By CrazyDeafGirl
Disclaimer: I do not own the Teen Titans.
Summary: A Teen Titan has been in a hospital for thirty years. Where are the others?
When you finished reading this, please review- it would be greatly appreciated.
A small throaty sound. Four pairs of eyes turned to glare at the green boy.
"…" The boy didn't notice them… at least, not until one of the girls' eyes glowed white. A crack sounded as the boy's boxers stretched up, giving him a monstrous wedgie.
"Dude! That hurt!" He whined. The boy with mask cleared his throat, narrowing his eyes.
"We're supposed to answer the reviews. Would you at least pay attention?" The last two words were a mere pitch away from a growl. The green boy chuckled sheepishly, rubbing his head.
"Sorry, Robbie…" Robbie sighed, nodding his head.
"All right. We'll start with PrincessRose1." He stopped, peering at the small index card in his right hand. "Ok, the author wishes to thank you for being the first reviewer and for the delightful comment." Glancing up, Robbie nodded at a large cyberic teen. "All right, Cyborg. Your turn."
Cyborg grinned as he looked down at his own card, reading, "CrazyDeafGirl wanna thank OrchDork18 for her review, an' sincerely hopes that OrchDork18 didn't start cryin' in front of her sister or brother." A pause. "That's funny. Starry, your turn." The red-haired alien's green eyes shone as she happily chirped,
"Very well! Ah, Wingz, the writer wishes to thank you for doing the addition of the favorites. She also apologies for any possible tears she possibly had caused of you. Ehehe. Beast Boy, it is your turn!" Starry grinned as Beast Boy jumped up, reading his index card… upside down.
"CrazyDeafGirl says she've missed LadyHood too, and is happy that she's back. And yeah, the deaf girl says that she've improved because she wants to add more descriptions. Man, this is boring. Raven, your turn, and make it fast. I have a show to watch." Beast Boy nodded at Raven pointedly, who rolled her eyes.
Needless to say, you may have noticed Beast Boy's lacking of mind. Ignoring the outraged "Hey!" from the green boy, Raven continued, Ah. AirGirl Phantom, the writer thanks you for the review, and she would happily explain the story if AirGirl wishes it. Looking up from her card, the dark eyes didn't blink as she said, Robin. It is your turn.
Robin nodded, glancing down at his second card. "The author wants to thank Klawz- the- dragon for her review, and she wants her to know that she's thinking of a second chapter. And she also sends some tissues for her." A pause. "I don't want to know… anyway, Cyborg, your turn again."
Cyborg nodded before reading off his card: "For Gmasangel, thanks for the review, an' the writer's thinkin' of continuin', although she still needs to plan the second chapter." He looked up, grunting, "Starry, your turn again." The alien nodded happily, peering at her second card.
"This is for ItalianGal6547, and CrazyDeafGirl sincerely thanks her for the wonderful comment." A pause. "Oh… is that it?" A small frown. "Ah. Very well. Beast Boy, it is your turn to do the answering of the reviews." Beast Boy nodded, yet again reading his card upside down.
"The writer wanna thank Shay Bo Bay for his (if it's a her, then CrazyDeafGirl apologizes) review, and well, the existence of the Titans are up to the readers, but to the deaf girl, they're real and not real. They're real to themselves and Starfire, but they're unreal to everybody else." He stopped, loudly exhaling. "Man, that's a long answer. Raven, your turn! And hurry up!" The girl's eyes yet again glowed white as she gave Beast Boy another nuclear wedgie.
Ignoring the high-pitched "Duuuudddeeee!.!", she cleared her throat. This is for Psychic Werewolf Assassin. The author wishes to thank him for the review, and she wants him to know that it was her intention to make the readers believe it to be Raven- Stopping, Raven narrowed her eyes at the card. Hm. Me? Interesting. Where am I? Oh yes. The writer say, that every single of the Titans has an equal chance of going insane. A pause. Robin, it is your turn.
Robin nodded, looking down at his third and last card, reading out loud, "And this last answer is for We, the most recent reviewer. CrazyDeafGirl wants to thank him- again, if it is a her, she apologizes- for the review. As for the Titans, well, they were dead, but you never know with the Titans… and the author's considering a sequel due to popular demand. As for the Teen Titans information, she owns something over a hundred of the 1980s comic books, and she enjoys this website: w w w. t i t a n s t o w e r. c o m. This is a wonderful website. Yeah, the cartoon's a little different from the comics." Robin stopped, narrowing his eyes. "Cartoon? Comic? What the heck?" Shaking his head, he continued, "And the writer applauds him for knowing sign language- it's not an easy thing to learn- and encourages him to become a writer; it'll challenge his brain."
Stopping, Robin let out a long breath. "Whew, now that's done with, we can go out for pizza." Dropping his index cards, he strode out of the room, followed closely by a floating Starfire who asked,
"May we have the covering of the mint frosting, pickles, and bananas?" Beast Boy and Cyborg trailed close behind, quarreling over the topping;
"Dude! I've been most of those animals! Let's get vegan!"
"No way! Vegan pizza isn't even a pizza! Let's get double sausage and pepperoni!"
Lastly, the cloaked girl floated after them, suggesting her own idea: Get your own pizza. For me, I'll have garlic cheese along with some of onions.
Silence. Then…
"Eeeewwww! Dudette, that's nasty!" A high-pitched whine came out of the door, followed by a monotonic answer;
At least it's actually made of organic, and healthy, material unlike the vegan pizza which wasn't even made with any kind of plant, animal product, whatsoever.
As the sounds of the bickering teenagers faded, a fifteen-year-old girl with curly hair came along, riding her bicycle. Noticing the cards on the floor, she groaned. After slamming herself in the forehead, her hands formed shapes as she signed furiously;
Not again! How many times must I tell them wait for me? A sigh. Maybe I can get old Titans answer next reviews… and find cartoon Titans. A grin. And show them why friends scared my temper. The grin grew. Yeah…
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is a translation of the ASL in case you can't understand the above: "Not again! How many times do I have to tell them to wait for me? Maybe I could get the older Titans to answer the next reviews… and find the cartoon Titans. And show them why my friends fear my temper. Oh yeah…" I hope this is helpful.
The girl hopped back on her bicycle, riding out of sight.
Uh… yeah… this is the answers to the reviews. I'll think more on the sequel, ok? Hope you enjoy this. :grins:
Please review (or flame)!