Disclaimer-I don't own code lyoko or any of the original characters.
Note- not a song fic for the All American Rejects song, dirty little secret, title coincidence
Note- I've corrected this one as well, Future isn't written and As you wish are corrected as well. As an added bonus just like the other two, deleted scenes will be included.
Xana was dragging Aelita out of the elevator and moving her toward the open scanner that was waiting for her. Aelita was kicking and screaming as xana moved her across the room closer to the scanner.
" Let me go!" Aelita screamed at him, grabbing his wrist. Xana dropped her on her back as Aelita rolled over to run, but xana placed his foot on her back and pushed her down to her chest.
" Get off!" Xana kicked her in the ribs as she squealed in pain, and began to whimper still throbbing. " Help!"
" Aelita dear, we are three stories below the surface and no one knows your missing," Xana said to her flipping her over with his foot. Xana currently had possessed William and had dragged her out of her room to put her in the scanner.
" You already have the keys to lyoko, what more do you want!" Aelita said to him, she said holding her side still.
" I need anyone connected to this killed. You're the most useful, so you need to die first," Xana said with a smile. He took a step near Aelita who sent her heel into his crotch. Xana fell back as Aelita ran to the open elevator. Thankfully Yumi taught her something helpful when working with boys with bad intentions. Pressing the elevator button the shutter went down and the elevator began up. Taking a relieved breath she sat down. Suddenly the elevator began to shake, making a loud grinding sound, then stopped.
" No. Go up," Aelita pleaded. The shutter rocked twice, then was ripped up by xana. Xana grabbed her ankle and began to pull her.
" Let me go!" With one final pull Aelita's grip on the railing gave out and she was pulled out hard. She flew out and slid across the room, hitting a closed scanner with her back, letting out a high pitched scream that would make most people cover their ears. Trying to stand up, Aelita looked at xana who was already next to her. Xana grabbed her hair and began to drag her back to the scanner, Aelita screaming in pain, holding his wrist struggling to get free.
Xana stood next to the scanner and picked up Aelita by her shirt collar. " In you go." He was about to throw Aelita in the scanner before someone rammed him from the side. Xana dropped Aelita who looked up at her savior.
" Odd!"
Odd looked at her and said," Take the ladder up now." Aelita nodded and ran for the ladder as xana rose to his feet and charged Odd. Xana tackled Odd to the ground, but was kicked off a second later. Aelita grabbed the first rung of the ladder and looked back a the fight, then began to climb. Odd punched xana in the face, falling back against a scanner. He shook off the hit and swung at Odd who ducked under the punch and ram his shoulder into xana's stomach. He kept moving as both him and xana fell into the open scanner that closed.
Aelita climbed into the lab and ran past the chair. She stopped and looked back, seeing that someone was just virtualized. Sitting on the chair she looked at the screen and then put on the headset.
" Odd?" She asked over the headset, hoping he'd answer. She checked the data saying he had been virtualized.
" Little busy Aelita!" He shouted. Him and xana had brought their fight to lyoko. Xana in Williams form looked like much like Ulrich, though instead of tights he was wearing heavy armor and a had a broad sword instead of a katana. Xana swung it at Odd full force, but Odd being a quick and agile purple cat easily avoided his attempts to kill him. After five minutes of no connected blows, xana created three tarantulas that began to fire at Odd. Odd shielded the first wave of lasers and jumped behind a boulder.
" Aelita, how about..." Before he could finish talking his overboard virtualized in front of him.
Odd jumped on the board, spun around the boulder fast and shouted, " Laser arrows!" Both arms were extended as he fired his weapon at the tarantulas, that all exploded. Odd was unaware of xana and had his board destroyed with one swing. Odd hit the ground on his back then flipped over to his feet and stood ready.
" Come on xana, you can't beat me with that body." Xana smiled as a dark mist floated out of William before he hit the ground.
The mist floated into the digital void as everything went quiet. " Um, Aelita what just happened?" Odd asked looking at the void, then back at William. The ground began to shake making Odd almost lose balance. A giant monster leaped out of the void as Odd watched in frightened awe.
" What the hell is that?" After a few moments of starring he knew what he was starring at. A giant scyphozoa appeared from the void and slammed it's giant tentacle down, crushing William, devirtualizing him. " Oh come on." Odd complained and dove out of the way of the falling tentacle.
" Odd, I'll devirtualize you," Aelita said, knowing it was childs play to fight that thing.
" Too slow, I have a better idea," Odd said placing his fist next to his head, " Laser arrow." The arrow hit him in the head as he began to devirtualize.
Odd opened his eyes. He was laying in the scanner as he slid his eyelids of his eyes and was looking straight at Aelita. " What happened?" She smiled and hugged him tightly.
" It's over." She said happily. " It's actually over."
" What is?" Odd asked, pulling himself out.
" We beat xana. When you brought him to lyoko we shut it off. It's over!" A million and one emotions went through Odd. No more fighting, no more traveling back in time, no more xana. Odd looked at Aelita, then noticed everyone else was in the room now. " Odd," Aelita said to him.
" Yes."
" Pay attention." End flashback
Odd Della Robbia looked up at his father who was looking at him with his hands crossed. " Sorry dad, just a little distracted right now."
" What were you thinking about, something good at school last year?" His father asked, noticing he was in fairly good mood since he came back from school. Something good had happened. They beat xana. A year and a half of fighting and near death experiences was over. " Or is it a girl at the school?" his father asked with a smile.
" No not really. Speaking of which I need to call them today." He stood up off the couch and walked up the stairs and into his room. He shut the door behind him and grabbed his cell phone on his dresser. Going through his listed numbers he found Ulrich's and pressed call.
It rang a few times before Ulrich's voice said," Your on speaker phone."
" Hey Odd," Yumi, Jeremie, and Aelita said at the same time.
" Hey guys, how's the week going at Ulrich's?" he asked, everyone going to Ulrich's for a week, but his father hadn't let him.
" Decent enough. Boring without you though." Aelita said over the speaker.
" I bet it is. I still can't believe my parents didn't let me go. I mean next year is our last year before high school, and then what? We all live our separate lives."
" We all knew it would happen," Jeremie said to everyone.
" I know. I just didn't expect it to go by so fast." The five talked for another hour before hanging up. Odd put his phone on his charger and lay on his bed, looking at his ceiling. After the conversation he began to wonder where his life would go after Kadic. No more Ulrich, no Jeremie, no more Yumi, no more Aelita. For some reason, he couldn't stop thinking about Aelita. It was strange to him. After an hour of thinking he closed his eyes and let sleep take him.