Holy love of Pete, I updated in the same WEEK. Yes, yes apocalypse take me. But as I have mentioned, I just finished my first week of my first year of high school so I don't sit home all day staring a rubber bands on weekdays anymore. Unfortunately, that means my main updating time is on weekends so I tried my best to get as many chapters out this weekend I could. This chapter would've been up last night as was my plan, but the site was down for maintenence so blah. Anywho, I'm ranting and no one's probably reading this...

Disc: I own all the hip cats you weren't aware of before this story.

Special Announcement: Thank you to everyone who's still with me. I love writing and I love it when people read it and stick with it. It's the reviews that keep me going! Love you.

Walking slowly, me and J silently left the hospital. As the glass doors swung shut behind us, J placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Jess, he's gonna be fine."

Smiling, I nodded and stared at her. Johanna was one of my oldest friends and she probably knew how I felt better than I did.

"Dal's a strong guy."

She smiled and patted my shoulder.

"See you at work? My car's parked over there."

"I'll race ya back."

"You're on, blondie!"

Running to my car, I threw open the door and tore happily out of the parking lot. She was right on my tail until the first stop light where she switched lanes and sped 85 miles an hour through the yellow light. As I hit 80 to try and pass her, she swerved and I slammed on the brakes. She was laughing hysterically as I was forced down to 65. Switching into the farthermost right lane, I broke up to 85 and was even with her. J looked at me competitively and pressed onto 90. Slowing down, I threw the steering wheel to the right and into an almost deserted lane. Her maroon car sped along down the same road and I continued along below on my shortcut. After about a minute at 93, I hit the onramp and slid out at about a half-mile ahead of her. Hearing the tires squeal, I threw the car into the 19 parking lot and skidded to a halt.

Slamming the door shut and grinning like an idiot, I looked around for J. She was leaning against her car dangling a smoke from her fingers.

"What took you so long?"

What the hell!

"How the hell'd you get here before me?"

Falling in step with me, she answered,

"I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you."

Laughing, we both stepped inside and clocked in.

"Oh, NOW you decide to show up, slackers!"

Laurel grilled from behind her Pepsi. There was a long streak of grease across her cheek and her hand was cut.

"Long day?"

"Yeeeah, but it was worth it."

She smiled in her little 'teddy-bear' way and giggled.

"Whoa, what happened?"

Johanna yelled taking a Pepsi from the cooler.

Putting her hands by her face she spoke.

"OOH, Ponyboy stopped by."

Emily growled as she counted out a fistful of dollars a customer just handed her,

"Don't get her started. She hasn't shut up all day."

Wrapping my legs around a backwards-turned chair I jeered.

"Awww, what happened?"

She squealed like a school girl and started to explain.

"Well something happened at his school today so they got let off early and he stopped by. He was so cute! We started talking about movies and stuff and…heaskedmetoamovietonight!"

I smiled towards her as she skipped around the garage happily. Mel had just finished pumping gas for a customer and made her way over.

"Oh wow, you two are finally here. Where'd you go anyway?"

Even though I was about to say something lame about picking someone up, Johanna interrupted me.

"We stopped back at Jess' house and fell asleep."

And I thought my excuse was lame…

Becca gave a disbelieving look.

"You're kidding me."

God, was this lame.

"Nope, we passed out pretty good back there."

Mel stopped,

"Wait, where were you?"

"Taking a catnap."

I ventured, glad they unwillingly believed us.

That night, Mel, Laurel, and I all headed over to the Curtis house for some well-deserved entertainment. Laurel was so hyped up for her date with Ponyboy she almost made us run there. The whole time she ranted about how adorable he was. Sure, Pony was cute in a 'nice kid' sorta way but he wasn't real devastatingly gorgeous.

On my left was Mel. How she lived before Sodapop was beyond me. She loved talking about him and about how perfect he was. How he was so amazing at everything and how he knew just what she was thinking and just what to say. Soda was more handsome than Ponyboy but too thin for my taste. I tended to fall for guys with some muscle mass, like Darry.

The two girls passed me as I held open the screen door. In the living room lay Steve. Figuring the clatter in the kitchen was Darry, Sodapop, Pony, and maybe Johnny were in the rooms. Who knew where Two-Bit was. Steve took a swig of beer and looked towards me.

"Hey, Jess. How's it going?"

"Hey, Steve."

Ponyboy came out from his room, devoid of Johnny, and wearing a sleeveless blue shirt and jeans.

"Uh, hi, Laurel."

"H-hey, Ponyboy."

"You look awful pretty."

"Aww, thanks. You too…I mean. You look tuff."

"Hehe, thanks."





"Can me and Laurel go to the movies tonight?"

"Be back by 10."

"Yeah, yeah."

They both shuffled to the door, embarrassed; Ponyboy awkwardly opened the door for her. I chuckled quietly and hopped to the kitchen. Darry was smoothly manuevering a large wooden spoon. For a second I stood in the doorway and observed him in his tucked-in, unbuttoned light brown shirt with a white muscle shirt underneath. Smiling, I slipped up behind him and snaked my arms around his waist.

"Hey, good lookin'."

I mouthed into his shirt.

"Hel-LO, darlin'."

He let the spoon be and turned to kiss me. I kissed him back and felt his arms pull on the small of my back so I was pressed into him. Five centimeters away from him, I asked,

"Long day?"

"I missed you."

We both whispered on each other's lips. I chuckled at his eagerness and he gave me the smile that made him look so adorable. Drawing away, much to his dislike, I smelled the pot on the stove.

"Mmm, smells good. What's for dinner?"

"Those are the potatoes. The chicken's in the microwave. And, yes, I did have a long day."


I leaned against the stove and licked a bit of stray potatoes from my index finger.

"Long week, actually. We've had to work almost double time just to keep the contracts up."

"At no extra pay, I'm sure?"

"Hah, I wish. It's just been rough."

"Yeah, the shop's been real busy lately."

He covered the pot of poatoes and stood across from me.

"Hmm, Soda said the DX's been slower than usual."

"Ha, I guess there's a shift in the tide, eh?"

Darry chuckled and was about to say something when Steve interrupted.

"Hey…Jess, phone call for you."

Who'd be calling me here? Steve followed close behind me and he was followed by Darry. I picked up the lone reciever and pressed it to the side of my head.




"'S Dal."

"Oh, hey, man. What's goin' on?"

"Jess, I need you to pick me up. This place is drivin' me nuts."

"How ya feelin'?"


"'ll right, I'll be right there."

"Don't bring your car. I need the fresh air."

Snickering, I laid the phone down and looked around for my jacket, only to realize I was wearing it. Both Steve and Darry were staring at me; Darry with concern and Steve with…who knows. That boy's good at hiding what he's feeling. Probably has problems at home or something. Steve seems like the kind of guy who would.

"What's goin' on, Jess? Everythin' ok?"

"Yeah," insert fake smile, "Dal, er, just wants to…talk to me."

Steve's dark eyes narrowed as if he could tell I was lying.

"Dal does? I haven't ever heard of Dallas Winston wanting to 'talk' with any girl."

Darry shot him a death glare and Steve matched it with his own version. Jeez, what was with those two? They seemed to be fighting a lot more than I remember.

"Randle, I need to talk to you."

Dar's tone was low and threatening. Hoo boy. Something strange was going on…

"Well, guys, I'm gonna go talk to Dal. Be back soon."

I bounced out the screen door sensing fireworks between those two. The hospital was actually much closer from here than it was from the 19. If my calculations were correct, it's between 2 and 4 blocks. But these were definitely not the nicest streets in town. In fact, most of the newspaper-reported muggings and things happened on these streets. Last week, a kid was beaten to death here. If I recall correctly, it was because he threw a bottle at some greasers. This was also the streets you went to for some…expensive home entertainment. Tonight was pretty quiet though.

Quietly, I stepped through the filmy light of the street lamps with my hands jammed deep into my jacket pockets. The only thing lighting the night air was my freshly lit smoke that left silvery waves in its wake. A couple of run down cars passed by and a drunkard stumbled out of the flourescent deli I passed. He observed me somberly for a second before 'letting me through'. I turned the corner and left the drunkard and the deli behind me.

The bright sterile lights of the hospital crested the slight incline ahead of me. I threw my smoke away and sqeezed through the tight spaces of the parking lot. Throwing open the glass doors for the second time that day, I focused my attention to the door leading to the stairs.

203, 204, 205. Dally was laying on the bed, grimacing, with his hand over his eyes. His bandages must've been fresh because there was no blood splotch on his chest.

"Get out."

He said, obviously thrilled to see any human being.

"Fine! I walk all the way here to pick up your sorry ass and you kick me out."

"Heh, thought you were one of those nurses to make sure I was doin' ok. Get me outta here, Jess."

"Put some clothes on and we can get going."

"What, babe, you don't like what you see?"

One hand laced itself in my yellow hair while the other chucked his pants at him. He smiled my way and started to put them on. A short red haired nurse walked in and observed me cautiously.

"E-excuse me ma'am, who are you?"

"Uhh, I'm his…sister. Jess Winston."

Dally had stopped dressing and stared at me with his mouth open.

"Are…you here to take him home?"

"Yes, ma'am."

In all actuality, me and Dal didn't look too different. I was a head shorter than him but still had the bright, long, blonde hair. And we both had the same sort of stocky build, but he looked tougher than I did.

The whole time I was filling out the papers, Nurse 'Cici' was watching over me. I almost slipped up at the bottom and signed my name 'Jess O' Malley' instead of 'Jess Winston'. As she read over the information, Dal instigated,

"Miss, do you want a magnifyin' glass? Come on, hurry it up."

Sighing in what sounded like defeat, she put down the clipboard and waved us off. As the two of us left the hospital into the fresh, night air, I lit a smoke and handed it to an eager Dallas.

"Thanks for bustin' me outta that hellhole, Jess."

"No problem, Dal. Anytime."

"Watch out, I just might listen to that."

After a few minutes of listening to his boots click and passing the smoke back and forth, he laughed heartily and made me jump.

"That was great in there. You were right on the ball. I was gonna say you was my girl or somethin' but I didn't even think of sister. You'd be a great little sister!"

"'Little'? Bub, I'm still older than you."

"Yeah, but you're a whole lot shorter."

Playfully, I smacked him in the ribs.

"Oh, THIS is how you treat your big brother who JUST got out of the hospital."

Duh. Hospital, right.

"So, Jess, how's old Dar treatin' you?"

"Uhh, great."

"He ain't cheatin' on you or nothin', eh?"

I turned and looked at him slowly. What was that supposed to mean?



"Have you…heard something?"

"Eh, nah. Jus' checkin'."

Great way to unsettle me, Dal. I love you, too, man.

We walked back past the deli and through the smoky street lights until the lights of the Curtis house came into view. Just from the window, I could see Mel with Soda and Darry. Steve must have left after I did…because, unless that car pulling into the driveway was him, he wasn't here. The car had much too much merriment to be Steve so it was probably Two-Bit.

Dal threw away our long lasting smoke and commented.

"Looks like ol' Matthews brought another blonde over. Who is it this time?"

Alas, a tall blonde in a short skirt was in the arms of Two-Bit as they entered just ahead of us. Soda looked up from talking with Mel,

"Well, well, well, look who's gracing us with their presence tonight. Sir Two-Bit Matthews and his lovely lady followed by Miss O' Malley and her gallant escort –gasp- the famed and legendary Sir Dallas. I'm gonna faint!"

I smiled at his hysterics as he pretended to faint on Mel. In sync, me and Dal threw ourselves on the couch. Two-Bit was obviously half-cocked and wavered as he spoke.

"Ladies and germs! I introduce you to the most gorgeous pair of legs you will ever meet. Everyone…this is Nancy. Nanc, this is, aww hell with it…everyone."

We all signified her existence in some way as she laughed at Two-Bit. Two-Bits dream girl: blonde, nice legs, short skirt, will laugh at anything. Upon Two-Bit's overdramatic indication, she sat down confidently between me and Dal. Not even looking at Dal, she put her hand out.

"Nancy Mitchell."

Shaking it firmly, I smiled at her.

"Jess O' Malley."

"We-ell, aren't you a pretty little thing?"

From over the couch, Two-Bit yelled to Sodapop,

"Gotta love a girl with the same taste in girls as you. HA!"

Maybe he was a little more than half-cocked…

I chuckled at Nancy.

"Where'd he meet a broad like you anyway?"

She was definitely not a 'nice girl' like I had planned to put in that sentence. Just by the big curly hair and the heavy make up I could tell.

"Ah, the Dingo."

"You seem the type to hang out at a nice, classy joint like that."

She laughed and started digging in her purse for some smokes.

"And you seem the type to hang out with a bunch of tough greasers like these guys."


The other side of the couch spoke up,

"What am I? Chop liver?"

Both of them got into a heated discussion within no time and I made myself scarce among the couch. I caught glimpse of Darry in the kitchen and made my way in. Tracing the straps of his now-visible muscle shirt, I whisteled happily. He ignored the dishes and threw his arms around my hips.

"There you are! I'm not letting you get away this time."

He kissed the spot between my neck and my shoulder excitiedly.

"Whoa, bub, you still got dishes to do."

Sighing, he let me go and turned towards the dishes. I grabbed another sponge from the sink and started scrubbing a plate in the soapy water.

"What went on with you and Steve earlier?"

Before he could put the bowl in the dish rack, I watched his hand clench around it and his jaw tighten.


He said faking happy.


"Yes, my one and only?"

That, in itself, was enough to make me forget myself. I stood there, soapy, and blinked at him. He turned toward the sink and his face flushed red.


"No problem."

Unfortunately, my voice cracked and I flushed red and turned to the sink. We stood there washing dishes in silence for awhile.

"Did Steve…say something he shouldn't have?"

Darry was silent for a minute.

"It's complicated and you shouldn't worry about it."

I tried to meet his eyes to see if there was any insight to be had there but he avoided my gaze. Fine, if he wants to be like that, I'll just go ask Steve.

We, eventually, finished washing the dishes (he kept splashing me) and by then, Two-Bit and Nancy were gone. Soda and Mel were in Soda's room and Dal was passed out on the couch. Apparantly, Ponyboy was staying with Laurel at my house which, for some freak twist of fate, Darry was ok with.

Me and Dar left the terribly exciting scene for his room where I could give him a 'back rub'. Technically it wasn't because before I could think of giving him one, he'd flipped me over and was kissing me. The rest of the night was spent as a sort of 'territory control' issue more than hot sex. Well, there was no way in hell I'd let him be on top…That's my job.