figures. He wanted to know what the hell was going on but every time he tried to speak, a small puff of air would come out of his dry achy throat and nothing else. It was then, after he could take no more he closed his eyes and allowed the darkness to take him once again...

Haley James Scott sat outside on her balcony staring up at the bright stars above. Tears slid down her cheeks as she tried to process the events of the day. Karen was dead and her best friend in the world tried to kill himself. She didn't understand how everything had gone so wrong so fast. It was just yesterday that they were all happy. Her and Nathan, Keith and Karen, and Lucas and Brooke (or was it Peyton this week?) were doing great. Everything in their world couldn't be more perfect. Then Jimmy had to shoot Keith, Karen had to kill herself and Lucas almost succeeded in doing the exact same thing.

Part of her was angry with herself for not being there as much as she should have been. She should have stayed with Lucas and Karen none of this would have happened. Placing her head in her hands the young woman cried the hardest that she ever had. How was she going to help Lucas through all of this? She herself was a wreck and Keith and Karen were only like an aunt and uncle to her so she could only imagine how the blond was feeling. This was just all too much.


She could hear Nathans voice but she couldn't bring herself to look up. All she wanted to do was turn back time and stop all of this from happening. The man's arms wrapped around her and pulled her back to his chest as if to protect her from her own thoughts.

"I know that this has to be tough for you but you have to try and pull it together."

"Easier said then done right now. I can't believe everything that's happened. It just feels like a really bad dream and I just want to wake up and have everything be ok again."

"I know how you feel. I just can't believe that Lucas was stupid enough to try and kill himself"

Haley was stunned by his words.

"How could you say that Nathan? Lucas is not stupid! He's hurt and angry damn it so just lay off."

Deep down she knew that Nathan hadn't meant to should like an ass. He was just as shocked by her best friends actions as she was.

"Don't you think I know that Hales? Lucas is my brother. I wasn't saying it to be a jerk, I just don't understand why he didn't come to us."

"I know. Look I'm sorry. I guess that I'm just feel a little guilty about everything. I mean maybe if I had been there for Lucas and Karen then maybe she would still be alive and Lucas wouldn't have felt so alone that he would want to die."

"Listen baby there was nothing that you could have done. Even if you were there who's to say that Karen still wouldn't have committed suicide. You can't blame yourself for what happened. Karen had a choice to make and once she made up her mind there was nothing anyone could have done to stop her."

"I don't know about that Nate. Between me and Lucas we could have gotten her some help"

"Maybe but what would have happened the second that your backs were turned? She could have done anything."

"I guess"

"Listen, we can't undo what's already been done but what we can do is be there for Lucas and make sure that he gets better and that he knows we're here to support him."

The young woman spun around to face her husband and buried her head in his chest.

"You're right. Lucas needs us now and we won't be any use to him if we're falling apart."

Nathan was about to respond when the sound of the telephone ringing interrupted him. Both he and Haley stepped inside as the man raced to the phone.


"Dad, slow down. What's going on?"


"Is he going to be ok?"

The question caused a knot to form in the pit of Haley's stomach as she listened in.

"Alright. We're on our way."

"Nathan, what's going on?"

"Lucas woke up and I guess he panicked and tried to get out of bed and ended up tarring up the stiches from his heart surgery" the raven haired male spoke as he grabbed his jacket and his keys.

He looked back at his wife who seemed to be frozen in place. He walked over to her and took hold of her arm.

"Come on Hales we have to go. Dad said he's going to be ok so don't freak out alright. I just want to make sure that we're there the next time he wakes up"

After a moment the girl nodded her head and followed her husband out the door. There were so many thoughts running through her mind as the couple raced to the hospital. Would her best friend really be ok? Would he be able to survive this? And if so what would be left of him?

She didn't know but she had no choice but to stick by his side and find out no matter how much he fought.

As they entered the hospital they noticed Dan sitting alone with his head down, not bothering to look at any one. The man had never looked so stressed.


The man looked up for a moment then lowered his head once more. He then spoke in a low soft tone.

"They're stitching him up now. First they had to make sure that there wasn't any infections and thankfully there weren't. We should be able to see him when they're done."

Nathan gave Haley a look and on cue she walked off to give the father and son some privacy.

"Listen Dad Haley and I can stay with Luke while you go home and get some rest"

"I'm not leaving him"

Nathan sighed. The younger Scott couldn't help but be a little jealous. The last time he was in the hospital his father basically told him to suck it up but yet Lucas was being treated like Daddy's little boy. He knew that he was being silly but he couldn't help it. After having Dan to himself for most of his life it was odd to see the man showing concern for the son he had abondoned so long ago.

"There's nothing more you can do here so why don't you go home. Haley and I will call you if anything happens."

"I said I'm not leaving Nate. I've made so many mistakes with your brother. I just want to make sure that I do the right thing this time."

Nathan held back the string of nasty remarks about his father's past behavior that he wanted to retaliate with. After all this wasn't about him or his was about Lucas and he would do what he had to do to make sure that there was no hostility in the air.

"Fine. I'll come get you when Lucas is back in his room."

He didn't wait for a reply. Instead he went in search of his wife and tried to rid himself of the feelings he was sure Lucas held for him for years. He really could not believe how he was acting. He was more angry with himself then anything.

When he found Haley she was sitting in the chapel lost deep in thought.


"Hey" she spoke in a shakey voice as he sat down next to her.

He then took her hand into his own. Together they sat quietly each one lost in their own world until Haley spoke.

"Lucas is going to be ok, right?"

"Yeah I'm sure he will. I just don't know when he'll be ok again. All we can do is help. The rest is up to him."

The girl rested her head on his shoulder and silence filled the air once more...