-•- -x- -•- -x- -•- -x-•Mariage Bleu•-x- -•- -x- -•- -x- -•-
(-Blue Marriage-)

──── (Por Ludra-Jenova) ────
Translation & adaptation by Kei (AKA Lamia)

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:::X::: Ludra's Notes:::X:::

Hiya! Sorry for the long update…actually my translator left me ºAº so I can't translate this fic…I'll try to do it myself, but it will take time, so I'm really sorry but the next chapter could take a long time show here. I just wanted to submit the last chapter that Kei translated to me. So at least you'll have something to read while I translate the next…if somebody knows Spanish, please help me! I'll love if you try to help me to translate this fanfic to English…by the time, if you want, read the Spanish one, it has more chapters :/

Sorry for the delay! I've nothing to add, so read! And be happy by a short time…-_-

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L.T.J aka S.L.E
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The following days were like water in his hands. For some strange reason, all of the crew had started to behave differently with Zoro; sometimes they were kind, other times a little indifferent, questioning to the point of trying his patience—what little the green-haired man had—and sometimes overprotective, what? This was quite peculiar….

Zoro was perfectly able to look after himself; however, when the protective tendency was coming from all sides, that meant EVERYONE—even Sanji—was keeping an eye on the boy, not leaving him a moment alone. This was principally to try to prevent him from doing more crazy things.

The swordsman's marriage did not sit well with anyone. After the announcement, nobody had congratulated him; instead, they all asked if he had gone mad, if he had done it out of spite, if it was because he was sick, or out of sheer idiocy. Of course, Zoro would not admit the simple truth, that it had been what was most agreeable to him. He shouted at them to leave him alone, utterly enraged.

Despite the odd changes in his nakama toward him, there was one who tried to avoid him completely. That one was his captain.

Zoro repeatedly tried to talk with him, without success; when Luffy saw or heard him, he always went away without looking him in the face. The green-haired man didn't know if Luffy was still angry with him, it was not normal to see Luffy so distant, especially from his first nakama.

Luffy's new attitude was a misfortune for Zoro, because he only had three weeks—as one had already passed—to spend with the boy before he went with his husband, and this way he wouldn't be making the most of the time. How could he fix it? Easy, approach until he drew Luffy's attention. The problem was doing it without seeming desperate for his attention…yes, there was the rub.

As was logical, Zoro would not so easily show his desperation, he had a certain pride to maintain and to seem desperate would only denigrate that. Zoro sometimes hated being the same, although such times started when he fell in love.

'Damn it, why the hell is Luffy avoiding me…why doesn't he want to be with me? Because of Ace…? He was unhappy with the idea of me marrying him, and if that's the case…why?'

The green-haired one was meditating again. It was already customary, but it was also the only thing he could do about the situation.

"Oi, Zoro."

The voice calling pulled him from his thoughts.

"What the hell do you want, cook?"

"I want the truth," he snorted resolutely.

Oh, how he hated interrogation time.

"The truth?" He laughed a bit. "What do you mean by that, what truth are you talking about?"

"Don't play the fool with me, you know exactly what I mean, marimo." He took a drag of his cigarette while giving Zoro an intense look.

"I don't know what you mean, dartboard-brow!" he snorted.

"What did you say?" he snarled.

"You heard me!" he screeched.

That was how, usually when Sanji confronted him, the two wound up fighting and the blond never finished his Q&A session with Zoro. It was no help when an «angel»—or rather a demon—came to separate with a stout blow to both heads.

"CALM DOWN ALREADY, YOU TWO!" Nami shouted fiercely. "Why can't you just stop fighting for once?" She turned to look at Sanji, still angry. "And you should quit provoking Zoro, there's only three weeks left, you could at least get along with him before he leaves."

At that, Sanji, along with the others who had heard the commotion, halted in his actions and soon a deathly silence filled the air.

Zoro was surprised, too.

"Oi, it's not like I'm going to die," he snorted, his voice audibly tinged with anger.

"We know," they all said unison.

"You're right, Nami-san," Sanji said, getting up from the ground. "I'm very sorry, Nami-san."

"I'm not the one you have to apologize to." She indicated Zoro. "It's him."

"…" The two were silent.

"Yeah, sorry, Zoro," he told him in the most serious voice possible, then started off for the kitchen.

Behind a humming Nami, Zoro was perplexed, as were the little reindeer and the sniper, who could scarcely believe what Sanji had said.

Not far away, hidden out of eyesight, Luffy was watching the scene. His main interest was obviously that green-haired youth who still wore a look of surprise, which didn't last long once he left. Robin watched him from a distance, her book covering half her face.

'…What's with that captain…?'

A faint smile played on her face as she returned to her reading.

"What's this?"

"DON'T YOU SEE THAT IT'S AN ISLAND, IDIOT!" Nami shouted, exasperated by the brilliance of her nakama.

"I ALREADY KNOW WHAT IT IS, IMBECILE!" he snorted angrily at the woman. "What I want to know is WHY we're here!"

Opposite them was a strange island. It had little vegetation, consisting mostly of rocks of varying sizes; hence, they could see the mouth of a cave not far from their location, tempting them to enter.

The crew surveyed the scenery. They knew that they needed to restock food, water, and other provisions. And this island would not help; they could see no signs of life, perhaps a few small animals in the jungle, but beyond that the island was deserted.

"It looks spooky," Usopp said, hiding behind Nami. "Oi, Nami, why did we come here? Shouldn't we be looking for food somewhere less grim?"

"What do you mean 'why'?" She dealt a punch to his head. "We're here because…" She fell silent as an avid smile rose on her face. "There's treasure here, kyaaa!" The young woman was excited at the idea.

"Ohh, Nami-swan is so beautiful when she's excited!" The cook tried to kiss the redhead with no luck.

Given what had been said, an «I knew it» look came over the face of each of the others, along with a drop of sweat on the forehead. Robin, in turn, smiled at their response.

"Treasure? How can that be more important than…!" Zoro didn't finish his sentence when Luffy popped up in front of everyone. He had been serious lately.

"I'll go get it," was all he said, and without waiting for a reply, he rushed to the island.

"Oi, Luffy!" Zoro called to his captain, to no avail. "What the hell is he thinking…stupid Luffy."

"And what do you expect?"

"Huh?" The redhead's question surprised him.

"You're not helping. After what you did, you should at least help him get it." Reproach tinted her voice.

"Wh-what?" He wanted to put the blame back on the woman, but was unable to; after all, she was right, Luffy was still annoyed with him and apparently the only way to make him happy was to help him. "Tsk…fine."

'I already intended to do it, stupid, you didn't have to tell me to,' the swordsman thought, irritated, as he advanced to the island.

"Oi." He turned to the rest of the crew. "Aren't you coming?"

"WHAT?" Nami exclaimed. "YOU'RE CRAZY! There are monsters out there, or you could go nuts!"


"Nothing's going to happen to him, besides, are you going to help him or not? What are you waiting for?"

"And just what the hell—" The others piped up, cutting him off.

"GOOD LUCK, ZORO!" Chopper and Usopp told him, with no desire to go down with him.

"I have to make dinner," Sanji said nonchalantly as he lit another cigarette.

Growling, Zoro started walking towards the cave where, not long ago, his captain had disappeared into the darkness.

They all watched closely as the swordsman approached, not missing any detail of his movements. When at last he reluctantly entered the cave, the others sighed in relief.

"Oi, Nami-san," Sanji began, "do you think this will work?"

"I don't know, but I hope so."

"But isn't it dangerous to leave them there?" Chopper worried. "What if they get sick or poisoned…or even—?"

"Calm down, Chopper," Nami interrupted him. "We all agreed with Robin's plan."

Everyone turned to the aforementioned woman, who only smiled.

"Besides, those two idiots aren't going to die so easily," Nami sniffed indifferently. "Well, let's go."

"WHAT?" Chopper and Usopp were stunned. "We're just going to leave?"

"Of course, it'll only be a week, and we need to go to the nearest island to refuel and then return for them," she said simply.

"But, but, but…" The two continued to protest until they were given a kick to their heads.

"Stop whining already and listen to Nami-san, she said we're going."

"But, but, but…SANJIIIIIIII," they persisted, despite the withering glare of a certain redhead making them freeze.

Wasting no more time, the ship began to move away from the island, leaving two crew members to their fate….

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Robin's gentle voice echoed in Nami's cabin, and the younger stopped checking her maps upon hearing it. Several Xs marked locations where it would be easy to find new nakama.

"Yes, Robin?"

"Our captain is still angry about what Zoro did," she said, taking a seat on a chair.

"Yes," she sighed heavily. "I know perfectly well why Luffy's like this and how could he not be, poor Luffy. That bastard Zoro just had to commit this folly, marrying HIS brother, God, it's like a drama." She sighed again.

Robin laughed at the redhead's statement, her suspicions having been unwittingly confirmed.

"Luffy loves Zoro, right?" she inquired, as serene as always.

Nami was surprised by the question, which was more of an affirmation. She immediately realized she had given a hint without noticing, which someone like Robin would catch without problem.

"Oh, God!" she lamented. "It was supposed to be a secret, please don't say anything, Robin, or Luffy will get mad at me, too," she implored.

"Why didn't you say anything before?"

"Because…Luffy wanted everything to be perfect." She dropped onto the bed. "He asked for my help, since otherwise things would be crude, badly made, and end in chaos." She sat up.

"I understand. Luffy really wanted to have some training instead of doing it recklessly as he usually does." She smiled tenderly at the thought of her captain.

"Yes, though instead of just confessing his feelings, he wanted to marry Zoro," she mentioned.


"That day Zoro arrived with the news, Luffy had planned to propose to him, but…" The girl's eyes became sad. "He couldn't do it."

The brunette nodded in agreement, a little sadness visible in her eyes.

"I think it's all a lie."

"Huh?" Nami was stunned by what the other woman had said. "What do you mean?"

"I have a sneaking suspicion that Zoro also loves Luffy."

"HAA?" She was surprised. "How…? Why?"

"Zoro is not a man who does things lightly," the older one began. "There is always a powerful reason behind his decisions."

"Of course, he loves Ace," Nami spat, a little incensed at the notion.

"I don't think so." The redhead looked at her sharply. "Both Zoro and we hardly know Luffy's brother." Nami nodded, concurring. "Mr. Swordsman has always been passionate about and devoted body and soul to what he loves."

"What's your point?" Nami asked, not completely understanding what the brunette was implying.

"Simple, Miss Navigator: to have so much commitment—which I doubt people who fall in love easily or at first sight do—for him, I can say with near certainty, he must know more about that person so he can capture their attention."

Nami mused on what had been said, if put in that perspective, Robin was right. Zoro was not the kind of person who went by first impressions or fell in love due to some action; no, he was more demanding. Curious, the green-haired youth was more serious in this issue than she had thought, and to be honest, she sometimes thought of him as asexual.

"Then why did he do it?" She still had doubts.

"For the simplest reason." Nami was shocked. "Zoro thinks that Luffy doesn't love him."

"DOESN'T LOVE HIM!" She raised her voice. "Zoro is his first nakama, the person whose hands Luffy would leave his life in, who he knows best, his best friend…his…" The girl's fury deteriorated before the last word. "His best friend."

"Yes," Robin said simply. "It's so common, so often when you're in love with you best friend, you always tend to think that person doesn't love you, because he only sees you as a friend…furthermore"—she fell silent for a bit—"I believe there is also another reason." She laughed.

"WHAT?" Nami cried, practically on the brink of hysteria.

"You," she said bluntly.

"HAA?" She tilted her head, revealing her ignorance.

"Remember when Zoro started to be depressed?"

"Yes, it has to do with…" She stopped when the realization came to her mind. 'No way, I'M THE GUILTY ONE!'

"When you started training Luffy, everyone thought there was something between you two." She grinned mischievously. "Including Zoro."

"But, but…" She wanted to contradict it, but the truth couldn't be denied. "I can't believe it, I'm the one responsible for Zoro's folly and for Luffy going through this hard time." She held her head in despair, some tears threatening to escape her eyes. "I didn't mean…to cause this problem, I never thought…God, poor Luffy…it's all my fault."

"Don't worry." The brunette's carefree voice caught her attention.

"How can you say that when it's my fault that Luffy and Zoro are separated?" She fell back on the bed in exasperation.

"Heeheehee, because I have a plan to bring them together."

This surprised the girl, and she immediately forgot her melancholy to give all of her attention to the older one.

"I'm listening."

With that, the brunette told her the whole idea.

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-End of Flashback-

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Not a few minutes had passed and Nami continued contemplating the island, which was leaving her sight little by little.

The redhead sighed, not having realized she was holding her breath as if her life depended on it.

She was going over Robin's plan at every moment. It was quite simple.

Robin had told her that the two needed a moment alone, in a place where no one could interrupt them and just forced them to be together all the time. Being on the Going Merry was not helping; Luffy could easily avoid the green-haired man as he had been doing all week, with any member of the crew serving as a pretext to not go near the swordsman. They needed an uninhabited location, which was when she had gotten the idea of a desert island.

The next part was finding an island where the two could be united yet spooky enough for Usopp and Chopper to not want to investigate it. The only problem was finding a place sufficiently close to a town or city so they could give the pair some alone time while they went to get supplies and also, once they had done what they needed to be cured, where they could be reached quickly.

Upon checking her maps, Nami had found the perfect spot; however, the reputation of the place was awful.

The place was known as Saint Island, which, despite its marvelous name, had the cruelest legend of all. It was said that sadistic rituals were conducted there, in which B-men were killed, and such acts were carried out by damnable people who hated that gender class, considering it an aberration against nature. These people were known as anti-Bs. Furthermore, to add more color to the island, it was said to be full of monsters and poisonous animals that had, over the years, become accustomed to human blood, with a predilection for that of B-men.

With all that folklore, nobody came near the island and those who did must be crazy; however, rumors still circulated that the rituals continued, so the marines checked it from time to time, to see if they could catch the bastards who were assassinating innocent people, and also to prevent curiosity seekers from stepping foot on the island.

Upon learning all this, Nami was unsure about leaving them there, but there was no other island so perfect, they were all populated or so large that Luffy and Zoro would get lost. And the only ones less dangerous were weeks away. The only option was this place.

The redhead hesitated to carry out the plan, but time wouldn't help; if they didn't do something, a month would pass and Zoro would have to go. After recognizing her culpability in the situation, she wanted to unite them before time was up, so the two would realize their feelings and maybe Luffy could convince his brother to set the green-haired youth free.

Once convinced, the next step was dealing with the others. Sanji posed no problem, just a little seduction on her part and he would accept; the problem was persuading the other two. She knew beforehand that they would not agree to leaving their nakama alone; however frightening and chilling the island was, they would end up following them to help out, so she had to convince them to leave the pair. Therefore, she decided to keep the island's history a secret.

When the time came, Sanji as always was a piece of cake; plus, although he wouldn't openly admit it, he didn't want the marimo to leave. Despite their constant fighting, he had a certain affection for the swordsman, as did all the rest of the crew, and yes, leaving them there, which would help stop Zoro from going, he would accept with pleasure. By contrast, the most difficult to sway turned out to be Chopper. Usopp grasped the situation as easily as the blond had, but the reindeer was the one who didn't want to understand.

For Chopper, leaving them was betraying them, especially because they could starve, get sick or hurt, or even die. The little guy imagined the worst, setting Nami's nerves on edge, as she knew the truth about the island; however, she was lucky in that the others assisted in convincing the reindeer. After several discussions and Sanji fighting Zoro all the time to distract him—Luffy was not an issue, he didn't fight anyone as he didn't care to know who did—they managed to make him accept the plan.

"I hope everything goes well," the navigator sighed, the island finally out of her sight, and in a few hours they would arrive at their destination.

As she turned to see the rest of the crew, she realized everything was quiet. Sanji didn't seem concerned, he had full faith in the plan; Robin was reading a book as usual; Usopp was experimenting with a new substance to create a better projectile for his slingshot. The only one who seemed preoccupied—besides her—was the reindeer, who tried to distract himself by reading a book on medicine, his watery eyes trying not to cry.

"Chopper," Nami said, approaching him. "Don't cry, nothing's going to happen. When we get back, those two will be fine and you'll see that we've managed to keep Zoro with us." She gave him a smile.

The small reindeer stared at her, some tears leaving his eyes as he nodded.

"Everything will be fine, right?"

Nami stroked his head and nodded.

In response, the little guy was a bit calmer; he stopped crying and went back to his reading. Nami, out of curiosity, took a glance at what he was reading.

«How to Treat Deadly Poisons» was the title of the book. When she read that, what little peace she had achieved quickly faded.

She straightened up, immediately trying to appear serene, her gaze falling again on where the island should be.

'Luffy…Zoro…be careful.'

Her nerves returned to the forefront, but there was no going back, something good or bad would come from this plan. And the redhead hoped it was good…their fate would soon be seen in one week.

:::X:::Final Notes:::X:::

Hope that you enjoy it! I'm going to try hard to bring another update of this fic…sorry a lot! ºAº

PD: Need a translator! Please somebody help! ;O;

KEI'S NOTES: I wish English had more ways to refer to a person by hair color besides "blonde," "brunette," and "redhead." I realize that's actually all we need, since (other than when hair loses its color) those are the only colors naturally found in people, but still. I mean, Ludra can call Zoro el peliverde in Spanish, short and sweet, but I have to call him "green-haired [insert man/boy/youth/etc. here]." If someone has an unconventional hair color, we English-speakers have to call them a "blue-haired [noun]," not "blue-head" (because that just sounds strange) or—as I have occasionally seen in fanfic—"bluenette," though I respect the creativity of the last one. Sigh. I guess I just needed to vent about that.

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To be continued…oka' n-n?
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Xx:::xXLudra Tao JenovaXx:::xX