Heyhey! This is the last chapter of this story and thank you all for the comments! I hope you liked it! Maybe I will try to write some more soon )
Oh oh! And thanks to my friend, BlackGenevieve (Inge) for BETA reading my chapter! I hope you understand whats written! lol ;) Hope you enjoy!
3 - King Kong: The Eight Wonder of the World
Jimmy stood right outside the main entrance to the theater and most of the audience had finally found the way into the big hall now. He took a deep breath and headed for the doors, but spun around when someone grabbed his shoulder. "Excuse me, Sir. Do you have a ticket?" The door guard asked Jimmy. "What? No…" He looked through the doorway and saw the silouette of a man coming over to them. "Jimmy?" Preston walked through door and looked at the door guards. "I know him. He was on the voyage too." Preston put his arm around Jimmys' shoulders and led him in after the guards had excused themselves.
"Nice to see you here. I think Captain Englehorn is here somewhere too," Preston told Jimmy as they walked down the narrow passage between the rows of seats and the walls. "There's a lot of people here." Jimmy said and turned to look up, seeing even more people on a second level. "Yes it is. Just as Carl wanted." Preston and Jimmy looked up as Carl raised his voice from where he was standing on the huge stage. "Ladies and Gentlemen... I give to you... KONG! THE EIGHTH WONDER OF THE WORLD!" Carl stepped a little out of the way for the audience to get a clear view of Kong. The audience gasped and Jimmy and Preston exchanged looks.
"I've got a bad feeling about this" Preston put his hands in his pockets and looked over at Jimmy who, instead of looking at the stage, was looking up at the second level. "Is that Jack?" Jimmy nodded to Prestons question and watched as Jack was joined by Englehorn. Both Jack and Englehorn on the second level and Jimmy and Preston on the first looked towards the stage when Kong roared furiously and the actress hired to play Ann Darrow screamed. "Oh dear…" Preston backed away a little as Kong stood up and tried to break free. Before any of them could react, there was full chaos and people running everywhere.
"Jimmy! Get out of there!" Jack stood right behind the railing, screaming at the top of his lungs. Kong roared and the iron holding the huge arms smashed back into the walls. It took an amazingly short time for the hall to be deserted and Jimmy and Preston were about to run away too when Kong took in every strength he had and broke free. "Jimmy come on!" Preston was almost at the doors when he turned around and saw Kong grabbing Jimmy with his hugs fist. "Jimmy! No!" Jack didn't know what to do when the huge beast took hold of his friend.
Jimmy groaned and tried to get out of the grasp to no use. He looked up and met Kong's huge, angry eyes and held his breath. But Kong didn't do anything else than roar and throw his fist around a little before he stopped and looked up at the second level. Jimmy turned halfway around to see Jack backing away a little and both of them knew that Kong remembered him. Preston saw what was going on and ran down the passages again as Kong let go of Jimmy and headed for Jack. Jimmy let out a little scream of terror as he fell towards the seats under him, but the fall was stopped as he crashed into Preston's arms and both of them thundered to the ground.
Preston dragged himself and Jimmy up against the wall as Kong took a leap and tried to get Jack on the second level. "Whoa!" Preston gasped when the huge gorilla found his way out of the theater, not directly spotless. They sat still for a while before Preston noticed that Jimmy was holding his chest. "Are you hurt?" He helped the younger lad up and Jimmy just waved a hand. "Nah I'm okay… Ouch…" Jimmy crouched together as soon as he had straightened up. He looked up at Preston with a grimace. "Okay, maybe a little." Jimmy tried to take a deep breath, but found out soon that it hurts. "You may have broken a rib or something," Preston said as they hurried out to see where Kong was going. "Thank you by the way," Jimmy mumbled in pain to Preston. "Nothing to thank for. It's not over yet" Preston gave a little smile.
"What on earth is he doing?" Jimmy pulled Preston back as Jack drew by them in a yellow cab. Towards Kong who was picking up blond girls now and then. They watched as Jack drove like a madman to get Kong's attention and almost succeeded. Kong backed into a passing tram and went crazy on it. "Glad I'm not in there…" Jimmy mumbled and scratched his head. "What? I am…" Jimmy said when he got a weird look from Preston. They both held then breaths as Jack drove the cab right between Kong's legs and did a U turn to face him. Then he got the gorillas' attention and soon they vanished into the huge city.
"Uhm well… What do we do now?" Preston asked, expecting Jimmy to answer, but he only shook his head unsure. They watched the chaos Kong had made after him. Looking away from the complelty smashed theater, there were cabs and trams crushed all over the road and some lightpoles had been ripped off and were lying in the middle of the road. "I knew this was a bad idea," Preston swore under his breath.
"Preston! Jimmy! Come with me lads!" Carl came out of the theater looking rather shocked. Jimmy and Preston looked at each other before they followed Carl towards one of the cabs still standing untouched in the road. "Hey you! Follow the damages!" Carl ordered the driver, but he just jumped out. "No way! Do it yourselves!" The driver looked around terrified. "What is it with you cab drivers? Never seen a monkey before?" Carl placed himself behind the wheel and looked at the unknown man running away. "Not that big!" He screamed and Carl turned to look at Jimmy and Preston again. "Jump in!" Carl demanded and they did so. "Where are we going?" Preston asked annoyed as they drove through the city, following the damages and screams from the people of New York. "What does it look like, Preston!" Carl dodged other cars and people.
"I think we lost him, Mr. Denham" Jimmy informed from the backseat. Carl didn't answer, but knew that they are pretty much lost. The cab made a sudden jump when heavy thuds in the ground came closer and closer. "I think that's him." Preston stared wide-eyed out of the window to see if he could see the gorilla coming from somewhere. "Ahhhh!" Carl stepped on the brakes as the huge beast ran past them and jumped up on an unfinished building and began climbing higher and higher up. "I think he got Ann," Jimmy said when he saw something little and white in Kong's fist. "Where's Jack?" They noticed that there was no other yellow cab following the gorilla anymore, but a bunch of cars from the army.
"Let's follow them." Carl turned the car around and followed the rows of cars from the army which were already following Kong. "Where did he go?" Carl hit the wheel as all the cars stopped. "Up there!" Jimmy stepped out of the car and pointed up at the Empire State Building which was towering up towards the upcoming morning sky.
Carl, Preston and Jimmy couldn't do anything else but wait just like the rest of the crowd, gathering around the skyscraper. "Jack?" Jimmy suddenly broke out when he see a tall man clothed in mostly black comes running towards them. "Jimmy!" Jack moved his gaze from the beast on top of the building to the three men not far away. He ran over to them and threw an arm around the young boy, thankful to see him still on his legs, but sligthy hunchbacked. "You got hurt?" Jack asked, but Jimmy just waved a hand. "Just a broken rib or something," He said and Jack smiled in relief before he turned serious again and looked up the skyscaper. "I have to get up there!" He hurried off again towards the entrance and somehow he got through. "What's he supposed to do?" Carl found his pipe and patted it nervously.
"Wonder what's going up there?" Jimmy said and Preston nodded. Kong seemed to be at the top now and even that huge a beast looked tiny up there. "Whoa!" The crowd gasped as the gorilla leapt from the top of Empire and smashed his fist through the wings on one of the planes. They kept following the intense battle at the top of the building, but of course without much details. Jimmy closed his eyes when the remaining planes shot Kong in the back and he slid a bit down the side of the building. Soon they saw the beast slip and coming closer and closer. "He's falling! Out of the way!" Policemen shouted to get people out of the way. The earth shook as the beast hit the ground and far, far on the top Jimmy could just see the tiny outlines of a woman clothed in white be reunited with a black clothed man. He turned and looked back at Carl who had pressed himself through the mass of people surrounding the beast. "This voyage certainly had no happy ending." Preston stated the obivious and they could do nothing more then to feel sympathy for the beast…
Some days later
"You're sure about this, Jimmy?" Jack asked the young lad as they climbed out of the cab as they arrived at the New York harbour. "I'm pretty sure, Mr. Driscoll" Jimmy smiled friendly as he saw The Venture waiting for him. Damages fixed and some new crew members was allready in sight. But the captain was still the same. It was ready to leave again.
"Thank you for everything Mr. Driscoll" Jimmy stopped and turned around to look at Jack and Ann. He wished Preston could have been there, but at least he had got to say goodbye to him right before he left Jacks' apartment. "I really don't know what to say, but… I can't stay. I feel like the Venture is my home and I can't picture a life somewhere else. Even if getting an education would be the smartest thing. I'm Sorry if I am being ungrateful, Mr. Driscoll and Mrs. Darrow" Jimmy said humble and looked down at his feet. "What? No Jimmy. Theres nothing to be Sorry about" Jack stepped forwards and embraced him tightly and they stayed like that for a good while. "I understand you decision…" Jack broke the hug slowly and held each of Jimmys shoulders, "…Although I could't find myself on the sea for the rest of my life" they laughed a little before Jimmy had to get ready to leave. "Goodbye Mrs. Darrow" Jimmy smiled to the beautiful woman and received a huge one back. "Take care" she had to give him one last hug and this time it went much better. "You too" he pulled the dark blue hat a little down over his eyes before he turned and walked up the ramp to the awaiting Captain Englehorn. "We hope to hear from both of you again!" Jack called and wave a hand, with the other around Ann.
"Good to have you back, Jimmy" Captain Englehorn said as The Venture leaved the harbour. "It's good to be back too, sir" Jimmy smiled and made sure that Heart of Darkness was still in his backpocket. He walked out of the bridge and looked back at New York City as they got further out on the ocean. It would be strange and lonely without Mr. Hayes on the Venture, but he knew he had done the right choice. And maybe one day he would see Jack, Ann and Preston again? The future would show ;)