A/N: Heyo everyone! Here is the next chapter. I hope you all enjoy! XD

Summary: What if Harry Potter was a girl? Made famous to the Wizarding World of the ignorant, Lilium Rose Potter is forgotten by her people, and abandoned by her family. Left to fend for herself on the streets, what is a girl to do?

Note: Some of you have commented on the powers, and about how Lily doesn't have an active/practical powers. So I shall explain my meaning, whether you agree is up to you.

By 'Charmed's' definition, an active power is something which can be used to fight against evil. Something which can be used to cause destruction basically. It is why Phoebe learnt martial arts, due to her absent active power.

Damien only has one active power, that being Telekinesis. Healing isn't destructive, and the other two are more sensory powers than anything.

Lily's powers, Meteamorphamagus and Parseltongue were both born with and gained. Not active. Dueling and Defence, however are. What I mean by classing them as powers is that the person could be able to do them, yes, but not have the aptitude and the power for them. Same with Potions. I class Dueling as being Attack, and Defence, Defence naturally. It can be possible that someone knows only how to throw extremely powerful spells at an opponent, but not any shields. Lily, and Katie, both have the ability to be strong in Duelling and Defence, proving themselves to be very powerful.

When I was picking what power everyone was going to have, I tried to make them all have at least one active power. Damien, due to his avoidance of anything practical/physical violence, is the weakest in that respect. But, as Lily appears to not have a very strong active power, unlike Katie (who had duelling, defence and elemental capabilities) it must mean that she's not the most powerful.

However, we must also take into account that the 'Power Known Not' has yet to come. Enjoy XD.

Lily of Purity

Chapter Four: The True Ideal

By The Morrigu

Stars looking at a planet
Watching agony and pain
And maybe to start to wonder
How the chaos in our lives could
Pass as sane

Hogwarts, July 1st 1993 11:27 AM

"Something has happened." Whispered Alyssa, as soon as she touched the heath in the Headmaster's Office. Autumn and Katie who had arrived before her, offered their concern.

"What do you mean?" asked Katie, as she escorted Autumn to a seat.

"Something doesn't feel right. There is a darkness, which doesn't seem to belong here. Like a dark cloud that is shrouding us all. We cannot escape." Murmured Autumn, her cloudy blue eyes unnerving the other two occupants of the room.

Alyssa pressed a button on one of the strange spindly instruments in the room, causing a house-elf to appear.

"How can Blinky help madam?" asked the house-elf, offering Alyssa curtsey.

"Blinky, please may you find the Headmaster and tell him that his cousin is in his office waiting for him." Said Alyssa, as the house-elf popped out of the office. "Hopefully Albus will have some answers."

Minutes later, a very old-looking Albus Dumbledore entered the office. He then sat down on his chair, look everything like his one hundred and fifty one years of age.

"Albus?" asked Alyssa, putting a hand on his arm. "What has happened?"

"He is back." Replied Albus, shaking his head slightly. He didn't need to explain further, as Alyssa stared at him in shock.


"Lord Voldemort." The three girls made a noise akin to a shriek of sorts. "has returned, using the form of a diary. The portraits told me that Miss Bulstrode had gone towards a girl's toilet, and after many hours, fighting against some wards in place around there, along with Hogwarts herself, I finally gained admittance. My understanding is that Miss Bulstrode is dead, her life force being used to bring back Tom Riddle, who is now very much alive. I believe that he has gone to Albania to find his older counterpart and start the war once more. In a few months time, the war will be back in full flow."

"The Ministry?" asked Alyssa.

"Helping now, Cornelius was outvoted when it came. However, from the pass week alone there has been a few mysterious deaths in that area of the world, which support my theory greatly. The Auror's are mobilizing as we speak, but I fear that it won't be enough."

"The Order?"

"Has been recalled. A bit short on members, though." He shot Alyssa a significant look.

"Then we shall not trespass on you any longer, you obviously have things which need to be done. You know where to find me, Albus, should you need any counseling. To contact me for Order matters, use the usual way. I fear that I might be indisposed to respond to any other methods for a while now. Goodbye cousin." She gave the old man a hug, and the trio then proceeded to floo out of his office.

Later that night, Alyssa was sat on her chair, staring into the dying embers of the fire. She knew what she must do, she understood the reasoning behind the five children. Although she loathed doing it, Fate had given her children abilities for a reason. She figured the reason must be to help the light, help the light to win. To destroy the approaching darkness. She also knew that if they were to help the people publicly, they would be ignored. Children shouldn't try to fight, they say. But it is them which will suffer the most. At times, she really hated the general public. Blinded by prejudice and their own opinions of decency. It is not merely about that, you must take the newest generations opinions into account, in order to succeed. That was why her apprentices were very sought after. She treated them like adults, so they acted like one, and gained experience as one, instead of being ignored as a teen.

She sighed audibly, before moving on into the kitchen. Reaching a portrait, she traced a pattern that was invisible to anyone but her, she watched as the portrait opened. Alyssa has always hoped that one day she wouldn't have to use this. Inside the room, were various equipment and other things which she had inherited upon her husband's death. The man had been an Unspeakable, and although she herself wasn't one as well, she was one of the few civilians who knew what went on in the confines of the Department of Mysteries. Her husband had left behind lots of gizmos, enchanted items, potions, wands, clothes, books and other things, all of which she intended to put to use in this war. She glanced over to the corner of the room, where a floating brain was in a glass tank.

Yes, it was time.

"What does she want us for?" asked Katie, for what appeared to be the hundredth time.

Autumn was sat on the chair next to her, and then swiftly nudged the outspoken girl in annoyance.

"I thought we already covered this." Murmured Carla, who was casually sat on the counter in the Kitchen, with Damien next to her drinking tea.

The fifth person, Lily was sat at the table, reading a book. She lifted her head towards the doors when she heard some footsteps. "It appears as though we are about to find out."

From the corridor, Alyssa joined them. A grim expression was fixed upon her face, as she wiped the soot off of her robes. She then joined them at the table, and conjured a steaming mug of coffee. Then, her blue eyes watched them all, before she began to speak.

"As you no doubt know by now, Lord Voldemort has returned. All efforts are being put into the war, which could commence once more any time soon. I have just arrived from an Order of the Phoenix meeting. Which, by now, I guess you know of. I am not an actual member, but my cousin feels the need for my input every now and again. I, unlike him however, prefer a more offense type reaction, to what Voldemort is about to launch onto the world. It is way I have called you together." She gestured for them all to follow her, before she tapped the portrait in the corner like she had the night before. It swung open once more, and the five followed her. They stared in shock at the room around them, piled with items as it had been the night before. Alyssa conjured some chairs, and asked them to sit.

"As you have noticed, this secret room is full of objects which are very, destructive one might say. I have acquired them all from my husband upon his death, and I figure that it is time that I put them to use." She took a deep breath. "What I am asking the five of you to do, is to do something very like what the Order is doing right now. Protect the people, but take a more direct approach. By being teenagers, albeit with extraordinary abilities, you will remain ignored. By proving yourselves to the wizarding world, under a guise, you will be praised. I am asking you to use your abilities to protect the people. To use your gifts to help other. I purpose which I believe is the reason as to why you have them."

Silence echoed throughout the secret room, as the five teens sat their in a stony silence, each of them inside their own thoughts. Autumn was the first to speak.

"You want us to fight Death Eaters?" asked the blind girl.

"Yes, that I do." Said Alyssa.

"But then we shall die! We are only teenagers, what good can we do?" asked Carla, shaking her head solemnly.

"Much, Carla. You can do much. Your are unusual children, that is for sure. I think that you could in time, be a match for any Death Eater. Perhaps even Voldemort. With the right training." Said Alyssa.

"What are you suggesting?" asked Lily, causing a small smile to appear on Alyssa's face. Ever the perceptive one.

"I am suggesting that the five of you, split up so to speak. Each of you going into your own areas of expertise. You are moving along swiftly enough for the moment, but to cause any real damage, you need to be able to match them with precision. I need you Carla." The girl looked up startled. "To continue your love for Potions, to a mastery level perhaps." The girl grinned. "Both you and Damien can learn more into the healing arts, while you and Katie can research more into this topic of Elementals. You may use my study for a source of information." The girls in question nodded in thanks. "Damien, you can register yourself as a seer, while working on your telekinetic and empathic abilities. Katie, you and Lily can duel together everyday. I want you to research spells as much as possible, both of you, in order to improve your skills. Lily, I also want you to continue practicing your metamorphamagus skills. If you can produce the doppelganger effect, that would be perfect. Also, as we know that you are a Parselmouth, you can research into that. What edge can it give you, among other things." She leveled a stare at the black haired girl, making sure her message was passed. "Now Autumn, don't think that I would forget about you. Now, you can practice both your Aura reading abilities more so, in order to see someone before they enter a room and other things like that. Also, your ability to see wards as well. Perhaps this can be heightened to create and destroy wards. Also, I will teach the five of you the art of becoming an Animagus. You will also have full reign over ANYTHING that is in this room."

As one, the five looked around, eyeing the weapons apprehensively. Before Katie spotted something in the far corner.

"What's that?"

Alyssa grinned to herself, as she got herself up off the floor, and moved towards the tank. Inside, the brain was floating easily. She turned to the five, and began to speak.

"This is, according to my husband, the best creation that the Department of Mysteries has to offer. It is meant to be a memory-transfer invention" At their confused looks, she continued. "It allows you to learn something quicker. If I was to put that onto my head, I could pick what ever I wanted to learn. Say, karate. Hours later, I would have learnt said martial art. It is in a way a cheaters way out, and not quite as good as if you learnt whatever it is yourself. But, in a crisis situation, it is priceless. I am encouraging you five to learn whatever you wish first, before coming to me and wishing to use this. Otherwise, good luck."

With that, the old woman left the teenagers alone in the room.

"That was, different." Murmured Carla, staring at the door where the woman had left.

"Perhaps, but it appears as though we are needed. Let's get to work." Said Lily, eyeing a blade which was on the table.

"Yes, let's begin." As one, the group began to organize the room, taking what they wanted to their own rooms. Whatever was left, was to be believed as a group weapon. Soon, the room was almost empty.

Braxter House, July 31st 1993 1:14 PM

"You sure it will be safe for us to go there?" asked Lily, apprehensively.

"Sure. You said it yourself that you were bored. Besides, staying cooped up in the house, on such a nice day is not a good way to celebrate your 13th birthday. So, you and I are going to do to Diagon Alley for some ice cream, whether you are kicking and screaming." Stated Damien, with a light smirk on his face.

"Wouldn't it kind of defeat of the object if I was kicking and screaming? Hm?" replied Lily, with a raised eyebrow.

"Perhaps." Replied Damien, and watched as Lily changed herself. Her long sleek black hair was replaced with short blond haired, her emerald green eyes turned blue, and her height became shorter. She then conjured some glasses, which she perched on her nose.

"Voila. Rose Parland at your service." Said Lily.

"Aww! You're so small!" replied Damien, earning himself a glare from Lily. "Sorry, not quite the same effect as it is with the emerald colour. You look far too innocent."

Lily grinned in spite of herself, and closed her eyes. When she reopened them, it sent Damien into fits of laughter. Her eyes were now blood red, with snake-slits in them.

"Very demonic. Now come on, we better go." Said Damien, as Lily fixed her eyes. The two of them then disapparated from the house, reappearing at Diagon Alley.

With the threat of the Dark Lord drawing closer, the alley seemed to be slightly emptier. With the added threat of escaped mass murderer, Sirius Black, the people weren't hanging around Diagon Alley like they used to. However, with the upcoming school year, families were making there way along the alley cautiously, buying school supplies as quickly as possible. Both Damien and Lily were watching families walk up and down the alley, as they ate their ice cream.

"It's strange how everything has changed." Murmured Lily, as she played with her mint ice cream.

"Hopefully things won't be like this for long." Replied Damien, as he eyed a large red headed family who were coming out of the book store. "Then everything can get back to the way it was."

"Yes, perhaps." Mumbled the black haired girl, as she watched the red haired family wistfully. "At times though, I wonder if I should tell everyone. Tell them all the truth. Do you think they would mind? It would give them hope, would it not?"

"But you shouldn't sacrifice your own happiness just to give people something to cling to." Shot back Damien, as the blond haired girl lowered her head. Damien's features softened, and he grabbed the girl's hand. "Come on, I am going to buy you something."

"What?" asked Lily, allowing him to drag her from her seat, earning the two a few glances from shoppers.

Damien didn't offer her a reply, as he dragged her into Magical Menagerie. The mixture of hisses, squawks, squeaks and other such animal sounds made her come to her senses, and remove her hand from Damien's touch.

"What are you doing?" asked Lily, giving him a 'look'.

"Getting you a present." Replied Damien, who the walked casually over to the snake tank, ignoring the cautious glances he received from other customers and the store owner. "Pick a snake, any snake."

Lily rolled her eyes heaven wards at the sixteen year olds behavior, and stalked over to him. Her breath caught into her throat though, when she saw the, what could only be described as beautiful, snakes inside the glass tank.

"Wow." She whispered.

"I wouldn't go for a big one though, I somehow think that the others won't appreciate it." Said Damien, his voice reflecting his humour. Lily snorted quietly in response, while opening the tank and reaching inside it.

"Oi! You there! Don't put your hand in there." Called the shop owner, who stalked over towards them.

"Why not?" asked Lily, earning a confused look from the shop owner.

"Some of these 'ere snakes are poisonous, little miss. No one wants a snake now, what with You-Know-Who around. No, you would be much better off with a cat. Come over 'ere an' -,"

"No, I do actually want a snake." Said Lily, levelling the owner with a stern gaze. "Sure, Dark Wizards may be about, but that has nothing to do with a snake. What has a snake ever done to you? Nothing. So stop being so prejudiced against them. How about that one?" She pointed towards and red, white and black coiled snake, which was about a metre in length.

"An Arizona Coral Snake?" whispered the store owner, slightly fearfully.

"I thought the correct term was Micruroides euryxanthus. Why, what's the problem?" asked Lily.

"It's just that, well, it is a bit poisonous, my dear."

"Really?" Sarcasm. "I had no idea. There was me thinking that it was just a little grass snake."

"Rose." Hissed Damien warningly, causing the blond haired girl to quiet. "We will be taking this snake sir, and I am sure that you will be pleased for us to take it off your hands. Perhaps we may be doing business again, for your other creatures for sale."

The man nodded his head, and allowed Lily to pick the snake out of the tank, and wrap it around her shoulders casually. Damien paid for the snake, and the two of them left the shop, causing a few confused looks to be sent in their direction.

"What are you going to call it?" asked Damien.

"It depends if it's male or female." Replied Lily, as the two of them apparated at the house.

"Why don't you ask it?"

My friend, may I inquire after you gender? Hissed Lily, as the snake lifted its head, and looked at Lily in something akin to shock.

A speaker, why am I not surprised. I am one who breeds, speaker. I am what you humans call 'female'.

Would you like me to name you? Unless you do not have one as of the moment.

Sure, if you wish for me to retain a name, in order for you to be familiar to me then sure. But may I inquire after you own?


Ah, Lilium. You may be my familiar then.

Lily shot the snake an incredulous look.

"It's a girl snake, which I am going to call Scarlet. It seems to have got into her head that I am her familiar. But never mind."

Damien laughed in reply.

Lady Snake said Lily is the name Scarlet satisfactory for you?

Yes, Lady Lilium. That it is.

The trio entered the living area of the house, causing Carla and Katie to look up from the books they were using. Both of their eyes widened.

"Is that a SNAKE?"

You-Know-Who Returns

It Begins Again!

It was late last night, on July 31st (Which is the Girl-Who-Lived's 13th birthday), when You-Know-Who struck for the first time in twelve years. After a month of silence, which made the public become skeptical over Albus Dumbledore's claims of the Dark Lord's return, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named struck. Where he struck? Diagon Alley's very own Gringotts. The entire first level vaults have been wiped of anything inside, but the Death Eater's were stopped from getting further into the lower levels by Goblin Mercenaries. However, the worrying fact that if Death Eater's were able to get into the bank, are places such as Hogwarts really safe.

Minister Fudge didn't have time to offer us a comment, but as the activities of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named are increased, the life of the Girl-Who-Lived is still in danger. With escaped mass murderer, Sirius Black also on the lose, the search for the girl has been heightened considerably.

Lily settled the article down, and sighed loudly. She was laid on her bed, watching the weather outside. It was a relatively hot day, and she was, quite simply bored. The five of them had been coming on unbelievably quickly, and would soon be going out into the fray.

"What to do." Whispered Lily, brushing a stray lock of hair from her eyes.

Perhaps you ought to start working on your outfits. If you are to pull of this whole 'secrecy' thing. Hissed Scarlet from near the window, where she was in a patch of sunlight.


It had been decided a week ago by the five of them that if they were to do this it would have to be done anonymously. Katie, being herself, said that they could be sort of like 'secret agents', with code names, and other such things. It sounded quite fun actually, but Lily had a feeling that it wouldn't she also knew that she was right. As Lily was the most strategically minded, and the best dueler (with Katie coming close second), it had been decided that she ought to be the leader. There was however a problem. As she couldn't afford to have any publicity for fear of being found out, Katie said that she would act as being the leader. So that way the majority of all the attention would be on Katie. Otherwise known as Raven 01. They hoped that they could retain their anonymity, if not then they hoped that no one would discover Lily.

I'm not sure where the materials are

She could have sworn Scarlet rolled her eyes

They're over in the corner.

Lily grinned, and walked over to the corner of the room. She grabbed the midnight black robes, and the black-blue cloak. Picking up some hairs, which were a mixture of lethifold, unicorn and threstral hair. She had to sow them into the fabrics. However, it wouldn't make the user invisible, just something akin to notice-me-not. It would also prevent people with seeing devices from looking through them, because by mixing the three hairs, it created a block against it. Lily sighed, and conjured a needle. It was time to get busy.

Hours later, she smiled at her finished product. Her robes and cloak were complete, shining occasionally when the light hit the hairs. At least that would help. She then scowled down at her fingers, which had tiny pin pricks in, from when the needle had pricked her. One of them was bleeding.

"I really don't like doing things by hand."

Then, before her eyes, the pricks became healed. She stared at her hands for a while, in shock. She reached around her neck, and clutched the pentacle in shock. There it was before her, glowing silver. She felt the temperature around the room decrease, and she shivered slightly. The mirror on the other side of the room began to fog up, and then writing appear on it.

Well Done, Young One. May you continue in this way. Blessed be.

Lily looked around the room, having the feeling as though she was being watched. Whether that was a good thing or a bad thing, she didn't know.

Braxter House, August 23rd 1993 2:34 AM

It was early in the morning, when Lily awoke from a dream. She was breathing deeply, and felt a cold sweat on her face. She felt tears in her eyes, as she struggled to regain her breath, her eyes not seeing the room before her, as her mind lingered on the dream she just had. Was it a dream? More like a nightmare…

Screams…Curses…Pleading…Fire…Choking…Save them! Please…

Lily came out of her reverie, as the signpost of the house that was on fire hit her like a ton of bricks. Longbottom Manor. She bounded out of bed, and ran out of the room as quickly as possible.

"Attack! Wake up!" The other occupants of the house shot out of bed, preparing themselves.

"Lily, are you able?" asked Damien, as he slipped on his dragon hide boots, staring at her from her bedroom door.

"Yeah, sure." She said, getting up, wobbling slightly.

"No, your not." Replied Damien, shooting her a look which meant 'sit down.' He turned around, back into the corridor. "Lily can't go. She's not fit to fight, I'll stay behind with her. You three go on."

"Where to Lily?" asked Katie, stepping into her room, as Damien forced her back down onto the bed, wiping the sweat off of her forehead.

"Longbottom Manor, wards are down." Whispered Lily, suddenly feeling faint. "Hurry." She whispered.

As one, the three brought their hoods over their heads, bringing their faces into shadow, and they apparated out with a 'pop.'

The waiting was worse, Lily decided, than actually fighting the battle. Damien had remained with her, an arm wrapped around her, allowing her to using his chest as a cushion. A chest which still had on a dragonhide vest which he had yet to change out of. It was perhaps hours later, one can never be certain about time, when the three came back into the manor, appearing unharmed.

"What happened?" called out Lily, when she saw them.

"We managed to save the boy, and an old woman. The others we couldn't. I think that they had been having a family gathering, and the family had stayed over. There were young children, just…dead. Killing in the cross fire. We disposed of the Death Eaters, five of them. To think that five measly wannabes could cause so much damage." Said Carla, rolling her eyes.

"Auror's showed up, to do cleanup, and we left." Said Autumn.

"Did they see who it was?" asked Damien.

"The old woman didn't, but the boy did. He seemed rather shocked, but held back. I also left a calling card." Katie grinned. "Just a piece of parchment with a raven on. It'll keep them talking for a while."

Damien and Lily shared a look, before rolling their eyes. It was the start of a new era of their lives, the vigilantes of the wizarding world.

The next morning, the five teens sat at breakfast, tiredly eating their food. Alyssa was upstairs in her study for the time being, and wasn't their for when the morning paper came. The teens, however were. A tawny owl came through the window, dropping the paper onto the table, while Carla paid it a few Knuts. Damien then grabbed the Daily Prophet, and unrolled it. They're, looking up from the table was the headline.

The Ravens: Friend or Foe?

Below the article were two pictures. One of the drawing that Katie had left behind, the other of the Dark Mark. Doing a comparison of the two. Clearing his throat, Damien began to read the article, mainly for the benefit of Autumn.

'In a surprise attack last night, Longbottom Manor was leveled, and the majority of the Longbottom Family have been killed. The only known survivors at this present time are Augusta Longbottom, and her grandson Neville Longbottom. It is thought that Death Eater's entered the home late last night when everyone was asleep, in order to catch everyone off their guards. However, the two survivors were rescued not by Aurors, but by three mysterious individuals whose identities are known at the present time. According to Augusta Longbottom, the three fought against the Death Eaters, and as Mrs Longbottom said 'It was as though they were dancing.' When Aurors arrived on the scene, the three individuals vanished, leaving behind a piece of parchment, with a raven picture on it. (As pictured below).

Are these Raven's here to bring us out of this darkness, or are they to conquer the Dark Lord to take his place as the darkness in our world.

Silence is what remained in the kitchen, before Lily broke it.

"We knew that they would be unsure about us and our intentions in the beginning. Only time will allow them to change their opinion."

Over the next few months, the five of them began to fight back against the approaching darkness. By the end of the year, the five teenagers, were the best tactical group in the country. The Ministry, Hogwarts and the Order began to use them as an example, and people began to learn from the Ravens, the elusive, vigilante group whose numbers were uncertain. These five teenagers brought new hopes to the people of the wizarding world, a hope which reignited the fight which the first war against the Dark Lord seemed to have. The Second War against the Dark Lord Voldemort had started once again. This time, both sides were not about to be at the mercy of the other. The fighting seemed to be endless, and the Muggle and Magical Governments were having problems covering up the magical fights which were happening up and down the country. An example of this happened on the very doorstep of these new vigilantes.

It was the beginning of Summer, the five teenagers had decided to wander into Manchester City Centre, in order to properly celebrate the good weather, and the relative peace they had had the past month. Getting into Damien's car (he had turned 17 in March, and had learned to drive and got a car relatively quickly). The group of five drove into the centre of Manchester, before parking, and then wandering around town. For the first time in months, the group acted like normal teenagers. (Note: I am actually from Manchester, so anything described below is actually real. Any of my fellow Mancunians reading this, I salute you!) They lay on the grass, soaking up the sun, near Victoria Train Station, near the fountains, and watching as people went past them on skateboards, and some of them holding guitars. It was interesting, people watching. What they could have been without magic, without the war going on. These people had no idea what was happening right on their doorstep. Quite literally in fact, especially when Autumn suddenly sat up, facing the direction of the shopping centre, otherwise known as the Arndale.

"Autumn?" asked Katie, hesitantly, almost wishing the answer wasn't what she thought it was. "What do you sense?"

"Wizard Auras. Lots of them. They are all heading towards the shopping centre. They are all tainted as well, Death Eaters."

"Any resistance?" enquired Lily.

"None. The muggles will be massacred."

"Then we better act fast." Hissed Lily, before the five of them got up, seemingly in unison, before disappearing into the crowds of people walking the streets of Manchester. It wouldn't be like this for long. Soon, the sound of distress approached them, as people ran on the street, running away from the area the five were heading. Running for cover, the five of them transfigured their outfits into what the Raven's usually wore, before rushing out into now empty streets, approaching the place where the Death Eater's were.

As soon as they caught sight of the five, the Death Eater's stopped their actions of Muggle baiting, while watching there approach cautiously.

"Leave now! You have no business being here, aside from filling your sadistic pleasures. Go pleasure yourselves some other way which doesn't involve killing or maiming anyone." Ordered Katie, her wand raised, and getting into a dueling stance.

"But where would the fun in that be?" asked the leader, whose voice Lily recognized. Lucius Malfoy. Slippery fellow, of that she was certain, from the meetings she had heard from her link with the Dark Lord. Very politically minded as well. Might be best to leave him alive to ruin his reputation.

The first spell to be fired was by a Death Eater. A new recruit probably, and the spell missed its target (Carla) by a long shot. It was the start they wanted, in order to begin the battle. The five immediately sprung into action, working seamlessly with one another. Autumn moved to the back, concentrating on creating wards in order to prevent them from escaping and from damaging the buildings around them too much. She also created a ward which would shrink upon a spell touching it; her four fellows had an amulet on them which prevent the ward from getting to them as well.

Katie and Carla were using their elemental abilities, as well as rapid wand fire, in order to keep them at bay. Carla removed the water from the air, and Katie shot fire into it, causing the fire to spread quickly and cause far more damage. It also broke through the barrier slightly, and blew up the building behind the Death Eaters. That happened to be the shopping centre. (1)

Damien and Lily were working together, Lily conjuring objects so quickly that her wand was merely a blur, while Damien was banishing them towards the Death Eater's telekinetically, which couldn't be blocked using normal shields.

The five made quick work of the original fifteen Death Eater's, before they disappeared from the scene well before the authorities would appear. They weren't meant to do clean up. Of that she was certain.

"This is an embarrassment!" roared Minister Fudge, as he paced in Albus Dumbledore's office at Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

"Cornelius, please-.."

"No Albus! These, Ravens!" he spat. "Must be brought under control! They are threatening my power, by beating the Death Eater's, they are making the Auror's look like mere Amateurs! Preposterous! This cannot happen!" shouted Cornelius.

"Cornelius." Said Albus sternly, causing the Minister to promptly shut up. "These Raven's, although the way they go about things is slightly unconventional, they do bring results. Right now, they are creating more of an impact than any of the Auror's are right now, as they are still training, due to the complacency brought on by the peace time we have had. But, you must understand, there intentions are good, although the means they go to are slightly unmoral, but there is nothing we can do to stop them. The best you can do as Minister of Magic is to try and keep control of the country, and cover up the mess that the Death Eater's caused." Cornelius Fudge nodded his head, before stepping into the floo and disappearing.

Albus Dumbledore lowered his head, and sighed loudly. Things were escalating quicker that what could have been predicted.

(1): The Manchester Arndale (the shopping centre that Katie blew up), was actually bombed by the IRA a few years after this story was set in. (I think it was 1997). It was really loud, I live 20 minutes from Manchester City Centre, and it sounded like a garage door slamming really loudly. That was roughly about 10 miles away. The Arndale is now rebuilt, (I think they did us a favor, it's so prettiful now!), but yeh, I thought it was convenient, so the muggles in this story blame the blown up building on the IRA.

Right now at the end of this story, we are in Summer 1994. Which is the end of the 3rd year, and when the Quiddich World Cup should/is on. (I am undecided at the moment).

Read and Review! XD (Note, this chapter hasn't been checked over, as I wanted to get it out as quickly as possible!)