Summary: Buffy and Faith join Dean and Sam along on their hunt for the supernatural. On the way, romance blossoms between a certain slayer and a certain hunter.
Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer belongs to Joss Whedon and Supernatural belongs to Eric Kripke.
Spoilers: Post Chosen, and Pre-Shadows
Pairings: Dean/Faith and Buffy/Sam
Notes: Drabble-esque story!
Uncommon Weaponry
Detroit, Michigan
"Come out come out, wherever you are!" Buffy taunted the shadows before moving on to another site of the graveyard.
She was looking to blow off some steam from the previous night. She and Faith had found no vampires looking to sacrifice nor no demons looking to end the world. While she opted to do another patrol, Faith had decided to see the Detroit bars, in hope of satisfying her urges in a different way.
"Ask and you shall find," a voice called out from behind Buffy.
"If that wasn't the worse line I've ever heard," Buffy muttered before noticing the unconscious form behind the vampire. "I hope you don't plan on sacrificing someone?"
"I need someone strong to bring my master through the portal," the vampire said as his faced changed; ridges forming above his eyes, which turned yellow. "And I think a slayer would be much better."
"I can't believe you lost sight of the vampire," Sam snapped at his older brother.
"It's not my fault they come with powers including speed," Dean seethed as they raced through the graveyard.
"He was carrying someone with him. He couldn't have moved that fast," Sam came to a stop when he heard fighting.
They ran to the noise, only to find the vampire become dust. In his place was a twenty-something blonde woman, holding a stake.
Naturally, Dean was the first to speak. Sam isn't sure if he means to, but he's flirting with her. Of course, this isn't unnatural for Dean, he can't help it.
"Nice dusting," Dean stepped closer to the woman, who eyed them as she slipped her stake up her sleeve.
"Guns don't work so well," she finally spoke, ignoring Dean's comment.
'Huh?' Sam thought.
"Huh?" Dean asked.
"Your guns wouldn't work that well against vampires," she clarified as she pointed toward their choice of weapons. "It would slow them down, but wouldn't kill them."
Sam was amused, but Dean was upset. They had been hunting for years, and this random woman is telling him how to kill a vampire.
The woman walked away, upsetting Dean even more when they heard her say the word, amateurs. She collected the unconscious victim and walked away from the graveyard.
Dean turned around, and grabbed Sam's arm, leading him back to the car. "You can't be that upset."
"I need a beer," Dean said as his grip on Sam's arm tightened.
The title may change since every chapter will start out being… "Uncommon something!"
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