This idea was in the back my head for about a year now and I just had to put it up before someone else.

Disclaimer: honestly why do I even bother putting these things as if I'm going to put I own xiaolin showdown which I don't

'The time has come the time is near. My boy, do this for me, if not for you or the one your heart desires. Do not fail for it will cost your life!' a shadowed figure stepped forward,

'I can't, you know I can't let the others do it' a boy and stunning green eyes cried out, the figure just sighed, pulled off his hood and took a step forward, he looked just like the boy but older with an eagle on his shoulder.

The figure pulled on his hood walked away, but turned round stretched out his hand and shouted

'The prophecy will be fulfilled and you will be the one to do it, you shall be heir to the throne.'

'Why are you making me?'

'Because it is your destiny no matter what'

'I can't do, it I won't do it'

'No matter what' the figure echoed 'you made a promise and your going to keep it understood' the boy just nodded while the bird flew off the man's shoulder and flew right through the boy.

'Happy early birthday' were the last words the man said.

The scene changed in to a battle field. A man on a tall white horse, which looked surprisingly like the hooded figure, rode forward with a sharp sword that had wings.

Then Chase Young it looked like, in his reptilian form, pulled a sword out of nowhere

Swung it and it got closer and closer to the man's neck until-

Raimundo woke up panting and sweating thinking about his dream, how the hooded figure sounded and looked so familiar as if he'd heard it before.

"No matter what" Where had he heard that before? Where had he seen that person before? What were they talking about? Why did every thing seem so familiar? So many questions going through his head. He pushed them to the back of his mind.

He got up and went over to his desk to get something. It was a picture of his dad. It was taken at the beach when he taught Raimundo how to surf. 'Surf to live and live to surf' that's what his dad always said. He walked out of his room headed for the temple gardens to think. He turned round to lock his door, last year Master Fung had given them proper sized rooms with proper beds, doors and locks.

While walking down the hall he bumped into Kimiko.

"What are you doing up?" he cocked an eyebrow

"I could ask you the same"

"I'm older"

"Yeah and what, I can wake up in the morning"

"I wake up in the morning"

"More like the afternoon"

"Whatever, what are you doing up"

"Going to the kitchen, happy now?" she said through gritted teeth

"Yeah I'm real happy" he replied sarcastically

"Anyway what are you doing up?"

"Does it matter?"

"Yes, it does its like midnight"

"Well if you really do care I'm going outside"

"Whatever, you just better get up later on or I'll burn your bed"

"You can't if you can't get in my room, but I can always get into yours" Rai said smirking before walking away

"If he doesn't get that smirk off of his face I'll take it off, permanently!" she said under her breath while heading for the kitchen. Once there she sighed, sat down and put her head on the table. Raimundo wasn't the only one that had weird dream for Kimiko had one too.

It was a battle scene a woman stood on top of a mound of dirt shooting arrows, that caught on fire and turned into phoenixes, until a woman that looked like Wuya came up behind the woman and struck her with something so she died.

That part of the dream kept on playing on in her head. She knew who the woman was but couldn't remember her name. She had black hair and brown eyes; it kind of reminded her of her mum. Tears came to Kimiko's eyes, she tried blinking them back but they fell down her cheeks; in the moonlight they looked like diamonds falling off of a china doll.

She lifted her head off the table and looked out of the window; she could see Rai sitting on the top branch of the blossom tree staring out at something that seemed like nothing. Little did she know that something or somebody was out there that was the cause of their weird dreams, and would change the xiaolin dragon's friendship forever...