
This is my very first fic.! I mean really 'very first'…

So please try to understand… :P

P.S. you might find the way this story is written, similar to some familiar other written things…that is because I'm under their spell right now…

Disclaimer: All GALS! Characters are not mine even if I want them to be… but then again they're better off with Mihona. She's a more talented writer and can probably make greater stories…

When It All Falls Down...

ChApTeR 1

"There is magic in the memory of schoolboy friendships; it softens the heart, and even affects the nervous system of those who have no heart."
- Bejamin Disraeli

It was late at night – no, saying late at night was putting it too mild. It was too late that it's so late that no one knew how late it was at night. (There wasn't anyone awake at least...oh yeah, except for one.) The air was cold and the stars shown bright. It was the best time to catch sleep under a tree outdoors (unless of course the tree is planted inside your house, which is very… I dunno … remarkable…?)

A figure can be seen from afarby the shine of the moonlight, walking alone down the gardens of the Asuo Rest House. It' not unlikely of him to be found alone strolling down somewhere deep in thought but it was unlikely of him to be found alone strolling down somewhere deep in thought in the dead of the night.

He often finds his mind drifting into space, staring at a distant, trying to sort something in his head. He often does this, but for the past few days it was alarmingly increasing. And what was worst was that it was always seem to bethe same topic that has him thinking since he dumped a certain blue-black haired girl. He'd dismissed this thought at the back of his mind for over every possible time and yet it always finds its way back for over every possible time too. He wasn't supposed to be thinking of it this badly. He wasn't crowned as the 'ice prince' for nothing, after all. He's cold and cool approach in life made him think he's this thick. He was use to dumping, rejecting, ignoring whatever you wanna call it, his fan girls… but the question is, is she merely just another of his fan girls…?

" Doushite…?(why…?)" Rei sighed. He'd been asking this question ever so often as he walks down the same path for almost 3 days in a row now. Of course being a sensible person one way or another,he knew that asking himself that stupid question was making no good or whatsoever at all. It wasjust likerepeating (in vocal way of course) what his mind had been telling him for over 3 days straight. And if his mind, by any chance, is a separate body, it probably had walked out with a snarl, "Why the hell are you always repeating what I'm saying! You must be a stalker or something!"

Rei took another sigh, realizing he must have sound stupidand finally realized also the realizationthat he'd probably wondered the whole of the place for almost 2 rounds now. His feet were now protesting. (A/N: the Asuo Rest House is no joke you know and by the way, the 'gang' is here for some sort of summer vacation.) And as he took one finally look at the stars, as if asking them why the devil they were staring down at him, he finally dismissed the thought again and decided to call it a day.

Lucky for him the door wasn't lock or else he'd be finding himself sleeping outside under a tree in a breezy night, (which is by the way very relaxing if you ask me but since you're not asking me, just ignore it.) Rei walked silently in and up the stairs. His room was by the end of the corridor passing all the other rooms. And as he walked pass Ran's room, the thought of having a good night's sleep all became as dark as a crow flying in the pitch-blackness as he hear her snore.

It wasn't long before he reached his chambers when suddenly he heard faint sob-like sounds. Rei was about to turn the knob by then but decided against it and went to investigate. He isn't usually the type of person who sticks up his nose on other's business, but the sound sounded so... so like someone... and somehow there was like an unknown urge, more like a call that made him think twice about ignoring it. Not far from where he was standing was a door ajar to a room ofthat certain someone. Why had he not noticed it when he passed by lately is something I could not think of, (probably because I could not find a good reason or whatsoever at all.)

Rei stood between the open gap and saw on his own what was happening. A girl dressed in her PJs was all over her bed crying. Her shoulders were trembling as she wept. Her hair was covering her face and so was the pillow she was holding near her, as sort of comfort. Though his visions of her wasn't that clear because of the slightly dimly lit room and all those stuff hiding his view of her face, he need not to be told what Aya looks like when she's crying.

"She's with it again…" He told himself though his emotions about it was unfathomable by the moment. Why had he felt that way was something he could not think of, probably because he could not find a good reason or whatsoever at all, just like me (crap happens...)

Rei thought he'd seen enough, it was something quite not new to him. He've seen her cried thousand time before though not as bad as this but at least, and whenever she does cry he always get the freaking blame and he's sick of it. Well if you were in his place and have this certain person who cries every time you meet and people around you thinks that you're the jerk who caused it, wouldn't you get tired? Unless of course you are evil and sinister and you are paid to do such a lowlife job for a so-high-price, then it must be very good. But unfortunately Rei isn't paid to do such, and I'm still arguing with my other half-wit self whether or not to consider him evil and sinister.

Anyways, he was walking cooly back to where he came from, deciding it was pure waste of time watching her cry but he wasn't even that far when a weak, gentle voice called out from the room."Is someone there?"

Normally he walks away in times like this and plays deaf-a word which here means he temporarily becomes deaf and not permanently deaf so as not to hear a single thing. But that night, things suddenly became not normal and became abnormal and suprisingly as the latter, normal things wasn't happening and wasn'tgoing to happen tonight. As the familiar trembling voice spoke, it gave him an unfamiliar feeling. His heart quickened and he felt cold, (colder because its supposed to be a cold night, remember?) His instincts told him to do what he does best but his other side, the part he doesn't know and doesn't want to believe he possesses tells him otherwise. The thought that had him thinking all day flashed back on his mind, like how an annoying fly comes back for more flyswatting action, and all of a sudden his fear of it being true became stronger. But being the 'ice prince' he was he quickly tried to dismiss the latter thought (after all, he's got that 'ice' thing reputation to defend.)