Disclaimer: Do I have to ask you again if Tamora Pierce is going to be on this site! Well I shouldn't. No, I am not her! Her stuff rocks, but why, why, would she be writing fan fiction about her own stories when she can make a truck load of money by writing actual books? Once again, sadly, nothing is mine. In this one, actually, NOTHING is mine. No characters of my own or anything.

A/N: Pointless fluff! I was bored. This is just a one shot. It's an Alanna/Jon. George fans don't kill me! I love George too, I just felt like writing an Alanna/Jon today. I might write a George one later. Set in the time of In the Hand of the Goddess. Please review, and read my miniseries about Alanna's daughter. Thanks for reading this far. To the story!

A knock on the door pulled Alanna out of her rapture. She had been sitting on her bed for nearly two hours, thinking about what had happened the night before. It still seemed so unreal. How could Jonathan love her? Her. Alanna of Trebond, his squire! How could a Prince love a warrior maiden? One who no one actually knew was a girl?

Slowly, lazily almost, Alanna climbed from her cross-legged perch on her bed. She walked over to the door and pulled it open.

Jon's hand traced the frame of the door as he looked at her, his eyes almost mystified with something. "Took you long enough," he whispered softly. "Aren't you going to invite me in?" The Prince wasn't usually so assertive, his ways startled Alanna, but not for long. He seemed... playful.

Alanna stepped back from the door, sweeping her hand out in a motion obvious that she wanted Jon to come in. He slid through the door, and watched as she closed and bolted it behind herself.

Then, without waiting for more than a second, Jonathan pulled Alanna into his arms and kissed her fiercely. His lips slid down her neck as she stood there, almost shocked by the way he was acting.

Soon however Alanna didn't care. "I think you've had too much to drink!" She teased softly, before returning Jonathan's kiss.

"I love you," he whispered softly.

"I love you." Alanna replied quietly.


Did that suck to badly? My first fluff story. Please review and tell me what you thought! Thanks for reading this far! Bye!