
John sat and he watched, he watched as his oldest son sat and waited to graduate, making it three generation of McBain's to be in law enforcement. Today was a proud day for him and he knew his dad would be proud also. Proud for the choices John had made, proud of John for being the kind of man he had always said he knew John would be. John looked over at Natalie and the kids. Kids he thought, they were all grown up. All four of them, the whole McBain clan as people usually called them. He was so proud of all of them, they along with Natalie was his life, way back in a time he barely remembered he had given up, given up on thinking he could have such a life, such a blessed life, and now, now he had, he had the day he found her, the day they realized what everything meant, the day they realized it wasn't coincidence that John was the boy on that beach, it was fate. Their fate, their families fate, actually that story was what made JT decide to become a police officer, the children had asked how they knew, knew they were meant to be and they had explained some of that day to them, then when the boys were older they had explained to them about some not so nice people in the world and that it was there job to help John take care of their baby sister Victoria. JT had made his decision that day, his decision to follow in his father and his grandfathers foot steps and become a cop.

It was most definitely a proud day for the McBain clan, for all of them. Natalie was determined for her children to be close, not just in age but emotionally close, they prided themselves on spending every sunday dinner together whether busy or not, Sunday was a Mcbain family day. Something her son's girlfriends didn't always agree with till Natalie set them straight, there was nothing coming between her Mcbain clan, nothing, those were her kids and she was not going to let anyone take her Sunday with them away. He looked over and saw Natalie start to tear up, he handed her a tissue for his pocket and then it was time for the graduates of the academy to get their diplomas. John whispered to Michael there second born son, the Irish twin they called him, to take care of Natalie as he walked up to the podium when they announced him as the commissioner of police.

John handed out twenty diplomas that day to twenty deserving young men but none was as deserving as his son, he thought. He was prejudice and he knew it, this was his boy, one of his boys, he was a man now as Natalie had pointed out to him several times over the past years, he was twenty one now. He continued to stand in the front of the podium and he watched as the Mcbain clan stood up making a scene when JT's name was called. Victoria even stood and screamed although she insisted it was too embarrassing of a thing.

After the ceremony was over they all went back to the house, the same house they had lived for twenty-two years. They had out grown it once Clint their third boy had come along and had thought about moving but Natalie decided she didn't want to, she loved this place, they rearranged things and added on, and then Victoria came a few years later. Natalie had wanted a girl so desperately after having the three boys and having them so close in age that John thought if it didn't happen that last time they might end up having six or ten kids. Oh, not that he would have minded, Natalie's body seem to improving year after year, child after child. John smirked and Natalie picked up on it.

"What?" Natalie asked

"Just thinking how blessed I am, that's all" John said walking over to the window in the living room overlooking the yard. He watched as his boys against protest carried his sixteen-year-old daughter outside with them to play football in the yard.

"Is that all you were thinking about?" Natalie asked as she too went over by the window to look outside at her kids.

"Are you too old to have another? I think we may have ten minutes," John asked with a sly smile and he led her upstairs to their bedroom.

The end