Response to the Hideaway challenge! Enjoy!

Snape hated Valentine's Day.

Not even for the reason everyone else seemed to. He wasn't lonely and didn't plan to sit up late in front of a roaring fire, getting drunk on Firewhiskey and fine scotch.

He did that every night anyway.

No, what Snape hated about Valentine's was the annoying week building up to the holiday. Between excessive amounts of red and pink, nervous students requesting love potions (and lust potions, in some cases) and the titter of excited girls muttering to themselves about boys when they should have been focusing on their potion, that damnable holiday was enough to make any sensible person angry.

Snape was no exception.

Feb 10-Monday

"Did you hear about the dance..."

"...who will ask me?..."

"...broke up...alone...crying her eyes out..."


The annoyingly shrill hum of Snape's Advanced Potions class came to a steady halt.

"Take out your textbooks and turn to page 416."

A chorus of groans echoed through the dungeon.

Snape sneered. "Just because the rest of you are excited about our little school-funded formal does not give me reason to be any less instructive to you. When you have your books open, Potter," he hissed, cold eyes prompting Harry to quicken his motions a bit. "You will be turning in 18 inches of parchment on the various uses of mugwump weed and its close relatives. Be sure to include all uses of the plant. There are 116."

Ron rolled his eyes, dropping his head onto his desk.

"No wonder he's in such a foul mood. The most romantic day of the year is coming up and he's stuck teaching." He stole a furtive glance at Hermione, who was already lost in her work, steadily beginning their Goliath of an assignment.

"Your completed essay is due on the 14th," Snape said, the gavel of authority in his voice drowning out the horrified gasps of the class.

"But Sir," Lavender said, aghast. "That's Valentine's Day!"

A slight rustle of black cloth and Snape was standing over the frightened girl.

"Well, let it be known, Miss Brown, that while you have learned nothing in my class during your seven years of attendance, you certainly have an aptitude for stating the obvious."

"But Sir..." she said, protesting weakly. "How will we finish that and have time to prepare for the dance?"

Snape smiled coldly. This had obviously been his idea all along.

"I suggest you get busy then."

He swooped over to his desk and began grading papers, looking up only long enough to note that Gryffindor had lost 10 points.

"That slimy git!" Harry exclaimed. "How am I supposed to plan a romantic evening with Ginny and finish this bloody essay?"

Ron sighed. "At least you HAVE a romantic evening to plan. I've got nothing."

Harry shrugged. "Cheer up, mate. Why don't you ask Hermione? You've always fancied her, y'know."

Hermione was seemingly oblivious to the conversation going on between the two boys as they returned to their dorms. She was nose-deep in her Advanced Potions book, almost unaware of the people going by.

"I can't ask Hermione," Ron whispered. "I...I don't think she likes me."

"Sure she likes you. Why else would she have put up with you for this long?"

"Thanks," Ron replied, narrowing his eyes at his best friend.

"Hermione, we'll see you to-where's Hermione?"

Harry shrugged as they entered the Gryffindor commons.

"She probably got turned around. Couldn't take her eyes out of her book."


Outside the Great Hall, Hermione was frozen in place, earning rude jostles and angry protests as she blocked the hallway.

Mugwamp weed's 63rd use.

If inhaled, Mugwump weed creates a euphoric effect on the receipient, often causing the loss of inhibitions and a state of delusions. Related: Muggle liquor, Firewhiskey...

Hermione felt a small smile begin to creep across her face.

Mugwump weed.

Valentine's Day.

Flowers for sale.

It was going to be a very interesting week!

:off: K, that's chapter 1! Please R and R if you enjoyed!