This was a fun story to write! TEE! Yet again inspired by my CP English 11 class! WHOOT!


"Gaara?" The man dubbed, 'Bushy Brows' as a teen asked, and looked over to the Kazekage.

"..." The red haired man responded with a look that didn't really say anything. To those that had known Gaara longer than the time period he would usually kill you in, about five minutes, would know that the gaze would tell you to continue speaking for he wasn't going to respond.

"I was wondering...You don't have a lot of the other Konoha Genin here for political rallies...only Naruto, and myself really. What do we mean to you, so that you invite us again and again?" Lee asked in all good nature of curiosity.

"Mean to me?" Gaara repeated. This usually meant that he didn't understand the form of 'expression' that the other had used.

", Naruto calls Sasuke his 'tamer' because Sasuke's presence soothes, and calms himself as well as the Kyuubi. Ino calls Sakura 'bloom' because of how much Sakura has grown in her eyes. Kakashi calls Iruka his 'cleanser' because of all the times he has to rid himself of the worse parts of his missions by dumping it onto Iruka-sensei's shoulders. What am I do you think? To anyone?" Lee asked truly curious.

It was no secret that Lee wished to be with Gaara as more than a friend, but Gaara had not responded to the advances by the green clad Ninja. It was as if he didn't even understand what Lee was trying to do.

"...Water." Gaara told Lee with a normally expressionless face.

"...water? I'm like water?" Lee looked with a downtrodden face. It was as if the other felt he was...wait...

Water in the desert village was the greatest resource to be found. It was something almost worshiped because of its rarity, and purity. This was pounded into young Sand Nin from an early age, and even Gaara respected the rules that had to do with the precious source.

Water was something that everyone savored, but sometimes hated it because they couldn't live without it. Water was a purity everyone wished for, killed for, and even died for. If Lee was like water to Gaara, he was more precious than he had ever thought.

"Yes. Water. I don't fully understand what you are asking of me, but this is the closest answer I can come up with..." Gaara said, and looked over the hills that he and Lee had been studying.

"Ah...thank you Gaara..." Lee said happily, and held out a hand to the other.

Gaara stared at the open palm, and over to Lee's face. With a grin, and small poof of smoke, which was added as a small parlor trick on Lee's part, there sat a small bird. A swallow of very young age. With a 'chirup' to the black haired one, it flitted to Gaara's shoulder, and rubbed it's sleek little head against the others.

Gaara froze, and turned slowly to Lee. With a pointed gesture, Lee showed how much the small living creature loved Gaara. Only because he had been seen, and sensed. Something animals would never do when he had been younger. Younger, more bloodthirsty, and without water.

"Hnnn." Gaara mumbled, and lifted his hand to cover his eyes from the fading sun.

"I like you too Gaara..." Lee laughed out, and planted a very Lee-like smooch on the others cheek. With a well placed shove, a giggling Lee was knocked from his perch to the ground.

"..." Gaara's upper lip muscle twitched only slightly. The closest you would see of Gaara smiling. A truly terrifying sight that only 'water' could bring out in the worse situations.