Author's Note:

So finally we're at the last chapter. Thank you to everyone who read this and especially to those who reviewed! Little Miss Sparrow (Glad I surprised you! I hope you like the end!), Readerfreak10 (Of course you're invited!), A Real Life Fallen Angel (I'm glad you liked it, I've never tried romance before so I'm glad I didn't screw up!), and BabyBoy1 (Thank you very much for catching my errors. Stupid ogreatrandom, stupid! I owe you, thanks again! Glad you liked it anyway.). Also a huge thank you to enigmagirl2727 for beta-ing this story!

Thank you to everyone who took the time to read the story!

Chapter #12

The fight was over and the victors were slowly taking stock of every wound, capture, and casualty. Norrington approached Jacky slowly but with resolution.

"Jackalyn we may be having problems but I cannot take back what I have already said, it would not be honorable."

"Honorable?" Jacky laughed bitterly.

"That's correct," Norrington answered, "I will act honorable-"

"Don't you ever get tired of being so damn "honorable"? Don't you ever just want to do something impulsively? To do it just because you think it would be fun?"

Norrington opened his mouth but Jackalyn waved her hand wildly to make him stop.

"I'm not finished just yet. I refuse to marry a person whose sole reason for marrying me is that it is the right thing to do. I want someone who wants me back, someone who needs me."

"You refuse to accept my proposal then?"

"I think I was pretty clear before," Jackalyn growled.

"Why are you so certain," he yelled at her, "that I was offering you anything because it was the honorable thing to do? How come you're arguing with me every step of the way?"

"Because," she flung back at him in a furious voice, "if we aren't yelling and furious with each other I can't stop myself from wanting to kiss you!"

"Do you think you have a problem?" Norrington shouted back not missing a beat. "Whenever you aren't around I can convince myself I can live without you but as soon as I see you I can't lie to myself anymore. I can barely understand my own feelings! I can't stand not being around you."

"I feel the same way!"

"So," Norrington said in a suddenly soft whisper, "what is the big problem?"

"I know I have reasons," she yelled desperately as Norrington closed the distance between them, "I just can't think of them right now!"

-- --

Will and Elizabeth boarded the Black Pearl and almost instantly found a jubilant Anna Maria.

"We beat them!" she crowed happily waving around at the deck. "Not one of them got away from us! And on top of that Jack owes me his life! I love it when he's in my debt," she added the last sentence softer and with a conspiratorial wink. "How did things go on your end?"

"I almost joined Captain Murray in taking a dunk in the water but Will saved me yet again."

"You should have seen how she handled him," Will informed Anna Maria giving Elizabeth a kiss on the hand, "but I wonder who we should tell that Captain Murray has "accidentally" ended up trapped in his own jail."

"I think no one for now," Anna Maria answered seriously.

"Where is Jacky?" Jack asked concerned scanning the deck franticly as he joined their group. He was followed closely by Mr. Gibbs who was obviously trying to keep the anxious Captain calm.

"And where is Commodore Norrington?" Will added. "We really should tell him about his colleague Captain Murray."

"Oh," Elizabeth chuckled, "there they are." Jack and the others looked over, then all froze.

Jackalyn and Norrington were kissing passionately in the middle of the body strewn deck, oblivious to the smells.

"How? How," Will asked finally, "did that happen?"

"I don't know," Anna Maria answered unable to take her eyes off the couple, "last I saw them a few minutes ago they hated each other more then ever."

"I told you," Elizabeth crowed happily, "I told you they loved each other."

"Well," Mr. Gibbs sighed finally, "I'll be."

"I'm not entirely sure why you all think the Commodore and Jacky are in love," Jack said quickly, "they don't look in love to me."

Everyone looked long and hard at the kissing couple. Will and Elizabeth smiled at each other. Anna Maria just shook her head.

"Even you Jack," she said, "can't deny that those two over there have fallen hard for each other."

"It may look like that now-"

"Give it over or you walk the bloody plank!" Mr. Cotton's parrot interrupted Jack shrilly. Almost every member of the pirate crew had stopped to stare.

"Face it Jack," Mr. Gibbs said, "even Cotton agrees. Looks as if you'll be having a Commodore in the family. You'd better get yourself used to the idea."

" I can do that," Jack informed them all, "but first I need rum, lots and lots of rum."

-- --

Jackalyn and Norrington walked hand in hand over to where Jack was sitting watching his crew clean up the deck. He looked over and was instantly suspicious of the look on both of their faces.

"Father," Jacky said, "we want to get married as soon as possible."

"There's no reason to wait," Norrington added, "we need this done as quickly as possible so your daughter doesn't change her mind."

"Me?" Jacky asked teasingly, "I was worried that you would change your mind."

"You two can't get married now," Jack told them, "there's too much to do."

"Father," Jacky sighed, "what are you talking about?"

"The bloody map!" Jack pushed between them spreading the map out to show them. "What do you think I wanted to do with it? Frame it in my cabin? We're going to go get the treasure!"

"Mr. Sparrow," Norrington said coldly, "what do you mean by 'we'?"

"And what a treasure it is," Jack continued ignoring Norrington, "said to be the most valuable treasure to be found…"

"Did you hear him say 'we' Jackalyn," Norrington asked as Jack continued to describe the joys of the treasure to them.

"… and when we find the treasure-"

"What do you mean by 'we'?" Jacky and Norrington both asked loudly.

Final Author's Note:

I hope you all enjoyed this story! Thank you for reading! I may write a sequel but I don't have any ideas yet. So if anyone has any I'd be glad to hear them! Anyway thank you again for reading this story, I hope you've enjoyed it!