Last part. Please stay seated until the ride has come to a complete and final stop.

Grace and Madison finally came to the edge of the woods. They squatted behind some bushes to avoid being seen. About 50 yards away was a small concrete building. Standing in front of the entrance were two guards holding what looked like guns.

"Mom and dad are in there with SG1 and SG4," Grace announced, opening her eyes after concentrating to detect the people all around and specific places.

"And three guards inside," Madison added. She pulled out some binoculars and looked at the guards standing outside. "There are some nice sized rocks on the ground near them."

"Well knock them out," Grace said, a little impatiently.

Madison telekinetically picked up a rock about the size of a softball and hit the one closest to where it was. He fell to the ground and, before the second guard could call for any assistance, Madison knocked him out, as well.

"Come on," Grace called, getting up and running towards the building.

Madison dropped the rock – it landed unceremoniously on the second guard then rolled onto the ground as she chased after Grace.

The two stopped at the entrance.

"Wanna go first, Maddie?" Grace asked sweetly.


Once inside, the hallway was dimly lit. They walked about ten feet and got to a stair case.

"Down we go," Madison mumbled.

Halfway down the stairs Grace whispered, "Hurry down. They're coming."

"Do you hear that?" Alex asked, she was closest to the door.

"What is that?" Sam asked, coming to stand next to the major.

"It sounds like a fight, ma'am," replied Alex

They all listened closely and suddenly heard the distant sound of zats firing – a total of about six times. The next thing they heard were footsteps running in their direction.

"Hey. Aren't you guys supposed to be partyin' with the natives?" Grace asked

Madison got the keys off of a guard and she started to find the correct key in order to open the cell.

"They didn't like our dancing," Mitchell quipped.

"I told you Walter wouldn't stop them," Jack told Sam and Daniel.

Madison patted Sam's shoulder, "Sorry mom but it didn't look like you were getting out anytime soon."

Grace hugged Jack then Sam.

"Where's your brother?" Sam asked, starting to get into what Jack called her protective mommy mode.

"Don't worry," said Grace "Hes at the SGC helping Walter with stuff."

Jake was sitting in the control room with Walter monitoring the 'gate computers. All of the sudden the gate began dialing from off-world.

Walter took the intercom microphone and announced "Unscheduled off-world activation."

Jake hit the button to close the iris. "Is there an IDC yet, Walter?"

"Not yet…yes! Its SG-1."

One by one SG-4, SG-1, Jack, Sam, Madison and Grace came through the 'gate. Jake came down and joined the group.

Sam began giving instructions "We don't need to debrief, we all know what happened. Everyone," she looked at Grace and Madison specifically, "needs to be checked out by Dr. Cole before going home. Mission reports are due in a week. Dismissed."

The teams filtered out to change, shower or go to the infirmary leaving the O'Neill family.

"Mom, do we need to write a mission report, too?" Madison asked as they all left for the day, "cuz we're on summer vacation and I really don't want to write a report."

Sam put an arm around each daughter "No, just tell us what you did on that planet."

Jake nudged Madison, she was closest to him, "I get to go with you next time.