Common Childhood
Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer belongs to Joss Whedon and Supernatural belongs to Eric Kripke.
Spoilers: Post Chosen
Pairings: Dean/Faith and Buffy/Sam
Notes: I know it's been like, a year and the story said finished, and it was! But, I read it through and thought I'd give a bit of an epilogue or something, since you knew nothing about their baby.
Their baby isn't that different…
Three Years Later
The mystery started after the third year that Joy Winchester was born. Sam and Buffy were married right after their baby was born. In the approach of the apocalypse and Buffy finding out she was pregnant, they never got around to marrying, but after everything was over, Sam proposed. They weren't really sure what was happening, or who was doing it, but whenever Sam or Buffy were apart from one another for too long a time, one would disappear and reappear next to their partner. Nothing else happened, but they were definitely confused the first time it happened. Willow, their best resource, could tell them nothing.
At first…
After many spells and potions, they were able to figure out just why Sam and Buffy could never be apart.
"It's Joy?" Buffy's face showed just how shocked she was. Looking down at her sleeping baby in her arms, she just couldn't picture how daughter doing this.
"I guess this answers the question about what she could do when she gets older," Sam sighed.
"I can't feel any slayerness coming from her, but that doesn't mean she won't take after her mom," Willow smiled. "But, I'm definitely feeling the vibes from her that I get from Sam."
"But she's teleporting us around," Buffy frowned. "Is she that powerful already?"
"I don't think it's that," Willow shook her head. "Remember, these past few months, we've been finding other people like Sam, all with different powers. This could just be hers. For all we know Sam could have been levitating things when he was a baby, but no one noticed."
"And like me, she could have more than one ability?" Sam asked.
"It's possible, but we won't know until she gets older and we explore it, but that's only if you want to," Willow rushed the last part. As much as she would love to find out more about Joy and her abilities, she had to ask the parents.
Looking at one another, Sam and Buffy were having a mental conversation. It was another ability Sam discovered, and it came in handy, especially when fighting against demons that had the resources to block Willow's telepathic abilities. Since Sam wasn't a witch, he was able to use his in combat. It was easier to control than his telekinesis and visions, and he used it greatly with Buffy.
'What do you think?' he asked.
'You know I don't want her exposed to all of this, and you feel the same way, but she's already doing stuff and if we don't do something--'
'She'll do it when she's older and have less control,' Sam finished her thought.
"Okay, Will, let's get started with this," Buffy smiled at her best friend. "Is there anything else you can tell us?"
Willow turned her head away, hoping Buffy wouldn't ask. She had hoped the slayer would be able to figure it out on her own. "Well."
"Willow?" Sam noticed her abrupt behavior.
"Well, I thought you guys would know already," she mumbled.
"Know what?" Buffy's eyes narrowed.
"Think about it, Buffy," Willow finally broke. "You're the Chosen One, well Chosen One of Two, but that doesn't matter. And Sam was given abilities from a demon who is still after him. This only adds up to--"
"Demons and the demon that killed my mom are coming for her, always will," Sam nodded. "I know, we just don't like to think about that too much."
"That too, but I was thinking of something else," Willow turned to Buffy, staring straight in her eyes.
"She has a destiny, probably a child of prophecy," Buffy nodded in understanding.
"We haven't found anything, but we're definitely looking," she reassured them. "But you're both very powerful and I wouldn't put it past the Powers to have made all this happen so Joy could be born."
"What about Dean and Faith?" Buffy asked. "I mean, I am one of two, so if something were to happen, then I'm sure their baby would be like Joy."
"Yes, but can you imagine them having a baby right now?" Willow smirked. "They seem pretty content with just going across America and taking care of the baddies, and even they wouldn't bring a baby into that world."
"Can you just imagine seeing that?" Buffy laughed. "Faith would never give up slaying for nine months, especially if it meant Dean got to keep fighting and leaving her to have a normal life."
"So it's settled, then," Sam got back on topic. "But, what exactly can you do for her, she's only three and she doesn't want Buffy apart from me."
"Don't worry, I can have something drawn up with the coven, but I don't think it'll be a problem."
"Thanks so much, Will," she handed Joy to Sam, so she could hug her.
"No problem and we'll solve this," she nodded. "Dean and Faith are getting closer to the demon, so that's one less thing we'll have to worry about and most demons are smart enough to know not to mess with Joy."
End… Really, this time…