This is a collection of drabbles centered around the characters Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno. I'm using the promts from the fanart100 livejournal community, though I'm not involved with the actual community in any way.

Every story has a beginning. This is theirs.


In the beginning, she knew she loved him.

It was the first time they met that created his place in her heart. A small moment, the week before she and Ino had become friends, had made all the difference.

I really hate coming to this playground. Six year old Haruno Sakura stumbled to a tree and settled herself near the roots, trying her best to melt into the grass.

Why do they always beat me up? Is it because of my hair? Or my forehead? Maybe I'm just too weak... She tugged uncomfortably on the bangs covering up the wide area below her hair line. But is that a good enough reason to bully me?

The tears stung her eyes once again. How many times had she sat in the park, crying for hours and attempting to cover most of the cuts and bruises before heading home? Her parents had been concerned, but she would give them a big smile and tell them she fell off the jungle gym, or some other random story.

They always believed her; she always lied to them.

Her small arms wrapped around her knees. Why does this happen? Why can't I have at least one friend? Does anyone even care?

That day had been even worse than normal. Her head hurt from having her hair pulled and she felt a painful lump on her right shoulder where she knew an ugly bruise was forming. But there was nothing she could do. I'm too weak to even defend myself...

She buried her head in her knees, tears still streaming down her cheeks. Sakura hated everything about herself. Her forehead. Her hair. Her personality. Her weakness.

Suddenly she felt someone sit beside her. Instinctively she tightened into a small ball, her only feeble protection from her bullies. But she didn't receive a punch.

Instead, a pair of hands slowly and carefully pried her arms apart, revealing her tear stained face. Before her sat a boy about her age, with a mass of dark hair and deep eyes.

"Are you okay?" he asked quietly, still holding her wrists.

She sniffed and nodded. "Yeah..." she replied, her throat dry from crying.

"You don't look okay." The young boy pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket and gave it to her. She starred at it for a moment, then wiped her eyes carefully. "You can keep it, if you want."

She smiled. "Thanks."

His eyes roamed over all the bumps and scrapes on her arms and legs. "What happened to you?"

Her smile disappeared. "Some kids in the park don't like me very much."

A scowl crossed his face. "Why?"

"They... They say my hair is strange... and that I have a big forehead."

He blinked, and brought his hand up to brush her bangs away. "It's not that big, and I think your hair is pretty."

A bright blush crossed her cheeks. "Really?"

"Yeah," he replied. "It reminds me of the cherry blossoms."

"Oh yeah! My name's Sakura," she told him. He's really nice, and sorta cute!

"It's a nice name. It suits you." His head turned and fell on the setting sun. "Arg! I'm going to be late! I have to go!"

He got up and started running. She blinked and stood, her eyes following his every move. "Wait! What's your name?"

He stopped and turned, his dark eyes connecting with her emerald ones. "Sasuke. Uchiha Sasuke."

"Well... Thank you, Sasuke-kun," she called as she clutched the handkerchief.

He slightly blushed and smiled. "Don't mention it. See ya!" He dashed off, leaving the pink haired little girl standing beneath the tree alone.

She glance at the cloth in her hands. What's this symbol on the corner? A red and white fan?

"Sasuke... Uchiha Sasuke..." She rolled the name around on her tongue and decided she liked the sound. "Someday I'll repay you, Sasuke-kun. I promise."

Seven years later, a young kunoichi picks up her pillow and examines a small white handkerchief with the little Uchiha symbol sewn into the corner. Her bright eyes look to her bed side table and glance past the picture of her genin team, landing on a fore head protector. The Konoha symbol is slashed in half.

"Someday Sasuke-kun..." Her clutch on the soft fabric tightens. "I'll repay you..."