The day was normal

He would approach her, always in the same spot, day after day.

She would always say the first words, commenting about the bend in his ear.

The two Eevee's had be enemies in a sence, but deep down, they knew they care for each other, but the other would never be told.

The girl, Kali, Was the weaker of the two, preferring to expand her knowledge rather than worry about battling.

The boy, Kabu, Always looking for a chance to prove his power, not caring weather he lost or not, as long as he improved.

His left ear had always been bent down, he was born that way, and Kali always mentioned it when he approached, thus he would respond with a rude comment, and she would laugh.

He loved the sound of her laugh, it made it seem as if the day had brightened in the slightest bit.

She hated to admit it, but deep in her mind she loved his company as much as he loved hers, but she would not tell him. He was the only thing she looked forward to every day besides her reading.

Her books were all she had to keep her destracted from the troubles of the world around her. Her family, captured by those damn trainers, leaving her to her own. Trainers never seemed to care that by catching a pokemon, they took it away from it's loved ones.

But now she had him..

And he had her…

"So, you beat it huh?" Kali asked him as he told her of a big Raticate he had met today.

"Yeah! I had it begging for my mercy!" Kabu said in his bravest voice.

"That's amazing Kabu." She said non-chalontly, knowing he was lieing. "So, if you won, then why are you at the same strength?" she questioned.

"well, um…" he started, not sure what to say, "I didn't wanna get to far ahead of you Kali-chan." He said to his defence.

She smiled, and laughed. The sound of it bringing a smile to the males face.

Kali smiled sadly to him, knowing there good times would not last forever, she made a memory of him, and everything about him as he curled next to her to rest. He had once told her it was to make sure nothing snuck up on her, but she knew better than that.

Kabu's back rose and fell softly and evenly in his sleep, she watched him closely.

he muttered in his sleep.


She frowned, knowing all too well she loved him, knowing he felt the same.

It was a game.

Both of them constantly playing,

Neither willing to give up,

Neither of them knowing how to win.

Until one day Kali, being the smarter one, figured it out.

It had been the normal day, her sitting under her favorite oak tree, flipping through some book he would never understand.

He approached, ready to receive her normal comment about his ears, but it never came.

Out of nowhere, a pigeot appeared, rare in this area.

Apparently she had made a nest here and was in need of food.

She dove down upon Kali.

A loud scream stretched out on the land, and blood dripped to the ground.

Kabu's blood.

He jumped on top of her just in time as the talons sank into his back.

Kali screamed soon after, the pigeot lifting into the air to try again.

Kali grabbed him by his scruff and lept into the nearby bushes.

Bad move.

A trainer happened to be on the other side, and took the opportunity, catching Kabu with no trouble.

Kali fled.