A/N: Okay, characters WILL BE OOC, and I just got this idea randomly, so yeah…Hope ya enjoy the story!

My Fairytale

The world, its so cold. Especially to those who have big dreams, big hopes, and try to be different.

Hi, My name is Rei Kon, and I will be telling you a story. You may know me as the popstar who married a famous rockstar…but my story is about a boy who is hated by the world, but he is also loved by his world.

It may occur to you that this isn't true, that it's all fake. But believe me it's as real as you and me.


He got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist.

"Rei! Hurry up! Your breakfast will be cold." He heard his mom call. "Okay, be down in a minute!" He yelled and rushed into his bedroom. He grabbed a white sleeveless shirt with a gold outline on it. He slipped on a pair of black pants and put on his shoes. And to finish of his outfit a pair of red fingerless gloves with ying yang's on them.

He went in front of the mirror and brushed his long black hair and put it in a wrap like everyday and he went downstairs to enjoy his breakfast.

"From now on Rei I'm waking you up at 6:00 am." His mother said. "Why?" Rei asked. "Because you take too long in the shower, and then it takes you forever to get ready for school. And your A average is slipping into a B." His mom said. "Ma! I got one B! And it was in PE! That's just not fair!" Rei said banging his fist on the table. "Rei that's enough!" His mother said. "Your waking up at 6:00 and that's final!" She said.

Rei left the table and stormed up into his room. He grabbed his bag and slung it loosely over his shoulder.

He sighed walking down the stairs. "Mom…can I get a ride to school?" He asked sheepishly. "What happened to your car?" She asked. "Its at the shop." He said. "It broke down again?" His mother asked. Rei nodded. "Fine lets go Rei." She said.

They had a very silent very awkward car ride. "Drop me off here." Rei said in a small voice. He was a block away from the school. He couldn't stand his mom seeing what happened to him at school. He said the bruises were from a karate class he was taking after school, but really he'd get beaten up. And during the time he said he was at karate he was talking to his counselor Serika.

Rei got out of the car and started walking towards the school. "Hey ReiRei!" Came a voice. "Hi Max, Hi Tyson." Rei said knowing full well who it was.

"So how's life?" Tyson asked. "Not good…" Rei said and sighed. "Well…how would tickets to the Kai Hiwatari concert sound?" Max asked. "No way!" Rei said. Max handed him the ticket. "I didn't have enough money to get me and Max one, so we decided you should get it because we love you and you love Kai so much you're willing to have gay sex with him." Tyson said with a grin.

"Thanks guys. I'm looking forward to it." Rei said.

The day went by rather…well. Actually really good. No one was bugging him and he did well on the pop quiz in math that day and the tickets made the day go by quickly.

"Hey Max, can I get a ride home?" Rei asked. "Yeah sure ReiRei." Max said.

"I'll give you a ride to the concert too…maybe someone will be selling tickets there." Max said. "Its okay, I gotta pick up my today so I can give myself a ride." Rei said as Max pulled into the driveway. "Thanks for the ride. See ya tomorrow." Rei said and entered the house.

"I'm home!" Rei called. "I picked up your car already. Its parked in the garage." His mom said. "Okay, thanks. Mom. I'm going to a concert today." Rei said. "What about karate?" She asked. "It got cancelled. Can I go?" He asked. "Sure honey. Just don't stay out too late." She said. "Thanks mom." Rei said and bolted up into his room.

He put in his Kai Hiwatari CD and blasted it. The concert would start in like two hours and he had to look great. It was going to be indoors thank god. And Rei had his demo tape, and he had lots of money to buy a t-shirt to wear tomorrow.

Kai had been staring at it for 20 minutes. It was as silent as death; a bead of sweat had formed and trickled down. He had a tough job to do… "I'll wear this." He said to himself and changed into it. He had chosen a dark blue sleeveless top with a red outline and long dark blue fingerless gloves that came up to his elbows. He had a pair of jeans on and some skate shoes.

One thing Kai Hiwatari was not proud of was that he did his own make up. No one else did it for him. He carefully made his blue triangles on his face with some face paint and he was ready to go. The show started in only two hours. So it was time for Kai to get into his happy place.

"Tala!" He called. "Yeah Kai? Whats up?" said the bass player. "What song are we opening with?" He asked. "No such thing as a Fairytale." Tala said. Kai nodded. "Okay. Our ending song?"

"Ask Bryan." Tala said.

Kai went into Bryan's dressing room. "What song are we ending with?" He asked. "Bye Forever." Bryan said lazily and got back to playing his imaginary drums with his imaginary drumsticks.

Rei cursed under his breath in Chinese when he saw the time. He was going to be late. He just knew it. And he couldn't be late. It would suck so much. He quickly rushed to his car and started driving.

The opening band had just ended and The Demolition Boys had got onto the stage.

Rei had made it just in time for the first song, which was 'No Such Thing As A Fairytale.'

"Time passes by, and you're waiting,

For that prince to come and save you

Little girl, how many times do I have to tell you?

He's not coming for you

You put on your dress, and you have a thousand gems

Trying to look your best,

Look your greatest

But get this through your head" Kai sang in a low voice.

"He's not coming for you

So stop your dreaming and come back to reality

There won't be a knight in shining armor

There won't be a wild white horse

Someone has to tell you,

There's no such thing as a fairytale" He sang.

An Hour Later

"One last kiss

Frozen lips

Nothing is right anymore.

We had a plan

We chose to stay forever

But that's not long enough

Your heart stopped beating

Your lungs stopped breathing

And I'm left alone

But before you die"

"Good bye forever,

I'll never see you again, anytime soon

Good-bye until the end of time

I don't want to live without you

But I know I'll have to live without you

Good bye for now…"

"I can feel the life from your smile fading

So still and cold you're lying here

You'll forever be with me in my heart

But you'll never be with me right out here…

Good-bye forever

I'll never see you again anytime soon

Good-bye until the end of time

I don't want to live without you

But I know I'll have to live without you

Good bye…"

The concert ended with fireworks and the band getting off stage.

Rei sighed and left, he wanted the concert to last forever. But he had to get home. He went out the backdoor that led into an alley. "Hey, there's the faggot." Said a nasty voice that Rei could recognize anywhere.

"Hey Kai, great show." Tala said and put a hand on Kai's back. "Yeah we did good." He said with a slight smile. "I'm going to go outside for a smoke." Kai announced and put on a hat.