Ginny Weasley closed her book with a sigh. It was only a few weeks into the summer, and she had already run out of things to do...

'Well, I guess I should reply to that letter from Harry now' she thought, and sighed again, though this time, it was more of a love-sick sigh than boredom...

Harry Potter had been her all-time crush for her first few years at Hogwarts. Then she moved on, to guys like Michael Corner.. But Michael proved to be a jerk, so she broke up with him not long into their relationship. Now, she was thinking of Harry non-stop (again) and just couldn't STAND it. She liked him AGAIN. 'I'm a fifth year' she thought furiously to herself, as she slammed her ink pot on her desk. 'And I have a crush on the famous Harry Potter. How immature can I GET!' Ginny took a deep breath and realized her ink pot was now smashd on the floor. She stared at it a moment, and felt her anger welling up inside her again, this time angry because she had GOTTEN angry. Ginny kicked her chair in pure spite, then collapsed on her bed, holding her foot and whimpering in pain.

"Stupid chair!" she yelled, "What'd you do THAT for!" There was silence as Ginny rubbed her toe and felt self-pity and a cloud of depression move over her. "Ginny, honey, what were you shouting about?" she heard her mother call. Ginny froze as she heard her mother's footsteps on the stairs.

"Ginny? Ginny ANSWER ME." Her mother said, now outside her door. Ginny finally answered with a quick "Nothing mum, just hit my toe on the chair". Molly Weasley sighed and shook her head at her daughter's clumsiness, then went back downstairs to start lunch.

Meanwhile, Ginny hopped quickly off her bed and uprighted her chair, glaring at it the entire time. Finally remembering what she was going to do, she grabbed Harry's letter and scanned through it one more time, to make sure she hadn't forgotten it:

Dear Ginny, (the letter read)

I hope you're having a nice summer. I've been pretty busy this last week. I bet you're bored though.. Ron told me you've been moping around the house writing stuff all summer. Hopefully you've been working on a letter for ME! I better get one from you soon. You're brother does nothing but talk about Hermione in his letters... With the occassional thing about you, of course. And Hermione does nothing but talk about RON in her letters, and how swell her summer's been so far. Oh yeah, and every now and then there's a "How are you doing, Harry?" in there. Honestly, I say we lock them in a closet when I get there, and FORCE them to realize they're meant to be!

Oh bloody hell. I sound like a girl. Well Miss Ginevra, I better hear from you soon, before I come to visit, I have to have someone SANE to talk to!



Ginny's eyes lingered on the last two lines... Love, Harry. Love. Love Harry. 'Love..' she thought, and inhaled the familiar scent on the letter with longing. She stood there for five minutes, thinking desperately to herself that maybe Harry actually meant he LOVED her. And not just "Brotherly love" either...

Finally, Ginny snapped out of her daydream about little red-headed Potter children, and sat down quickly at her desk, face reddening in shame. Grabbing another ink pot and a quill, she thought of what to write to Harry...:

Dearest Harry, (she wrote)

Yeah, I guess my summer's going okay... Glad to hear YOU have something to do! I don't have a thing to do around here. I've read every single book, and I swear I'm drowning in all my sketches. And sorry Harry, I wasn't... Don't hurt me though!

UGH, my brother talks about me! That's not nice. But it's understandable they talk about each other Harry, they pretty much LOVE each other!

Awww poor Harry. Feeling a little left-out? But yes, let's lock them in a closet. That's an excellent idea, actually. And let's just leave them in there all summer, maybe I'll have a little niece or nephew when we let them out... Harry stop making faces! I know you are, don't even TRY to tell me you aren't.

And Harry. Please never say something like that again. You DO sound like a teenage girl. So just, uh.. Stay away from saying that sort of thing from now on, alright? And don't you dare call me Ginevra again, or I swear I'll put a hex on you next time I see you! Do you hear me, Mr. Potter? Oh, and since when am I sane?



Ginny read over her letter quickly, and deciding it satisfactory, drew a little heart next to her name. She then got up and called to her owl, which her mother had gotten her as a present for graduating sixth year. Her owl's name was Nathaniel, and Ron couldn't understand why she had named HIS owl Pigwidgeon, and HER'S something normal like Nathaniel. He had spent a whole 10 minutes asking her about it, then was attacked by Pig with a letter from Hermione, and he had stopped in mid-sentence, grabbed the letter, and run to his room. Ginny felt a smile playing over her lips as she tied the letter to Nathaniel's leg. "Take this to Harry, ok baby?" She said and secured the letter snugly with a final tug on the string. The brownish owl hooted softly, and seemed to nod his head and smile knowingly. Ginny giggled, feeling much better than she had a few moments ago, and opened the window, watching her owl fly out with a contented smile on her face.


Mione: SO? how was it? This is our first fanfic (more like MINE cuz I wrote it. so ha in ur FACE GinnY!) so plzplzplzplz review and we'll b v v v happy.

Ginny: Oh monkies Mione, i helped a little!

Mione: W/e. Just review guys! PLEEEEEEAAASSSEE!

Ginny: scowls at Mione Yeah, review and tell us what you thought of ou-- HER story.

Mione: scowls back Oh shut up Gin.But yes tell us what you thought.

We'll luv u if u review!

Mione&Ginny, The WitchGirlsOfHogwarts ;)