Damnation Warnings: Incest, slash, nonexplicit.
AN: I wrote this in sex ed. It's just an inspiring class, I guess.

"Are we going to Hell for this?" I asked George, desperately searching out his eyes. "George?" I reached out with my hand and touched his face. He did not recoil, but looked me in the eye.

Instinctively, I knew I was gazing into a mirror, that his forsaken expression must be my own.

"I don't know." He looked for a moment as if he would be strong for the both of us, but I saw his tears. "Oh, George." I pulled him to me, arms wrapped around his body.

He layed his head on my chest, beautiful hair splayed across my black robes. "What if we are damned? Wha tif judgment day comes and we're denied entry?" I was silent for an almost obscene amount of time, unsure of how to answer.

"Then we'll both be damned together."