Hey guys, I love Chrno Crusade and I love writting. So ended up writting this. My friend suggested that I post it so here it is.

Disclaimer: NoI don't own Chrno Crusade or any off the Characters all I own is 2 Cats call Rosette and Chrno...Obesessed I know My cousin has one called Aion trust me Chrno and Aion dont get along!

Chapter One

The Regular Routine

Rosette was standing in Sister Kate's office again. Their last mission had been a total disaster! At the crucial moment Rosette's gun had jammed. All Rosette could do was hide behind the old jalopy for cover. Unfortunately the car had proved no obstacle for the demon who had simply lifted the car and thrown it across the street destroying 2 shops and a house in the process. Rosette knew Sister Kate would not be at all pleased but at least she should be getting used to it… She hoped!

The head sister was fuming as she entered the small room followed by Father Remington, not a good sign. Chrno hovered at the door looking rather sorry. Rosette and been so determined to defeat the demon that she forgot about the fact that the holy water would also burn Chrno. As a result she had ended up burning the left half of his face and his left arm.

As Chrno entered the room Rosette shifted uncomfortably she couldn't look Chrno in the eye. She felt so bad about hurting him! Chrno had blamed himself as usual but this only made Rosette feel worse.

"SISTER ROSETTE!" The head Sister bellowed the pen in her hand snapping in her grip, "WHAT IN ALL THAT IS HOLY DID YOU DO?" Sister Kate's screams interrupted Rosette from her thoughts. "I…um…" Rosette had been completely caught off guard, luckily Remington stepped in, "I believe Chrno already told you what happened with the car and with the holy water, or, don't you believe him Sister Kate?" Remington's eyes were piercing. Both Sister Kate and Remington knew that there was more behind their story but only Remington knew what that was. Chrno had told him the whole story in hope of being able support Rosette better. Remington had been grateful for this and promised Chrno that he wouldn't tell anyone and, he had no intension on going back on his word.

Again the new pen that Sister Kate had subconsciously picked snapped in her hand as she turned her attention to Remington, "WHY DO YOU ALWAYS SIDE WITH THEM!" Sister Kate howled, "YOU SHOULD BE SETTING AN EXAMPLE AND HELPING ME OUT! DON'T GIVE ME THAT LOOK REMINGTON!" Rosette felt sorry for Father Remington he had let her get into that yelling mood and now, and man, was he was gonna cop it! Rosette looked over at Chrno and they both slipped out of Sister Kate's office completely unnoticed.

Rosette and Chrno ran down the hallway laughing. They chanced a look back before they turned the corner just in time to see Remington fleeing from the office and ducking just in time to avoid the flying bible that was aimed at his head. As they entered the count yard they could still hear Sister Kate's screaming coming form inside. Boy was she spewing

Rosette sat glumly in her room writing out apology letters. Out her window she could hear Mary and the others teasing Chrno when he covered for her. Then it occurred to her. She finished her extra letter of apology. She had decided to write and extra one to Chrno it read:

Dear Chrno,

I'm really sorry about hurting you today. I know I can be very impulsive at times and I want to thank you for putting up with me. I also wanted to thank you for your concern and protection. I would never be here if it wasn't for you. I feel that I can live without regret because I know that you will always be there to protect me. Thank you

Sister Rosette

Rosette put all the letters in the envelopes and named them. She would get the addresses later off Sister Kate. Rosette spun around. She was sure that she heard someone enter… You're hearing things Rosette she told herself and as she went to turn back to her table, she saw him. "Why hello, Sister Rosette" Aion said calmly, walking forward until he was less than a metre away from her. "My, you've grown into a beautiful woman haven't you?" Aion laughed looking around the room, "Oh my! Where is dear Chrno?" he asked with mock concern, "and I though he would at least come to say goodbye to his girlfriend!" Rosette stood there in shock… Girlfriend? Did Aion know how Rosette felt about Chrno? How? Aion smiled as he observed the complete confusion he had caused Rosette, "I see" Aion mocked, "Chrno hasn't told you how he feels, how sad, and now, he'll never have a chance to!" These words snapped Rosette out of her trance and she looked up, eyes wide with fear, "Rosette Christopher, YOUR MINE!" Aion shouted victoriously and with that Aion grabbed Rosette and flew away.

Well thats it for now I've almost finished Chapter 2. I'd love to hear from you so please REVIEW! ()

Go easy on me please my first ever fanfic..