♥-•-♥-x-♥-•-♥-x-♥-•-♥-x-•Mariage Bleu•-x-♥-•-♥-x-♥-•-♥-x-♥-•-♥
(-Blue Marriage-)

──── (ByLudra-Jenova) ────
•X•-And Fixed by Lamia-•X•


♥•x•♥Ludra's Notes(Updated)♥•x•♥

Thanks a lot to Lamia! she actually fixed this chapter, so my mistakes or grammar errors are now fixed and erased. This chapter is the one fixed by her. I really appraise her help for this chapter and I hope that she whould be my beta for this fic from now on n-n.

♥•x•♥Old Ludra's Notes♥•x•♥

ok well, I'm trying to translate my Spanish fic to English n-n but like I'm not so well in that language, so please don't blame me, I'm doing my best. Anyway, I'm 'till learning English so I'm using a translate program to help me, but it isn't so good. So don't bother if you find some mistakes or grammar errors XP. Besides, if you're learning Spanish and if you're curious, you can read this fic in that language in the Spanish section of One Piece (and yes, I'm better in that way XD and also I already have the chapter 2 there).

Well it took my a while to translate this fic, so I hope you'll like my fic n-n

Principal pairing: Luffy/Zoro

Why? Because I only love this way XD and also because there's not any fic in that way T-T, that's really sad. That's why I'm doing this fic n-n

In this fic there's also MPREG (Male Pregnant) but it'll be in later chapters ;D

Well…I don't have much to say, I'm only doing this to take my fic read by other people with a different language that mine (also to practice more English in some way n-n), so if you like to read this fic, go on n-n.

Warnings: This fic is Y-A-O-I, boy's love, M/M, boy/boy, man/man and other relations forms. So if you don't like things like this, please find a fic with you likes and leave at once, but if you like that, so please me to read my fic. Thanks n-n


"…words in bold…"
These ones mean that the character is speaking.

'…words in italic…'
These ones mean that the character is thinking.

These ones substitute the quotation marks and mean that something is no really true or make emphasis in a special word or sentence.

These one mean that a character emphasis in a word or they scream really loud.

"…words in bold…"--"…words in bold…"
These ones mean that two characters are speaking at same time.

That's all XD, so now read the fic!


The day was sunny and temperate, with a calm breeze, totally relaxed for having a nap on-deck. Yes, all the elements were perfect for one of Zoro's greater likes; sure they were, if only he were the same as always.

The swordsman was recharging at the edge of the deck, lost in the calm of the sea. At first sight, this would be something normal, except at that hour, even with the perfect weather conditions for sleep, the green-haired man was still awake.

It was normal to see Zoro sleeping four or five times or more a day, but lately he was awake as often as a normal person, and as if that wasn't rare enough, not seeing him training could make one wonder if he was sick or if this was another dimension. Yes, he was that bad.

Several weeks passed and the swordsman continued in that state, so strange, not like his usual self. Why? The answer was so simple that the green-haired man was unlikely to realize it.

Not long before, Zoro had begun to have some very strange feelings toward his captain. Yeah, that charismatic boy, full of energy and unsurpassable stupidity; yes, that boy with raven hair, a great smile, and—why not repeat it?—incredible idiocy. Without knowing why, Zoro began to feel captivated by him. He couldn't tear his gaze from the boy; he felt sad if he wasn't near him. How was it possible? …Well, Zoro wondered the same. Those sensations became an annoyance to the swordsman, but he didn't know why they were directed at his captain in the first place and, to be frank, it scared him.

Yes, the great Roronoa Zoro, the daredevil, the demon, the pirate-hunter—yes, that same one was afraid of those new feelings. He'd never felt them in his entire life and he didn't really know what they meant. They could be good or bad, but one thing was certain: He didn't understand them.

Several more days passed in that way, with Zoro not understanding what he felt. Furthermore, the feelings began to affect him to the point that he stopped training and sleeping. The fact itself surprised him a lot, though, when he tried to return to his old routines and simply wasn't able to. His thoughts were bombarded with many things about Luffy, without being able to forget them. The small, hyperactive captain governed his mind now and the swordsman couldn't do anything to overthrow him, or at least that was what he thought. He was immensely surprised when he realized that he wasn't unable to get Luffy out of his thoughts, but he was unwilling to. Frightening, no?

Several more days passed in that way, with Zoro not understanding what he felt. Furthermore, the feelings began to affect him to the point that he stopped training and sleeping. The fact itself surprised him a lot, though, when he tried to return to his old routines and simply wasn't able to. His thoughts were bombarded with many things about Luffy, without being able to forget them. The small, hyperactive captain governed his mind now and the swordsman couldn't do anything to overthrow him, or at least that was what he thought. He was immensely surprised when he realized that he wasn't unable to get Luffy out of his thoughts, but he was unwilling to. Frightening, no?

Through days, weeks, and months the green-haired man remained in that state. The rest of the nakama recognized the odd case of their friend; Chopper even examined him to discover the reason behind his condition, but could find nothing wrong with the swordsman. In time, the small reindeer requested that Sanji make special food for Zoro, believing such could cure him, and in spite of the protests from the blonde against fixing particular dishes only for the marimo, he ended up making them; after all, although he didn't admit it openly, Sanji cared about Zoro's well-being.

So, from the moment when those feelings appeared in Zoro, the days passed in that way until today.

"Oi, Zoro!" The unmistakable voice of Usopp was heard. "Are you ok? You've been like this for two months, what's wrong with you?"

"Nothing" he sighed dispiritedly. "It's none of your business"


"FOOD'S READY!" Sanji called, cutting off the brunette's words.

At that, all the crew members of the Going Merry started off for the kitchen, except for Luffy, who, after hearing Sanji's announcement, had gotten there in a matter of seconds and was already waiting for the food.

Zoro and Usopp were the last ones to arrive, only one of them happy to have come at all. Inside, the same phrases as always sounded:

"SANJI, FOOD, FOOD, FOOD, SANJI, FOOD!" Luffy exclaimed like usual, with no patience whatsoever.

While Luffy attended to the food matter, the interrogation of Zoro continued.

"Oi, Zoro," Nami began. "What's with the long face? Are you still sick?"

"It's nothing" the green-haired man grunted with annoyance.

"As if!" she said, angered. "It's been two months already and you're still in the same lame state!"

"But it's not any illness" Chopper piped up from his place beside the redhead. "It could be because Zoro hasn't been eating well. Oi, Sanji…"

"I know, I know, I've done what you told me and prepared him nutritious food," the cook said while serving the plates and giving the «special food» to Zoro.

"Oi, oi, Sanji!" Usopp cried. "Is that supposed to be food?" He distrustfully observed the green-haired man's plate, which was replete with vegetables, a VERY small piece of meat, and several strange seeds, which had been provided by the reindeer. "Looking at this, it's no mystery to me why Zoro is still sick."

"That's what Chopper told me to give him" Sanji raised his cigarette a little.

"Oi, Chopper, what're you trying to do, let Zoro die of starvation or what?" Usopp asked.

"WHAT!" the doctor screeched. "Of course not! That's nutritious food; it'll restore his energy, his digestion, his blood…"

"OIIIIII STRAAAAANGE FOOOOOOOD!" The captain's voice interrupted everything as one of his arms stretched to steal Zoro's food.

"LUFFY, DON'T EAT ZORO'S FOOD!" Usopp and Chopper shouted in unison.

"Ack! What is this?" Luffy inquired. "It tastes like medicine. Oi, Sanji, is this food?"

"Asshole! Of course it's food, it just has some mixtures of medicinal herbs, you idiot" the cook replied. "Also, that's only for Zoro"

"Only for Zoro?" Luffy turned to see the swordsman. "Why?"

The others were floored by such a stupid question.


"Zoro is sick? Really?"

"IDIOT, PAY MORE ATTENTION TO OTHERS!" Usopp hit his captain's head.

During the discussion of the raven-haired boy's lack of interest in anything not concerning food, Zoro's mind was distant from the noise.

'Then…Luffy hadn't even realized my state… Is that how important I am to him?' the swordsman thought with great disappointment. He couldn't avoid feeling sadness and the gloominess of his face was even more clearly pronounced.

"YOU SHOULD PAY MORE…" continued the discussion, but before the phrase finished everyone stopped upon seeing the other man's movements. Zoro had risen suddenly and, without saying anything, he walked toward the door of the kitchen to leave.

"Z-Zoro?" Luffy inquired.

"There's a name for Zoro's problem" a new voice said.

"ROBIN!" "ROBIN-CHWAN!♥" everyone cried simultaneously.

The woman was at the corner of the table reading a book like usual, not really separated from the crewmates but still staying outside of the «conversation», totally calm and noiseless, giving the impression of being absent.

"What do you mean, Robin?" Nami inquired, a little doubtful.

"What's happening to Zoro is something quite common, and you don't need to be a genius to know it"

"WHAT!" they screamed at the same time (again).

"So, Zoro's problem is called «depression»"

"Depression!" they repeated, still together.

"That's right" she assured them with a small smile showing on her face.

"Wait a minute!" Now Nami spoke alone. "Are you insinuating that Zoro is depressed? ZO-RO? The same Zoro that we know? …Is that possible?"

"I just call ' em like I see 'em, Miss Navigator."

"B-But Robin, we're talking about Zoro" added Usopp. "Zoro's the tough type, how could he ever get depressed?"

"Depression can happen in anybody, it doesn't matter if you're strong or weak. It only has to reach your vulnerable point and that's all." She smiled.

"Vulnerable point?" Now it was Luffy who asked. "What kind of vulnerable point?"

"There could be many, captain" she said without losing her smile. "For some people, their weak point is pride. For others it's the death of a loved one or…"

"Or…what, Robin!" the three simpletons clamored.

"Or when they're in love and their feelings aren't returned"

"WHAT!" Yeah, they were totally surprised. "ZORO IN LOVE!" they cried out with all their breath, ignoring the last part Robin had mentioned.

"W-Wait a minute, Robin" said the liar when he'd gotten his voice back. "Don't you think that you're exaggerating? I mean, we're talking about Zoro, the training freak, the sword-lover… How could he feel something like that for somebody?"

"You can't judge a book by its cover" she replied smoothly. "And if he's not in love, then what do you suggest?"

"Hmmm…" With this, Usopp tried to come up with a logical answer, but he couldn't find one.

"Anyway, that doesn't matter" said the redhead, hitting the table and then rising. "Zoro is Zoro, he'll be fine no matter what. You'll see. With time, he'll be the same Zoro as always."

"Oh, the great wisdom of Nami-swan! ♥"

"Meanwhile…" She closed her eyes and sighed. "Oi, Luffy, I'll be waiting for you in my cabin. Don't forget, ok?"

"Yeah, sure."

That said, the redhead moved to exit the kitchen, leaving the others surprised and Sanji killing Luffy.

As she walked, Nami noticed the green-haired man resting against the mast. She halted her steps and stood on the balustrade to continue her inspection.

If it were the habitual Zoro, he would have complained about her watching him like that, but since he wasn't, the girl stayed.

Looking at him, Nami could see that the boy was really downhearted. He had stopped his training and his naps on the deck, two things he loved more than anything, and now spent all his time watching the sea or with a lost look. Why was he like this? It was a mystery.

'Could what Robin-nee-san said be true?' she meditated. 'Could Zoro be depressed? Could it be true that Zoro is in love…and if he is, is it true that his love is unrequited…?'

Her gaze remained on Zoro, and she felt a little pity at seeing the boy in that state. The old Zoro had disappeared two months ago and nobody knew the reason for it. The redheaded girl wanted to see the normal swordsman again, the one who fought out of pride with Sanji over any stupid thing, the one who Luffy was in love with.

'…Luffy… Could it possibly be that Zoro is in love with Luffy?' She gave a long sigh. 'C'mon, Nami, that's too good to be true… Poor Luffy, what if Zoro is in love with someone else, what'll he do? …After all these months training him…' Another sigh left her lips.

It wasn't long before the girl moved away from the balustrade to go to her cabin. Zoro watched her askance and analyzed her movements: the way she descended the stairs, how she swayed her hips like a typical woman, her body, her bust, legs, everything, until losing his view of her at the door of her cabin.

'THAT DAMNED WOMAN… I HOPE THAT SHE ROTS IN HELL!' he cursed mentally, total and complete fury in his glance. …Why, the answer had been given one month before his gloom set in.

Three months ago, without apparent reason, Luffy and Name had become friendlier than normal. It was now common to see them together all the time, talking, writing something away from everyone else's view, gathering oranges, and many other things, and that wasn't the most surprising of all. Everybody was astonished to see Luffy staying alone with Nami in her cabin. Yup…that was VERY strange.

In the first place, this new behavior got the attention of all the crew, mainly the cook, who wouldn't stop complaining with kicks to the raven-haired boy. The answer they got—or rather that Nami gave them—was that they wanted some time to be alone. The reaction, of course, was a total explosion, in addition to more restlessness and questions without satisfactory answers.

During that month, the entire crew of the Going Merry began to get used to seeing the two together, with the clear exception of Sanji, who wasn't at all pleased to see them like that. He protested, went on strike, and demanded answers, but his anger only lasted a little while, thanks to Nami's great ability to tame him. However, the blonde wasn't the only one who didn't like the idea. Zoro was not only bothered, he was irritated to death, although he wasn't sure why.

In this way the days passed, and after meals, as she left the kitchen, the thief always reminded Luffy to come to her cabin, but for what? …It was a mystery, although one could imagine what for, and that was exactly what everyone wanted to avoid. All these actions enraged Zoro.

On one day especially, luck wasn't with the skilled swordsman.

The day was sunny after a half-century (in fact, it was only two days) of rain. The clouds were very high; in the distance the blue sky could be seen without problem. Certainly it was a beautiful day for all, with one green-haired exception.

Zoro had finished his routine of lifting weights 5000 times and was going to continue with another series of 5000 push-ups. He had sweated too much and his shirt had become bothersome, so he took it off with no qualms, at least until he noticed who was watching him.

"Oi, Zoro"

The charismatic voice made him freeze.

"L-Luffy?" he stuttered.

It was strange that Zoro hadn't noticed the boy there, but at that time when those weird feelings were appearing, his mind was too busy to attend to other things. It was already hard to focus on his training and sleeping, which wasn't excessive like usual.

"Oi, Zoro, you still have that scar on your chest" said the high-spirited boy.

"Of course, you idiot!" He grunted a little, but immediately turned his back to the other boy. A great blush was in his cheeks when he realized where his captain had been looking. "It was a very bad wound, it's logical that the scar hasn't disappeared."

Suddenly, the swordsman felt strange. There he was, without a shirt, and behind him was his stupid captain looking at him. It wasn't new, Luffy had often seen him without his shirt and he'd never cared, so why did he now? He didn't have the answer, but the most worrisome was…his continuous blushes, which now didn't seem to ever leave his face.

"Hehe, well, the scars make you look so coooooooooll, Zoro" Luffy smiled widely at him.

Hearing him, Zoro could listen to his heartbeat's acceleration… He had no idea how it was possible that a simple compliment like that caused such a reaction in him.

At that moment, the green-haired boy turned his head to look at the raven-haired boy, who was still showing that wide smile, from the corner of his eye. Seeing him that way, Zoro blushed even more, but not long after Nami's voice was heard, breaking the enchantment.

"Oi, Luffy, I'm waiting for you!" the girl called from the threshold of her cabin door. "Are you coming or not?"

"Yeah, I'm coming!" With that, the boy got up from his comfortable seat on the floor to run full speed to the redhead.

Seeing how Luffy ran, the blush became one of anger. Zoro couldn't avoid feeling jealous of that damned woman who had snatched his Luffy. Yup, the boy had realized his jealousy, no thanks to himself, but to the women.

A few days ago in that month, Zoro had been cleaning his swords to maintain their beautiful shine. While he was doing that, the girls had come closer to his position, completely focused on their talk.

"I know, Robin, but I can't do anything with Sanji's jealousy" said the redheaded girl.

"You should talk with him. It seems like he really loves you, so he can't avoid feeling jealous when you're with Luffy" the other girl pointed out.

"I know, but I can't blame him for falling in love with me."

"Well, you should at least make him stop trying to kill Luffy" adduced the black-haired girl.

"Hahaha, like he could kill Luffy."

The talk went on longer, but Zoro paid no heed to the rest; the little attention given to the topic by the two women had made him think.

Sanji was extremely angry with Luffy for being with Nami, which, when translated into girl-talk, meant he wanted to kill the black-haired boy because of his jealousy. Now, according to Zoro's understanding of jealousy, it appears when somebody gets involved in a «certain way» with something or somebody that someone else wants too much. With that analogy, Zoro realized he was similar to Sanji, the only difference being that he wanted to kill Nami instead of Luffy.

Like that the warrior realized his jealousy, although he couldn't understand very well the reason why he wanted Luffy to the degree that he had the feelings at all. At least he already understood his anger and the desire to cut Nami to pieces. Yup, it was a great advance.

However, the knowledge of his jealousy toward Nami didn't help him, because now he couldn't avoid showing it in front of his nakama. Good thing he was Roronoa Zoro, somebody not expected to feel jealousy or love for somebody. Yeah, sometimes reputation was very good for eliminating any doubts.

Then, when Luffy finally entered the navigator's cabin, Zoro listened closely from a safe position. That was the only thing he needed to explode.

Not thinking twice, Zoro, with a fulminating glare, approached the door with deadly steps. It was time to kill Nami, and he'd enjoy it, definitely. A few steps from the door, the boy listened to the pair's voices. He stopped.

"Oi, Nami, can I do it already?"

That was, without a doubt, Luffy's voice. With that, Zoro approached quietly, put his ear on the door, and focused all his senses on listening to them.

"And why are you asking me, you moron?" she snorted. "You should do it if you feel like it, you don't need my consent!"

"Then I'll do it right now!"

Zoro felt a great pain in chest upon hearing that. He couldn't believe his ears: It was true that Luffy and Nami were a couple…

"Wait, Luffy! I still need to get you ready so you can do it well!" Nami called. "You're inexperienced with this, so let an expert on the matter guide you and stop rushing me!"

"Wooooo, but I want to do it already" Luffy said in a downcast voice.

Again the pain came to Zoro, pulsating, feeling like a huge sword had stabbed him straight in the heart. He could almost feel how it split apart, as though made of glass, so fragile.

Zoro didn't want to listen anymore. He began to move away from the door, turned around, and walked crestfallenly back to where he'd been training just a few minutes before. Once there he half-heartedly tried to forget the conversation…but never could. From that day onward, the depression began.

Now, returning to the present, Zoro always observed Nami from head to toe every time she descended to her cabin. He tried to analyze her, to figure out why Luffy had chosen her instead of him…and the answer was so obvious that he didn't want to accept it.

Zoro was utterly a man, and because of that he didn't have any womanly attributes. He didn't know how to sway his hips, or walk with that feminine elegance; he didn't have a waspish waist or those big boobs that any man would go gaga over. If those things were what attracted Luffy, Zoro was at a complete disadvantage.

A small sigh wandered in the air as Zoro continued his analysis.

It was funny how one changed when overwhelmed by strange feelings like these. Zoro had already conceded his defeat by Nami—which was a big deal—in spite of how he hated to lose. Yup, the green-haired guy wasn't pleased with the defeat, but even sometimes when victory seemed unattainable there was still a hope of winning…but in this fight the light was totally lost in the pitch-blackness.

Another of the big changes in him was the time he spent thinking, something unusual for him. He didn't like to complicate his life; besides, he didn't need it. Yeah, there were great changes in him, and frankly he now expected the unimaginable from himself…like being in love.

'…me, in love?...' The words resonated in his thoughts.

He'd never fallen in love before, making the possibility of doing so now remote, since he now had a whole mess of feelings… But now it was illuminated.

The swordsman's reaction was more incredible than anything imaginable. His mouth opened until it couldn't open farther, his eyes doing the same. He began to sweat, his heart beat as quickly as it had a long time ago, he felt a lump in his throat, his mouth went dry, his head started to hurt, and he felt a strange knotting sensation in his stomach, all at the same time to bother with passion.


Upon realizing his love for Luffy, many things cleared up for Zoro. Now he understood why he'd felt such tremendous jealousy, why he'd become depressed upon finding out that his beloved loved another person as well as why he'd reasoned that Luffy preferred Nami over him. Yeah, everything made sense now.

However, as if he hadn't already known it was painful, Zoro felt worse now. It was the first time he'd fallen in love and his feelings were not accepted. Again the old palpitations in his chest returned.

First, Zoro felt fury, sadness, desperation, discouragement…the boy was a sea of feelings and the one responsible for his state was Luffy.

'Why the hell does Luffy like boobs! …If only I had them…' He stopped when he realized his thoughts. 'If only I were a woman…I could have an opportunity with Luffy…'

He was quiet, inclining his head a little and focusing on the infinite sea of the sky.

'What nonsense…there's no way I could be a woman… Besides, women are weak and I don't want to be weak.'

Again silence reigned.

'But not all of them are like that. Kuina never was…and Nami and Robin are physically weak, but they're strong in other ways…' He sighed. '…Women are fragile, they must be treated with more gentleness…that's what a woman is…'

He was still meditating with his lost gaze on the sky. He lowered his sight so it was centered on the sea.


If that was the essence of woman, then Zoro could do it. Although he didn't want to admit it, he, a man, was fragile, not as much as the women, but he could get hurt and could die—not that easily—and because of that he trained and became physically strong so his fragility wouldn't condemn him.

"…hehe, I'm fragile…" Those lips evinced a tiny smile, something that they never used to do.

"You're fragile, Zoro?"

The voice frightened Zoro, mainly because of who it belonged to.

"Lu-Lu-Lu-Lu-Luffy" he stuttered. "DAMN YOU, WHY DID YOU SCARE ME LIKE THAT!"

"Ah, sorry" said the simpleton. "I just wanted to see how you are. I've seen you gloomy and lately see you wide awake all day and not training… Are you sick?"

"It's…it's nothing…I'm not sick" Zoro said while trying to hide a blush in his cheeks. 'Why is it so difficult to speak with him?'

"Oh" was the only answer, but Luffy's eyes stayed on Zoro without missing one detail.

"Wh-What's…going on? …Why…are you looking at me like that…?" Zoro's nerves began to dominate him. "What…do you wan…!" He couldn't finish when he saw Luffy's face nearing his. They were separated by a few centimeters, their lips not far from touching and their breaths beginning to mingle. Zoro felt his face heat, logical when such a strong blush had taken possession of his cheeks while the beat of his heart boomed in his ears.

"You did say that you were fragile, didn't you?"

Given the situation, the green-headed boy could hardly stay coherent, thus he didn't know what he was answering.


The answer was simple, clear, and precise, and like it was a magic word, Luffy's face came even closer.

'Is…Is he trying to kiss me?'

Unable to move, Zoro only waited for that kiss to be laid on his lips. And it would have if Nami's voice hadn't called at exactly that moment, breaking the bubble of wonders as quickly as it had been created.

"Luffy, I'm waiting!" As she said it, the redhead entered her cabin, leaving the door open for the raven-haired boy.

Upon hearing his name, Luffy moved away immediately from Zoro, getting up and starting off for the cabin at full speed, leaving a stunned green-haired boy.

"…he didn't kiss me…" he said in a whisper, not believing it.

With that, Zoro was alone one more time, resting against the mast like in the beginning, but now there was one difference…


He was really pissed off…

♥•x•♥Old Finals Notes♥•x•♥

YOU FINISH! WOW! YOU'RE FAST OoO hehehehehehe…-ehem- well the translation took me a really long time u-u (the first one that took that long ù-u). Anyway, okk there's the first chapter! How is it? Did you like it? Did you not? Why? Well, I just hope that you could read it properly and without so much difficult n-nU hehehehe…if you can't, sorry, please don't bother (I really love if I could to write in English properly u-u).

♥•x•♥Finals Notes (Updated) ♥•x•♥

Again, thanks for the help of Lamia n-n

By the way, I like to know what you all think, so please review! (R/R). Thanks in advance nOn

To be continued…okk n-n?

♥•♥Ludra Maco Naít♥•♥