A/N- Okay, sorry that this has taken so long to get out. I'm also going to apologize in advance that this is going be short…just a drabble. I came to the realization that the characters in this series--Beauty and the Dhampire and Little Red Riding Hood--are complete and happy where they are. However there was just a little something that I wanted to tell everyone. That is what this fic is for. Please enjoy!

Disclaimer- I don't own Castlevania or any related character. That belongs to Knoami.

Happily Ever After

Sage looked happily on, her arm in Adrian's. John, Sage's and Iris's father, looked on with tear-filled eyes. He had come to his girls just a few days before and begged their forgiveness for how he had been. The forgiveness had been readily given.

They all sat on the right side of the church, smiling. Sage had never been happier. Not even the great cities she had seen in the past years had brought her this much joy. Iris glanced over her shoulder. Her eyes were also red-rimmed with happy tears. Sage mouthed that she should turn her head back. Terence laughed.

They were a handsome couple. He in a black suit and she in a white, lacy dress. Her veil perfectly accented her face.

"I now pronounce you…husband and wife. You may kiss your bride," said the kindly minister who stood before Iris and Terence.

Both grinning ear from ear, they kissed. A great cheer ran around the church, and Sage tugged at Adrian's arm.

"What?" he asked her.

"We should leave," she replied.

"This is your sister…we could make the exception…"

"No. We should interact as little as possible with humans. I understand that. She knows I have to leave, and she knows the joy I feel for her marriage. That is all she wanted. She told me so herself."

Adrian stood and took Sage by the hand.

"Then let us go," he said, leading her out of the church and into the night.

Iris glanced over the multitude of people and smiled as she watched her sister, her mentor, exit. Her new husband stared at her.

"Aren't you sad to see her go?" he asked.

"Of course. But I will do as I was told to do. I will feel no sadness on this night. I am with my husband…and I am content. Besides, she will always be there if I need her. No matter what she thinks," Iris replied.

Terence laughed, and the wedding party moved out to begin the festivities.

End Notes: I'm sorry that this is so very short. I hope it was enough to round up the story. Please review!