Title: Just the Beginning

A/N: this is an extremely short drabble that I wrote during class in my best friend's notebook when I should have been listening.

Warning: MPREG

Pairing: H/D

Discalimer: Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy sadly don't belong to me.

Just the Beginning

"Harry love..." Draco cooed lovingly to the tiny bundle in his arms. He stroked the baby's pale cheek with his finger and smiled when his son's grey eyes opened.

"He's so beautiful." A deep voice spoke with tears in his eyes. Harry moved to sit beside Draco on the bed.

"My beautiful family" Harry murmured lovingly into Draco's hair. Draco smiled and nestled deeper into Harry's warmth and love.

"Where are my 'effin green socks? Harry!" Draco screamed from the inside of their walk – in – closet.

"In your sock drawer, love… Stop cursing!" Harry yelled back from his position on the couch in the living room.

"Your father is such a little brat, my darling boy." Harry picked up the black-haired baby with grey eyes and placed him on his lap.

"Fafa?" The little boy babbled on while his father chuckled and watched the news on the telly.

"It's not fucking there!" Harry's lover roared. The boy – who –lived winced and quickly covered his oblivious son's ears.

"Stop cursing, Draco! It should be there! I was the one who placed it there!"

"But it's not here!"

"Then wear mine!"

"NO! I want mine! Argh! " Draco appeared in the doorway quickly then stomped over to the couch. He stood there in front of his lover with his hands on his hips. Harry looked up at his looming lover with his tousled blond hair who was wearing a shirt that fitted tightly over his swollen stomach, a pair of green silk boxers and green… socks. Harry stared at the offending garments then cleared his throat.

"Uhm… Draco love… you're already wearing… the socks." Harry gulped then adjusted his son who was playing with his shirt's buttons.

Draco looked down or at least tried to but couldn't so he collapsed beside his lover with a wail. Harry patted his shoulder affectionately and comfortingly.

"Fafa! No tear! Fafa! Lab too!" James babbled to his blond-haired father whom he noticed had tears in his eyes. Harry moved his son right beside Draco who gently stroked James' messy black hair. He gave a watery chuckle.

"I love you too baby." Draco whispered as he stroked the black hair. Harry smiled and watched his lover and son. He gazed at Draco's swollen belly lovingly before reaching over to touch it. Draco met his eyes and grinned.

"I hope you come soon baby" Harry thought delightedly.