Out of Harm's Way
"What in the hell were you thinking! How could you just leave him alone?"
"Warrick, just calm down…"
"No. There's no way that I'm gonna just calm down. He could've died for God's sake!"
"I made a mistake, and I'll pay for it…"
"You almost paid for it with Nick's life! That woman wasn't capable of making a rational decision. I saw her in the interrogation room, Grissom! That isn't just a mistake… It was hard enough losing Holly. I-I couldn't stand losing Nick the same way."
Grissom nodded slightly as he bit his lip. He knew every word was true, and he could feel his stomach churn at the thought of finding Nick's lifeless body in the Hendler's house. It's ok. He's alive, he's going to be just fine. "H-how is he doing?"
"Better, I guess. He's still shaking like a leaf, and I've never seen him as jumpy as he is now. Catherine and Sara are getting his statement on what happened right now."
"Hey, Nick. H-how are you holding up?"
"I-I've b-b-been b-better…" he stuttered not risking even a quick glance at his best friend.
"Y-yeah… I'm sure you have."
"Have y-you e-ever h-h-had someone…"
"No… no one's ever d-done th-that to me, but, well, if someone had I know I-I'd be even more freaked out than you are now." Warrick answered, hoping that it would help the man, who had become his best friend over the past three years, feel better.
"I… I was so s-scared. I just kept picturing her pulling the t-t-trigger…" Nick's voice was soon lost as he let out a sob and Warrick quickly pulled him into a close hug as he felt a steady stream of tears begin to soak his shirt. He clung tightly to Nick as he felt tears building up in his own eyes as more tears fell against his shoulder. Images of Nick's body lying on a slab in the morgue plagued his thoughts. You're still alive… you'll be ok.
"It's ok, Nick. You're safe, man, you're safe…"
"Then w-why am I s-still so s-scared?" He gasped for air silently as he clung to Warrick as much as he could. He bit his lip as he tried to keep his hands from trembling any more. Why can't I just be okay? Why am I being so pathetic about this?
"I d-dunno, but I swear you're going to be fine Nick… no one is going to hurt you. I promise."
"I j-just k-k-kept seeing her pulling t-the t-t-t-trigger… I kept s-seeing m-my b-b-blood all over t-the wall… and p-pool… o-on t-the f-f-floor… I s-still… see i-it…"
"It's ok, bro, you're gonna be ok… I promise, you'll get over this." Warrick whispered as he patted his friend gently on the back. God only knows how terrified you were. I may not be able to help you, but I'll be damned if I don't try my best.
"Hey, Catherine. Uh… what exactly are you doing?"
"Shh!" She whispered furiously, cutting him off, "Warrick's in there… with Nick. They've been sitting there for almost an hour already."
"Doing what?"
"Talking, mostly, but… well, Nick has pretty much been crying into Warrick's shoulder for a while now. Why don't we go wait for them in the break room? I'm sure they'll be ok on their own for a while; besides, they'd probably appreciate some more privacy…" She whispered before turning around and leaving the locker room and its two occupants alone. Grissom watched the two men crying for a brief moment more, before he too headed back down the hallway to catch up with Catherine.
"You know something?" Nick asked quietly as he felt the tears begin to stop and he slowly sat back, "Y-you… called me 'bro'… w-why?"
"Because, bro, you're basically a brother to me. I mean, you're really more than just my best friend. Besides, we've got each others' backs, you know?"
"Yeah… we'll always do our best to keep the other out of harm's way…"
"You wanna make it more official?" Warrick responded with a weak grin.
"What, you mean like a pact or somethin?" Nick shot back with a slight chuckle, "Sure… I hereby swear that I'll do my best to keep Warrick out of trouble…" He smiled a bit more as he let the sarcasm sink in.
"Ah, come-on bro; you don't have to go mocking me. I was just making a suggestion, but I do want you to know… I'll always have your back. Don't you ever be afraid to come to me, got it? If not, then I'll spend the rest of the night knocking some sense into you."
"I got it, and… I will do my best… you know, to keep you out of trouble." Nick whispered slowly as he gave Warrick another hug, and he felt another smile break free as he realized neither of them were crying anymore.
"No offense, but I hope that's not necessary…"
"Yeah, and vice-versa… I hate being a victim. At least now I have you, and the team; you know, people who can understand…"
"You have anything else you want to tell me, bro?"
"I-I… can't. Not tonight; I j-just n-n-need some sleep, I think."
"Well then, let's get you home. I'll drop you off, and don't worry, I'll pick you up tomorrow before shift… okay?"
"T-thanks, I can't thank you enough, bro." He offered before stifling a yawn.
"Hey you guys? I'm taking off, I'll be back soon. I'm just goin' to give Nick a ride home; you know, make sure he gets some sleep."
"Sure thing, and Warrick, I can't tell you how sorry I am." Grissom offered, and Warrick shook his head slightly.
"So, Catherine, how much did you lay into him?"
"More than you could ever imagine, but that's a tale for another day, go get him home."
Twenty minutes later Warrick found himself helping the suddenly half asleep Nick into his house. It didn't take long for him to get Nick to his bed, and after realizing Nick wasn't in any shape to take care of himself, he carefully removed Nick's shoes and helped him lie down. After he pulled a warm blanket over him he gave Nick's shoulder another slight squeeze.
"Sleep well, Nick." He whispered, before making his way out into the man's hallway. Just as he began to close the door he could hear Nick's voice immediately call out. Unsure of what Nick had said he cautiously opened the door, and reentered the room, only to see Nick shaking his head rapidly and muttering incomprehensible phrases. Great, nightmares. Well, if I have to stay here all night, then so be it. With a grim smile he grabbed a chair and carefully set it next to the bed. After finding a comfortable position he grabbed Nick's hand, silently praying that nothing like this would ever happen to his newly recognized brother again.
It wasn't long before he fell asleep still clinging to his best friend's hand from his chair, and neither moved as they slept peacefully while the sun began to rise, bringing with it a new day.
Notes: I'm not sure if this is the end; I might continue with a few more extra interactions between them following other episodes, but if I do, it could be a while before it'd come out. I've got a lot to do the next two weeks, so my updates on C.P. might take a bit longer, and I've also got about four or five other stories in the process of being written at essentially random intervals. As I get more time there should be some updates to my profile which might give you something of an estimate of what'll be updated next, or what I'm currently focusing on. As always, I love reading reviews, and I hope you enjoyed this story!