Disclaimer- Not mine, dont own nothing

Sorry folks, been a while aint it, had loads of trouble managing to pump this chapter out to be honest, know where i am going just trying to find a way to like what i have into where i am going. Shouldnt be nearly as long for the next chapter.

Harry couldn't believe how stupid Dumbledore had been, he had informed him that he was expected to be in every class the following day but by looking at his schedule, which he had taken off Susan's timetable, he didn't have any classes tomorrow, and it was all quite humorous to him. He did still need to go to the library in Hogwarts however and so would be heading over early in the morning; he really did want to see the faces of everyone when he sat at the Ravenclaw table with a Ravenclaw badge on his robes. All in all he couldn't wait for tomorrow, and he fell asleep with a content smile on his face.

He had slept in slightly but on the plus side it would be almost perfect timing for when he wanted to enter the great hall and give everyone there major shock. Dressing in his school robes, the most expensive material out of Madam Malakins, just to put some of the pureblood super-dicks in there place. He decided it was probably too much to just apparate straight into the great hall, he didn't want 20 or so spells flying at him so early anyway. Apparating to a secluded corridor quite near the great hall he set of on what was sure to be an absolutely brilliant start to the year.

He entered the great hall and was welcomed by an immediate silence, this was consistent, and all eyes followed him as he waved to certain people amongst the crowds, glared at others while ignoring some more. Finally reaching his destination, the Ravenclaw table, he set himself down and started to pull food onto his plate as the muttering and rumours started all around him. Terry Boot, who he had sat beside, stuck up some conversation and this kept him occupied along with his breakfast until the first bell went signalling that the students only had five minutes till the start of class.

Suddenly there was a rush of moving chairs and fleeing people as they tried to make it too class in time, Harry however sat and finished his breakfast secure in the knowledge that he didn't have any until tomorrow. Looking up he noticed Dumbledore was walking down to Harry with a piece of parchment in his hand and a slightly vindictive smile on his face, dropping the sheet in front of him he stalked off out of the great hall not even looking at him. Picking up the sheet he spat out his juice and looked incredulously at what had been set out as his timetable. Dumbledore apparently thought it would be funny to put him in remedial classes for the semester he had missed; in classes he was already a master!

"Not, ever, going to happen old man" he growled to himself and immediately apparated just outside the classroom he had his first lesson in, transfiguration. Walking up to the classroom he found a class already there, what looked to be like 1st years, but he couldn't really tell by looking. Once the second bell rang the door opened itself and the class started to shuffle in, most of them talking about why he was there. McGonagall was sitting behind her desk as stiff as ever and pointed to a desk off to the side of the rest of the class for him. He didn't mind being slightly separated and he could see some of the other first years getting there flying lesson outside, some of them were even quite good.

Harry pulled out a book on combining multiple runes while his professor got the rest of the class sorted and began to read. He was shocked when he heard her tell him off for not paying attention and asked him what the task for the day was. He had to cheat and use a touch of legitimacy on one of the students to find out and almost laughed when she expected him to turn the goblet sitting on his desk into a mouse; he didn't do this till second year so the class must be good. Smirking at the teacher he gave his wand a flick, with no incantation, and turned all of the goblets in the room into mice at the same time, while reverting the one on McGonagall's desk back into a goblet. He was immediately satisfied when her mouth dropped open and she sat heavily on the desk picking up the goblet and examining it before staring around the class where the mice were running wild. Upon seeing her shocked look become even more so he burst out laughing and flicked his wand again, turning all the fleeing mice into goblets once more.

Escorting him out of the class and telling him to wait just outside the door she returned to her class and he had to occupy him self with nothing to do. He cast a little summoning charm on his book, which instead of bringing it to the person through the air, it just appeared in there hand. Handy but took a lot more power than a simple 'accio'. Conjuring himself a rather fancy chair he sat and read his book while waiting for his ex-head of house to come out to talk to him, it didn't take long.

She was certainly fuming that was for sure, apparently she didn't think that even Dumbledore himself, a grandmaster in transfiguration, could have done that with so little thought and with a mere flick, it would of taken herself an incantation and would of laid her out for a good week. This was immensely funny for Harry, couldn't she see that he was strong anyway, apparently the power just radiated off of him, according to Rucknil and Aberforth anyway. After a short discussion, in which Harry only said 5 words containing of 'I am a transfiguration master' he was sent to the headmasters office, performing the same summoning spell he used on his book, he gathered his belongings and left, leaving a gaping professor behind, it was a rather hard spell after all, he doubted she would have been able to perform it.

Upon reaching the gargoyle entrance to the office he cursed, no doubt Dumbledore will have made the password something really obscure so that it would take ages for anyone who didn't know the password to guess it. Instead he simply used a rouge blasting curse combined with a ribbon cutting curse to blow straight through it, he marvelled once more over his invention, it really would be useful in a duel, completely unblockable as far as he knew. Upon the gargoyle being blown a rather large new hole he conjured a shield and stepped through the rubble and onto the revolving stairs, he couldn't help but think this was going to be a rather enjoyable meeting all-round.

"Enter" Harry had sensed to detection ward on both the gargoyle and now the proxy of the door, quickly dismissing the thought and bringing his occlumency shields up full blast he walked through the door and into the old mans office, immediately noticing the fact he didn't look happy. "Sit down Harry, we have much to discuss". Harry grimaced at the lack of warmth in the headmaster's voice, but couldn't really bring himself to care. "Firstly why did you feel it was necessary to blow up the gargoyle? And on that note how indeed did you manage this fact?"

"It would not have been necessary if you had told me the password and I used a simple rough blasting curse" Harry stated, almost immediately noting that he had made a mistake.

"Unfortunately I have found you to be lying to me there Harry, the gargoyle can block any curse that has been thrown at it before, I myself have fired every curse in my knowledge at it, meaning it must have been a new spell or something rather obscure" Dumbledore stated "and if you had some foresight, you would of asked professor McGonagall for the password before you left her presence"

Harry growled, both at his own slip and the cheek of the old man to blame it on him, he let it slip though, now was not the time to be fighting this war. "I'm sorry for the damage sir, however I noticed a reconstruction ward on the statue, and it should be redone by now surely, no?"

"That is not the point har…" Noticing the sharp look in Harry's eyes he decided not to push his luck, he was unsure as to whether or not he could out duel the young man now. "Sorry, Lord Ravenclaw, now onto other matters, I am afraid I have been told to inform you that the Wizengamont filled your place and as such…"

"I will have my place back Dumbledore" Harry cut him off and stood, radiating power with each step, he actually meant to, adding magic to his footsteps, voice and eyes. An intimidating sight at the best of times, especially when only five foot from yourself, and with a wand levelled at your head, the tip glowing an eyrie pink, signalling the start of a ribbon hex of some kind.

"I'm sorry to inform you Harry but you cannot be put back into the cabinet, it would be impossible at this time" Dumbledore stated, lacing his words with magic to influence any but the strongest of minds, unfortunately for him Harry was one of those minds. Moving his wand at the last second Harry fired the curse at the ceiling causing dust and debris to fly everywhere clouding both there vision, it did however provide the distraction Harry needed and he apparated to the ministry, he had business to take care of.


He arrived back in Hogwarts to here the bell ring for the end of lunch and the start of the next classes; looking at his timetable he found he had a proper class this time with his own year in DADA, he was quite looking forward to seeing what this new guy could do.

Merrily walking down towards the right classroom he was there before anybody else and quietly entered, taking a seat about halfway down and leaning back in his chair. The class was a culmination of all the house and one thing was puzzling Harry, who would be leading the snakes now that Malfoy was out of the running, unless of course the stupid beggar let him back in again of course. Noticing movement he got a beaming smile from Susan as she took the seat to his left and growled at anyone who even looked at the one beside her, she wanted to have some time alone obviously he thought. Having a rather nice and somewhat invigorating conversation with his girlfriend he relaxed somewhat and looked around the room, not expecting the glares he was getting currently getting from Hermione and Ron. He cheekily waved back with a big smile, upon seeing this Neville snorted and returned the merry wave, showing his support for Harry, just by the smallest gesture.

Professor Oland was a middle aged woman, who looked like she would have been quite good looking in her youth and held the air of someone you would only mess with once. Harry liked her immediately and seeing her gaze rest upon her briefly he gave her a respectful nod, earning a flicker of a smile on the stern face, hopefully another ally in the war he mused. The lesson was going to be on piercing hexes, designed with the specific purpose to bring down shields or break through physical objects and barriers. Harry found the new teachers knowledge quite impressive and was using a good mix of both theory and practical work to push the class forward. Harry was sure if he didn't already know the hex's they covered he would have found the class very interesting.

"Two feet of parchment on the use, advantages and disadvantages of piercing hexes by this time next week, as usual if it's late it won't get marked." The teacher shouted above the ruckus once the bell rung. "Mr Potter, please stay behind" Harry looked up to find Professor Oland looking directly at him and nodded, giving Susan a quick kiss on the cheek he packed the rest of his stuff as slowly as possible waiting for the class to file out.

"Mr Potter, the headmaster has asked me to give you extra lesson on DADA, from seeing what you can do today I can you don't need these however I am willing to use this extra time to tutor you in duelling if you wish" Harry was slightly stunned by this, she was going behind the headmasters back to help him, he was pleased but he wanted to know why, so he asked. Professor Oland chuckled "I am in the order Mr Potter; I know you are very important to this war, and despite what Albus says you need as much training as you can get" Harry quickly agreed, he didn't think that the youngish professor would be able to stand up to him for long in a duel after his training but she might be able to provide him with feed back on what he could improve on. She did however almost stop him in his tracks as he was almost out of the door. "My Grandfather also said you were someone of merit, I look forward to finding someone other than uncle Albus that can last in a duel with me for long"


Harry was called to the headmaster's office at dinner, Harry was very pleased with what he had managed to do, and outsmart Albus at the same time. Wizengamont laws stated that if any person missed more than 6 meetings for no given reason then they automatically forfeited there seat to the next person of note in the society. Harry had been careful to watch his bands and a calendar from the outside world to make sure that he missed no more than this amount of meetings, in actual fact he had only missed four and so there would be no problems with him rejoining, apart from the stink Dumbledore was making of course.

Upon reaching the gargoyle he realised that once again he didn't have the password, giving a chuckle he quickly apparated to the other side of the beast and began his walk up to the office, thunder apparition was a brilliant thing when you knew how.

Forgoing the knock and walking in the old coots office at exactly seven o'clock, as he was supposed to be there at that time he could have been expecting him surely, and conjured himself a seat before regally sitting down and locking gazes with the headmaster, who for all tense and purposes looked more stunned than he had last time when Harry blasted his way in through the gargoyle.

"I see you have managed once again to enter my office without my permission, would you mind telling me how?" Dumbledore inquired. This got a raised eyebrow from Harry, as if he was going to bow that easily. "Really Harry, it is for the safety of the castle and the students, we can't have people just going where they want now can we?"

"I will remind you Dumbledore that it is Lord Potter or Lord Ravenclaw to you, only friends may call me Harry, and you have no need to worry, no other human can get into your office how I just did, I promise you that" Harry was tempted to laugh at the expression on Dumbledore's face but thought it would hinder the progress of the meeting so quailed it down for now. As the meeting progressed with Dumbledore trying to pry information out of Harry and him not giving an inch while giving a mile at the same time, just to infuriate him of course, it soon became like pulling teeth and Harry just wanted to get out.

"Is this going to last much longer Albus, I have places to be" Harry stated angrily, finally losing his tether about an hour in. Seeing the old coot look at the clock on his wall with an almost fearful expression, well hidden from a century of occlumency, but still there in his eyes it hit Harry like a tonne of bricks, they would go through Susan to get informationabout him and make him play nice. "Fuck you old man, if she is hurt in any way I will walk out of school tomorrow and you had better hope you never meet me again or it will be your last" Standing angrily with power flowing off of him in waves he quickly located Susan in the room of requirement with the auras of Hermione, Ginny, Ron and Professors Sprout and McGonagall circling here, the distress in her aura was plain for all to see and with no further ado Harry apparated out of the office leaving as much energy behind as was safe for himself, effectively blowing the castle a new entrance in the process. The last thing Dumbledore heard before getting fire-flashed away from the carnage by Fawkes was the musical laughter a thunder phoenix.