Kosmic: When I was working I came up with this great idea for a story. I know I already so many stories that I still need to be work on. I just can't help myself. Please forgive me everyone. I will die one day having like ten other stories needed to be worked on.
Final Battle
Hannibal Roy Bean stole the Ying Yo-yo, Yang Yo-yo, and the Reversing Mirror from the temple. The young dragons jumped on Dojo to find Hannibal Roy Bean before he could do something to endanger the world.
A crow flew off that was watching what was going on. The crow flew to Chase Young Palace and landed next to Chase. The crow began to talk into Chase Young's ear. "I see, so that bean plans to open the gate way to the spirit world. If he opens that gate way evil, spirits will rip apart this world." Chase said then got up.
Chase walked over to his prison room. Wuya is behind a cell door and is chained up to the wall. Wuya looks up at Chase Young. "What do you want?" Wuya asks weakly sense for one day not having food.
"Wuya how long has it been." Chase said in an evil smile. Wuya looked down at his feet. It has been a week ever sense Chase decided to look for Wuya and imprisoned her. "It has been a week Chase." Wuya said as tears ran down her face.
"I am not here to hurt you this time Wuya. Hannibal is planning to release evil spirits from the spirit world to rip this planet up. I need your help if he gets this done. I am giving you only one more chance Wuya. Fail me or turn on me, I will kill you. Help me stop Hannibal." Chase said as he opens Wuya's cell.
Wuya stomach growled and some whip marks on her body can now be seen. "Give me some food and heal me then I will do as you say master." Wuya said knowing that Chase wants to hear that. "Good, it seems you now know your place Wuya." Chase said unchaining Wuya then feeds her.
Chase granted Wuya one of her powers back to heal herself. "Thank you master." Wuya said feeling some of her strength returning to her.
"Lets go! This is the last battle where Hannibal dies and we get rid of those monks for good." Chase said to Wuya as he started to fly. Wuya uses her powers to fly behind Chase.
"Master how did you learn to fly?" Wuya questioned Chase sense she does not detect any magic on him. "The soup I eat grants me to fly like dragons like Dojo." Chase said answering Wuya question.
Chase spotted Hannibal near by trying to get away from the Xiaolin monks. Chase flew in the chase. Hannibal noticed Chase and cursed under his breath. Bean looked around as if he planned that the dragon would follow him. Sense Chase was on him now, Hannibal began to panic a bit.
Hannibal found what he was looking for. It looked like there were thousands and thousands of Jack Bots. "Saved by that darn idiot. I know those monks can beat those toys, but those toys were to buy me time. Now that Chase is after me it is different." Hannibal said to himself and was getting annoyed that Chase is after him.
Hannibal descended on his bird to Jack. Hannibal smiled to see Jack brought Cyclops along. "Attack Chase Cyclops now!" Jack yelled as the Cyclops sent a beam out of his eye at Chase. Chase did not dodge the blast in time and flew back. Wuya caught Chase, doing this Wuya blushes a little.
Hannibal knew that Wuya would never join Chase. Hannibal made his bird turn around and go to Wuya. "Howdy Wuya! If you do not mind do me the favor and kill Chase. I promise you that if you join me the world will be ours. Jack can easily be dealt with." Hannibal said to Wuya who seemed to be in thought.
I promised Chase to help him. Hannibal is promising me the world. I could get rid of Chase and finally rule the world. Wuya thought to herself as something came to her.
Flash Back
"Let go of me Chase! I swear I will kill you one day!" Wuya yelled out as she was thrown into to the cell. The chains magical moved and shackles onto Wuya. Wuya struggled to get free but could not.
"Come on Wuya give up. You are my prisoner. You betrayed me after I helped you go human. You attacked me and tried to kill me. You could say I just saved you Wuya." Chase said and turned his back to Wuya.
"Hannibal is more evil then you think Wuya. Hannibal only wants one thing. He wants the world all for himself. I heard stories that Hannibal made allies then killed them once he had no more use for them." Chase said to Wuya then walked out.
End Flash Back
Wuya shook her head and sent a magical wave at Hannibal. "You will pay for that Wuya! Jack make Cyclops attack Wuya!" Hannibal yelled as Cyclops sent a blast at Wuya. Wuya dodges the blast as Chase pushed Wuya away from him.
It seems Wuya now knows who her real enemy is now. Chase thought then smirks. Hannibal flies down by Jack. Cyclops kept sending blasts at Wuya and Chase. "This should buy some time." Jack said to Hannibal who just smiles evilly. "Come Jack lets get this over with." Hannibal said and tossed the reversing mirror to Jack.
Hannibal laughed evilly knowing that nothing could stop him now. Chase flew down smacking Cyclops down. Wuya flew at Jack ready to attack. "Reversing Mirror!" Jack yelled sending Wuya back hitting Chase.
Raimundo and Kimiko jumped off Dojo smacking some Jack bots. Both of them landed and saw what Jack did to Wuya. "Do you think we can take them?" Kimiko asks Raimundo who looks at Kimiko. "Yea!" Rai yelled as Kim nods.
Kimiko and Raimundo ran up to where Chase and Wuya was. "Wudia Star Wind!" Wudia Mars Fire!" Rai and Kim shouted as Wuya and Chase send there own powers at Hannibal.
"Ying, Yang Yo-yo!" "Reversing Mirror!" Hannibal and Jack yelled connecting the wu powers plus Raimundo's, Kimiko's, Chase's, and Wuya attacks hitting all at once.
A big flash of light blinded everyone. A shock wave from all the magic clashing together sent Wuya, Chase, Kimiko, and Raimundo back. Once Omi and Clay could see their friends with Chase and Wuya were all out cold. The reversing mirror was in pieces as well as the yo-yos. Jack stood there in stone for a bit before crumbling. As for Hannibal there was a pile of ash where he was.
Dojo slithered up to Omi. "Omi! The puzzle box that Master Monk Quan gave you. Use it to trap Wuya once and for all!" Dojo yelled as Omi nodded and took out a gold puzzle box from his robe.
Omi opened it as the spirit of Dashi came out. "Do not know how you did it young dragons, but Wuya is going back." Dashi said in a smile going through Wuya body turning her into a ghost and sending her into the box. Dashi turns to the box questioning what he felt as he passed through Wuya as he disappears.
"Have any ideas to trap or get rid of Chase Dojo?" Clay asked Dojo who was rubbing his chin. "I guess we send him to Master Monk Quan. Maybe he can reach Chase sense they were friends at one time. There is still some good in him." Omi said as Dojo nods in agreement.
End of Chapter
Kosmic: I hope everyone enjoys the first chapter. I know everyone will love this story. Please read and review.